July 7: Step Seven

Step 7 “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.”

“Since this Step so specifically concerns itself with humility, we should pause here to consider what humility is and what the practice of it can mean to us. Indeed, the attainment of greater humility is the foundation principle of each of A.A.’s Twelve Steps. For without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all.
We are getting ready to change and ask our Higher Power to change us.”
(BB. P. 70-76)

Change: an act or process through which something becomes different ~ to make or become different.

Step 7 Prayer
When we are ready, we say something like this:
My Creator, l am now willing that You should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that You now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to You and my fellows.
Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do Your bidding.
~ Amen ~

“Of myself I am nothing, the Father does it all.”

Step 7 asked of me to be willing to change.
I have been working on Step 7, and taking in account my sponsor’s feedback. Today l see more clearly what are my triggers, patterns and defects of character. HALT is a very powerful tool for dealing with my character flaws.

By being humble, l can make a more conscious effort to act differently.
My Higher Power has been doing for me what I wasn’t able to do for myself.

I ask my Higher Power, may l be respectful and kind towards myself and others. That l may better do God’s will.

I have the tendency to attack people for l feel attacked, and l take things way too personal for no other reason than “it’s all about me.” Underneath my kill and attack mentality I am incredibly insecure about myself. My ego attacks, because l’m wrongly convinced of l have to protect myself from getting harmed. In the process of being defensive and offensive, it’s me who is doing the harming. With my arrogance I create a situation where I’m feeling good about myself.

“Can’t touch this.”

I feel important and act like I know it all.
In the past I felt unseen and not taken seriously. Overcompensating, I created a false sense of self. Arrogance, intolerance, self seeking, superiority, self-righteous, etc. Are not foreign to me.
It’s all about hiding the truth, which is l feel like I am the victim of life and others who don’t understand me. Being so unique and all.

When people put me on a pedestal and look up to me, it makes me feel special and good about myself. Using people, places and things to fulfil my selfish needs. Superiority makes me want to interfere with other people’s business.
Others obviously don’t know what they are doing.
I definitely know best! Let me fix it for you and all will be well. I will tell you what to do.
I don’t need any help with my false sense of pride.

Therefore l am disappointed in myself when l allow myself to be guided by others. Living based on unsatisfied desires left us in a state of constant confusion and frustration.

I don’t need all these resources anymore.
It’s all unjustified and unnecessary.
While working the steps, l came to the realisation that I have my own part in ALL things.
My truth oftentimes is not by any definition the truth. Certainly not when it’s ego driven.
I therefore humbly ask my Higher Power to remove from me my shortcomings.
My shortcomings are still mine to actively work on and overcome one day at the time.
On a daily basis I surrender to God, and ask to remove from me my character defects, and may l better do His will. By doing the right next thing.
I have to be willing to do my utmost to work on this. I am willing.

What does Step 7 and change mean for you?