October 20: How Are You Handling Sobriety?

Topic for the week:

AA Taught Him to Handle Sobriety, p. 553 in the Big Book. “A.A. does not teach us how to handle our drinking,” he said. “It teaches us how to handle sobriety.” … It’s no great trick to stop drinking; the trick is to stay stopped.

p. 558 I have learned to relate to people. …  I have learned to deal with disappointments and problems …

p. 559 we rid ourselves of guilt and remorse   We are taught to differentiate between our wants (which are never satisfied) and our needs (which are always provided for).   We reject fantasizing and accept reality.   A.A. gently led me from this fantasizing to embrace reality with open arms. And I found it beautiful! For, at last, I was at peace with myself. And with others. And with God.

TheresaB (TX), alcoholic. This last chapter in the BB was often overlooked by me, it has come to have new meaning the longer I am sober. In the beginning I was all about changing my play places and playmates, figuring out how to live life without alcohol, and then one day, poof, my obsession was lifted and after a while (years) I could go to bars if need be, I could go out with friends who still drank and not be bothered by their drinking. After working the steps with my sponsor, I began living them, practicing these principles in all my affairs. I was kinder and more tolerant; I discovered I did not know everything, and I could be wrong.

As he says, I learned the difference between wants and needs; my wants reminded me of the selfish child I had been, and when I understood my needs were being met, no, I did not NEED all those things, they really were not necessary to my survival, my life became simpler and more peaceful. How important is it? Do I need to be right or happy? Who benefits from this? Being at peace with myself, others and God was all I needed, really.

When I remember to live the prayer of St. Francis and the Serenity prayer (long version) life is simpler and I am happy especially after I have helped someone else, with anything, inside or outside of this program.

Thank you for letting me share. How are you handling sobriety?

TheresaB (Tx) 5/10/91