Welcome to the GROW@oso-aa.org mailing list! This is a one-time automated response confirming your subscription. Please read and save this letter for future reference.
Use this address for posting messages to the group: grow@oso-aa.org
Use this address to write to list keepers: grow-owner@oso-aa.org
(details below)
Please note: When sending a message to the GROW group, send it ONLY to: grow@oso-aa.org
If you address your message to more than GROW (in To:, Cc: or even Bcc:) your message will not post to the GROW list. This is to protect our anonymity.
You Can Edit Your User Options
You will find general information about the GROW mailing list at:
If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (e.g., switch to or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your subscription page at:
You can also ask the list keepers to make these changes by sending an email to: GROW-request@oso-aa.org with the word HELP in the subject or body. You will get back a message with instructions.
Password: To change your options (including changing your password) you must know your password. It appears near the bottom of this message.
What If You Forget Your Password?
If you forget your password, send a message to:
grow-request@oso-aa.org and type only the word password in the body of the message. Normally, Mailman will remind you of your oso-aa.org mailing list passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you prefer. This reminder will also include instructions on how to unsubscribe or change your account options. There is also a button on your options page that will email your current password to you.
Where To Find Other Helpful Information
You will find our Guiding Philosophy and Guide for E-mail participation and other helpful information on our website: http://www.g-r-o-w.com
Click on “For Members”
Password: sobertodayhow2484
What Happens Next?
A GROW member will be writing to you soon to welcome you and to provide you with more detailed information regarding the format and topic of this week’s A.A. meeting.
To post to this list, send your email to:
General information about the mailing list is at:
If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your subscription page at:
You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:
with the word `help’ in the subject or body (don’t include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.
You must know your password to change your options (including changing the password, itself) or to unsubscribe. It is:
[ specific for member ]
Normally, Mailman will remind you of your oso-aa.org mailing list passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you prefer. This reminder will also include instructions on how to unsubscribe or change your account options. There is also a button on your options page that will email your current password to you.