“Firsts” in Sobriety
This week, I’ve chosen ” Firsts” in sobriety as our Topic. We can all relate to this topic of “Firsts” – some of ours may be the same, some may be different, but we all have them. As for me, here are some of the “Firsts” that I remember:
- Not stopping at the beer store on my way home from work
- Stopping at a convenience store instead to get milk/cream for the coffee I make for my home group
- Identifying myself as an alcoholic for the first time (I thought I would choke on the word but I’m still here)
- Identifying my fears
- Attending a family drinking Christmas party sober for the first time in my adult life
- Being the designated driver at the party…Woo Hoo!
- My compulsion to drink was removed once I made the decision to get and stay sober
- The right sponsor for me at the time (she’d not put up with any B.S. – she knew me so well)
- I could drive anywhere day or night without the fear of being caught by the police
- I was told that I didn’t have to quit drinking for life – but just for today
- earing someone’s 5th Step
- Doing my own 5th Step
- Helping to put on meetings at the men’s jail, a treatment centre, hospital, and a women’s correctional facility
- Getting married
- Buying a home
- Joining an online AA group
I have many, many more “Firsts” since I got sober which are too numerous to mention. However, as I look at the ones I’ve written, they are actually some of the blessings I have received since I started working the AA program. How neat is that!
I am interested in reading about your “Firsts” in sobriety. As always, please feel free to respond to this topic or share on anything that is bothering you. Please do not include URLs in your share.
Hugs to all, Laura G. 6/17/1989