0524 – Trusted Servants – May 2024

Trusted Servants – May 2024
(updated 10/1/24)

    Between October 2022 and September 2023 and in the absence of a Business Meeting Chair, there were no Grow Business Meetings. In September 2023, our Secretary offered to assume the Business Meeting Chair position on a temporary basis, and we began to experiment with alternatives to the old meeting format. All Grow members have been invited to attend meetings on Zoom, and the Chair has published meeting minutes.

    In the absence of the prior business meeting schedule, the Secretary (also the Chair) recruited Trusted Servants as positions became vacant. The terms of office have been changed from the old April and October dates to the dates when a position was filled, maintaining the length of terms reflected in our position descriptions for Trusted Servants.

  • 12 Step Volunteer Listkeeper: Alison S
  • Birthday Listkeeper (pending): Rachel S
  • Sponsor Listkeeper (5/24 – 10/24): VACANT

Trusted Servants who make up the Steering Committee:

  • Business Meeting Chair (10/22-10/24): Mary O
  • GVR: (ends 10/24): Nicole P
  • Greeter (10/24 – 10/25): Anita F
  • Greeter (10/24 – 10/25): Renee A
  • Listkeeper (10/24 -10/25): De W
  • Listkeeper Alternate (4/24 – 4/26): Wendy D
  • OIAA Rep (10/23 – 10/24): Theresa B
  • Secretary (10/23-10/24): Mary O
  • Temporary Mentor (4/22 – 4/23): Julie K
  • Treasurer (10/23-10/24): Cheryl B
  • Website Administrator (10/22-10/27): Cheryl D
  • Webkeeper (10/22-10/27): danna M
  • Topic Archivist (10/23-10/24): Pat S
  • Weekly Leader Listkeeper (4/24 – 4/25): Susan P
  • Immediate Past Business Meeting Chair: Danna M.
  • Immediate Past GSR: VACANT
  • Immediate Past OIAA Rep: VACANT
  • Immediate Past Secretary: Michele R.

Trusted Servant Comparison Chart

Comparison of Trusted Servant Jobs


Trusted Servant Position “Qualifying” sobriety “Qualifying” GROW membership Length of position Workload Busiest Times Primary Duties Skills Needed Current Trusted Servant
Common Duties
for all Trusted Servants
Participate in business meetings;
inform Secretary and/or Business Chair if can’t fulfill responsibilities;
reply to business and steering committee emails within 48 hours;
mentor incoming Trusted Servant, ensure continuity of service by providing relevant documentation and form letters; and advice when specific issues arise
12th Step Listkeeper 1 year Not specified in Position Description 6 months Light Ongoing Read all emails, notify volunteers email Nicole W
Birthday Listkeeper 6 months Not specified in Position Description 6 months Light Ongoing Collect & announce sober anniversaries email Mary O
Sponsor Listkeeper 1 year Not specified in Position Description 1 year Light Ongoing & first of month Identify those willing to sponsor, provide to GROW email Lynn H
Business Meeting Chair 5 years At least
1 year
2 years Heavy 2 months per year, Light remaining months March-April, September-October Facilitate business meeting, prepare many summaries, work with webkeepers to document meeting Organization, writing, timeliness Danna M
General Service Representative (GSR) 2 years Not specified in Position Description 2 years Light ? Group contact with AA’s General Service Office, keep Grow informed of activities of GSO, Conferences, and Conventions, advise Steering Committee on issues related to Traditions and Concepts of Service Email proficiency, interest in AA Traditions and Concepts of Service VACANT
Grapevine Representative (GVR) 1 year Not specified in Position Description 1 year Light Ongoing Post a monthly meeting topic published in Grapevine; provide info on tools available in magazine; have a subscription to the Grapevine (paid by GROW) Email proficiency Julie Kr
Greeter 1 year Not specified in Position Description 1 year:
terms overlap so that incoming Greeter can be trained by the lead greeter before the lead’s term expires
Light to moderate Mostly around holidays Check e-mail daily; respond to inquiries; notify Listkeepers of new member; introduce new member to Grow; respond to new member questions; inform 12th Step Listkeeper of new members needing support Emailing skills and know how to copy and paste Amy N
Karrie C
Listkeeper 2 years 1 year 2 years –
first year being trained; second year training listkeeper alternate
Checking email 2-3 times/day. Time per day depends on number of new women but each request takes only minutes. Team of 2 listkeepers – one week on, one week off. Easy to cover for each other. 2 end-of-month tasks. Ongoing Forward inquiries to greeters; handle requests to subscribe, unsub, change email address; troubleshoot ‘bounced’ emails and other technical issues; suscribe Trusted Servants and others to business meeting mailing list; on “Mini Steering Committee,” works with Business Chair and Secretary to resolve issues arising between business meetings; liaison with Grow listservice; send monthly letter to Grow with info on managing their Grow account and options email, organiza-tion, Timliness Karen H
Sophie R
OIAA Representative 2 years Not specified in Position Description 1 year Moderate April, October and first of month. Grow’s Representative to the Online Intergroup of AA (OIAA); participates in bi-annual elections and business of OIAA; inform Grow members of relevant OIAA decisions and actions; communicate Grow preferences to OIAA; provide report to business meeting twice a year Email Rene G
Secretary 2 years 1 year 1 year Heavy 2 months per year, Light remaining months March-April, September-October & first of month Manage Trusted Servant assignments, contact point for issues, disciplinary actions; member of “Mini Steering Committee” handling issues that arise between business meetings Organization, timeliness Michele R
Temporary Mentor 1 year 1 year 1 year Moderate to heavy Ongoing Contact & correspond with members new to sobriety email, organization, timely follow-up Becky L
Treasurer 2 years 2 years 2 years Light Ongoing Maintain checking and PayPal accounts for Grow; “pass the basket” each week for member contributions; report on Treasury status at business meetings twice a year; pay group expenses, including distributions to GSO and OIAA basic checking account balancing, online banking, Paypal. Cheryl B
Website Administrator 4 years 4 years 1 year Moderate to heavy Ongoing & April, October Assure information is posted to website as determined by Group Conscience decisions; assures Grow website is up-to-date; maintains backup of Grow website; working with Steering Committee, leads major website redesign efforts; support Webkeeper and Webkeeper backup with WordPress issues and website access; co-owner with Webkeeper of Grow website; with Treasurer, ensures that website fees are paid; mentor incoming Trusted Servant when term ends; assure quality of information WordPress, some HTML, organization, timeliness Cheryl D
Webkeeper 2 years 2 years 1 year Moderate to heavy, especially during and after business meetings Ongoing & April, October Maintain public and members’ sections of Grow website; post information to website as determined by Group Conscience decisions, including business meeting reports and notes, list of Trusted Servants, archive of Group Conscience Decisions; work with Business Meeting Chair to ensure Grow history and archives are maintained and accessible to Grow members; post business meeting reports, minutes, and summaries are posted while business meeting is in progress; ensure that website protects member anonymity WordPress, HTML coding, knowledge of Grow processes, organization, timeliness VACANT
Webkeeper Backup 1 year 1 year 1 year Light Weekends Update website with current weekly topics WordPress, email, timeliness Pat S
Weekly Leader Listkeeper 6 months 1 year 1 year Moderate to heavy Ongoing Identify meeting leaders, record leaders for 3-month period, remind leaders, provide form letter for meeting leads; invite shares each month on the corresponding Tradition; ask for volunteers each month for the on-call leaders list. email, Organization, timliness Emily M