0417 – Business Meeting

2017 April Business Meeting Minutes

Hello Ladies.

The following are the GROW Guidelines for conducting business:

Proposals to be considered during GROW business meetings should include the following:

  1. Proposals to be considered during GROW business meetings should include the following:
    1. A clear brief statement that summarizes the proposal;
    2. A rationale that describes why the group conscience decision is needed; and
    3. Specific language to be presented for discussion and voting in the business meeting (including, as appropriate, language for a job description, form letter, or GROW policy or guideline). This language may need to be modified by the Trusted Servant responsible for the area to reflect the group’s discussions.

    Before submitting a proposal, meeting participants are encouraged to consult with the Business Chair, Secretary, or Steering Committee members to formulate their proposals if they need help. They should also review past Group Conscience Decisions related to the proposal.

  2. We allow a minimum of three days for discussion, more when warranted.
  3. At the end of the three-day discussion period, the Chair calls for a vote. Three days are allowed for voting, which can be done either publicly on the list, or privately by sending votes to the Chair. The Chair counts the votes.
  4. The voting is done by: I agree or I disagree.
  5. At the end of the voting period, the Chair announces the results of the vote. The group holds to a 2/3 majority to pass or fail any group conscience decision.
  6. Following the announcement of results, the Chair will ask if the minority wants three days to discuss their minority opinion.
    1. If yes, then three days of discussion will begin.At the end of the three days of discussion, the Chair will ask if anyone who originally voted for the Proposal (a majority voter) has been persuaded by this discussion to change her opinion. If yes, the Chair then calls for another 3-day voting period. The outcome of the second vote is the determining vote. As in the first vote, the 2/3 majority vote will be observed.

      If no majority voters have been persuaded to change their opinion, there will not be another vote.

    2. If the minority does not want three days to express their opinion, there will be no further discussion and there will not be another vote.
  7. At the end of the voting period, the Business Chair announces the final results of the vote.
  8. Note: If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.


Guidance About Informed Group Conscience Decisions
(from Alcoholics Anonymous)

What is an Informed A.A. Group Conscience?

“The group conscience is the collective conscience of the group membership and thus represents substantial unanimity on an issue before definitive action is taken. This is achieved by the group members through the sharing of full information, individual points of view, and the practice of A.A. principles. To be fully informed requires a willingness to listen to minority opinions with an open mind.

“On sensitive issues, the group works slowly discouraging formal motions until a clear sense of its collective view emerges. Placing principles before personalities, the membership is wary of dominant opinions. Its voice is heard when a well-informed group arrives at a decision. The result rests on more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ count precisely because it is the spiritual expression of the group conscience. The term “informed group conscience” implies that pertinent information has been studied and all views have been heard before the group votes.

– From the pamphlet,
The AA Group: Where it all begins. 2005, p. 26-77.


A.A. experience has taught that:

Tradition 2: For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as He may express himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern.

Tradition 4: With respect to its own affairs, each A.A. group should be responsible to no other authority than its own conscience. But when its plans concern the welfare of neighboring groups also, those groups ought to be consulted. And no group, regional committee, or individual should ever take any action that might greatly affect A.A. as a whole without conferring with the trustees of the Alcoholic Foundation.* On such issues our common welfare is paramount.

*Now called The General Service Board of A.A., Inc.

The April Business Meeting (GROW-BUS) is now open. If you wish to participate, please send an email to the following address requesting to join the Business List grow-owner@oso-aa.org – if you have not already done so.


  • Do not hit reply to this email or your request will come to me instead of the Listkeepers.
  • Do not send your request to the GROW meeting list, or your request may be overlooked.
  • Remember that even if you were subscribed for a previous GROW Business Meeting, you must subscribe again, as all names are removed from the list at the end of each meeting.

Trusted Servants (both Incoming and Outgoing) are automatically subscribed by our Listkeepers.

I look forward to your participation at the meeting!

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


2017 October Committee Reports

Secretary’s Report

Since our last report in October 2016, we lost two beloved members – Jean L. and Leona K. – due to illness. They are missed by those of us who knew them and may their Higher Power grant them eternal rest.

