Hello Ladies, my name is Mary O and I have the pleasure to lead this week’s meeting. I must admit that I was all worked up about finding the right topic for our discussion this week. I asked HP for guidance and picked a number from one to four hundred and 221 was the number which guided me to the daily reflection titled A Prayer for All Seasons. When I read this reflection, I thought of the long version of the serenity prayer.
I like many of us have said serenity prayer which goes like this- God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the change to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
For years I have said this prayer which correlates to the AA Fellowships. When I would say this prayer it reminded me that God was in the lead, and that if I accept life on life’s terms I would find serenity and by working the steps I gain the wisdom to know how to cope with life through working the program and staying connected to my HP.
Recently a longer version of the serenity prayer was shared and I would like to share this version with all of you ladies. It goes as follows:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting the hardships as the many pathways to peace, taking this world as it is not as I would have it.
Trusting that all things will be right if I embrace compassion, understanding and acceptance.
Grant me patience for these changes that take time. Appreciation for all that I have. Tolerance for those with different struggles and the strength to get up and try again, one day at a time.
When I heard and read this version I was, and I am moved on an emotional level and spiritual level. I see and I am reminded of the steps of the program by saying this prayer as well as many slogans that were taught to me since coming into recovery such as First Things First, One Day At A Time, Keep it Simple, and/or Easy Does It. The first paragraph I am reminded that God guides me to serenity when I stay connected to him and the people of the program.
The second paragraph tells me to live one day at a time and sometimes one second or minute at a time, which allows me to enjoy the small events, things of each day, like seeing nature watch up from winter, or seeing how my pup loves his morning walk, and/or starting the day off by talking with my life partner Pete or face the challenging situation that I may be facing at that moment. I am also reminded that life has its up and down and through these experiences I grow, and sometime growth is through painful experiences and I am not alone on this journey of life/recovery. I must remember that things are not always the way I would like them to be and that I need to make sure that the focus is on my side of the street and not someone else.
The last two parts of the prayer reminds me to trust the plan/journey that my HP has for me and that all things in life will work out and I that I have been given the tools by the program to live life on life terms and strive to be the best person by showing compassion, understanding and acceptance. Finally, I am reminded that I will fall but my HP, the tools of the program which includes each person that I am with in a meeting helps me to get up and try again- which is progress not perfection.
Thank you for listening and I invite you to share how this prayer works in your recovery or whatever is on your heart.
Mary o
Ps. Happy Memorial Day