Moderate business meetings; keep discussions focused on agenda.
Keep track of and review all discussions.
Be responsible for keeping the issues clear. If a motion is offered, be sure that it is stated clearly and distinctly so that all know what they are discussing and voting on.
Set agenda for meetings, placing items on the agenda in the order received.
Review all incoming proposals to ensure that they have not been finalized/approved within 1 year. If the proposal was finalized/approved during the last Business Meeting, inform the member of the 1-year Group Conscience revisit decision and table the item to the next Business Meeting.
Work closely with other trusted servants, especially the Secretary.
Serve as temporary back-up to the Secretary.
Serves on GROW’s “Mini-Steering Committee” with the Secretary and Listkeepers to address questions/concerns/issues from any member of GROW.
Provide a summary report of any activity involving the Steering Committee at the next Business Meeting following such activity. (The Business Chairperson may appoint a designee to provide the report).
Know all group conscience decisions and guide group to adhere to them.
Have knowledge and good understanding of A.A. Traditions and A.A. Service Manual.
Have understanding of Group Conscience Guidelines and A.A. guidelines and how to apply them.
As much as possible, remain fair and unbiased, willing to listen and be flexible. (At times the Chair will need to remain flat-footed. Refer to A.A. Service Manual)
Have knowledge and good understanding of A.A. Concepts.
Review all posts from both business and main list for items which should be brought to the business meeting.
Be prepared for an increase in both public and private correspondence.
Be accountable for answering questions.
Writes and files minutes at end of each 3-day period for business list.
Writes and files a summary at end of each 3-day period for main list.
Counts votes during group conscience decisions.
Announces results of votes in business meeting minutes.
Receives information from Secretary if elections are needed.
If more than one volunteer for a position, calls for election, and counts votes.