August 4: Step Eight

We are all invited to share on Step 8. The steps are our blueprint for living sober lives.

*** Step 8 ***
“Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.”

This step is listed in Chapter 5, How it Works, from the book, Alcoholics Anonymous (affectionately known as the Big Book) (see p. 59). There’s more in Chapter 6 (Into Action), starting in the middle of page 76. There’s even more about it in the book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

The first time I did step 8 I thought it would be a one time thing. As with much in AA I have found Step 8 to be an ongoing part of my journey rather than an event.

Soon after making amends from my initial list I realized I still had work to do. Now that I have a conscience and am devoted to sober living, I have to clean up my wrong thoughts and actions. The harm I do today is more subtle than in my drinking days but I am still totally capable of causing emotional, mental, and spiritual damage to others, in simple ways. Step 8, like all of the steps, has to be kept current. We not only need to clean up our past harms but we must continue to work Step 8 for our lifetime if we are serious about maintaining our sobriety.

The meeting is now open and I look forward reading all of your shares on Step 8 or on any other topic that you feel moved to share on.