August 25: Service

Topic for the week:

Hello ladies, I hope you are all doing well and are having a good summer. Time seems to be moving so fast these days. Welcome to newcomers and congratulations to those who are celebrating a sobriety birthday this month.

The topic for this meeting is service. In the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous we learn that “Helping others is the foundation stone of recovery.” I can also learn that an occasional act of kindness or occasionally taking a service position or help at an event is not enough to progress in my recovery.

When I first came to AA, I could do just that. Show up at a meeting and listen to others. I literally shook and cried and was unable to utter words. The other members understood and simply said keep coming back. With time I was able to help with the set up or clean up of a meeting. With more time and healing and guidance I am able to take various service positions and to be honest being the current sectary for GROW has challenged me in many ways showing me areas to work on and showing me areas that are an asset.

Today I have learned and believe that there are many ways to be of service which in reshores AA will be here and thriving for those who are here now as well as tomorrows to come. I just need to keep doing my part which is to attend meetings, read, talk with others, do service positions for the groups I attend and not let my mind go to the place where I felt well others will do it so I don’t have to today.

Finally I was taught and it has stayed with me that I can not keep my recovery unless I give it away and for me this means having my hand out to help and how and when I am of service looks differently each time. I ask my HP to guide me and place me in situations where I can be of service.

What are your thoughts about service? How has it developed over time in your recovery?

If this topic is not resonating with you today then what is on your heart that you would like to share?

Thank you for attending this meeting

Mary O