We had a few changes for personal reasons in our Trusted Servants list as follows:

  • Gigi D. replaced Laura B. as Temporary Mentor when Laura accepted the Webkeeper Back-up position (it sounds confusing but it worked out well).
  • Cheryl D. replaced Laura B. as Webkeeper Back-up
  • Sherrie W. replaced Elizabeth M. as Weekly Leader Listkeeper


Our Trusted Servants – April 2017

  • 12 Step Volunteer Listkeeper  (4/17 – 10/17): Valerie D.
  • Birthday Listkeeper (4/17 – 10/17):  Susie J.
  • Sponsor Listkeeper (4/17 – 10/17)  Sophie R.

Trusted Servants who make up the Steering Committee:

  • Business Meeting Chair (10/16 – 10/18): Danna McD.
  • GSR / OIAA Backup (10/16 – 10/18): Joan B.
  • GVR: (10/16 – 10/17): Alison B.
  • Greeters (4/17 – 4/18): Susan P., Karen H.
  • Listkeeper (4/17 – 4/18): Lousie H.
  • Listkeeper Alternate* (4/17 – 4/19): Nancy C.
  • OIAA Representative (10/16 – 10/17): Yvonne M.
  • Secretary (10/16 – 10/17): Laura G.
  • Temporary Mentor (4/17 – 14/18): Gigi D.
  • Treasurer (10/15 – 10/17): Cheryl B.
  • Webkeeper (non-rotating position): Tanya C.
  • Webkeeper Backup (10/16 – 10/18): Cheryl D.
  • Weekly Leader Listkeeper (4/17 – 4/18): Sherrie W.
  • Immediate Past Business Meeting Chair: Gigi D.
  • Immediate Past GSR/OIAA Backup: Tanya C.
  • Immediate Past Secretary: Laurie C.

*Becomes Listkeeper at the end of her term.

Respectfully submitted, Laura G., GROW Secretary

Listkeepers’ Report

Our membership as of March 31, 2017 is 221 regular list members and 27 digest members. (This number is always a little larger than our actual count because some members have two subscriptions – one for regular posts and one for digests, and some members have 2 regular list addresses.)

In February 2017, as per an earlier group conscience decision, the listkeepers conducted the annual roll-call (please see the archived minutes from 2013 at for details about this).

At the start of the roll-call, the list had about 260 members. The roll-call was conducted over a 3-week period, during which the listkeepers asked members to respond to the listkeepers as “present.” At the end of the three-week period, those who had not responded to the roll call were unsubscribed from the list. We ended with 225 members. Some of those who had been unsubbed contacted us to be reinstated.

Louise and I both want to thank Karrie and Susan for their great service to GROW as Greeters We became our own little family helping each other out when needed!

Respectfully submitted, Louise H and Nancy C | GROW Listkeepers

Treasurers Report – April 2017

PayPal donations to GROW $342.69
Ally – check donations to GROW $564.84
Total donations $907.54


Dean Collins $72.00
Prudent Reserve $79.50
GSO donation $711.04
Laura B –
(payment to Ecosoft for group domain)
Total distributions $907.54

Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Baughman, Grow Treasurer

GSR Report – April 2017

The link for the latest box 456 is available here Box 459 Spring (opens new page).

The latest issue of box 459 reports on the continuing work to translate the big book into more languages, making literature available to more people. The Twi translation was the subject of the Spring 2017 article.

There is an opening for a Public Information committee member. The description of requirements and application process in available on the link above.

There are 2 regional forums coming up on June 2-4 in Pennsylvania and September 8-10 in South Dakota.

The 2020 International Convention is being planned for July 2-5, 2020 in Detroit Michigan.

A calendar of events across the country for the next 6 months is printed in the back of the Box 459.

Respectfully submitted, Joan Bancroft, GROW General Service Representative


2017 April Business Meeting Minutes

First 3-Day Period

GROW Business Meeting – April 2017

First Three-Day Session (April 3 – 6) Minutes

During the April Business Meeting, we had a “changing of the guard” for some Trusted Servant positions. To see all positions, please refer to the Secretary’s Report. (In case you would like to send a note to these GROW members, their clicking on their names should open an e-mail addressed to that individual.)

Outgoing GROW Trusted Servants are:

Allison McG. – Sponsor Listkeeper
Elizabeth M – Weekly Leader Listkeeper
Karrie C – Greeter
Laura B – Webkeeper Backup
Louise H. – Listkeeper Alternate
Mindy M – 12 Step Listkeeper
Nancy C – Listkeeper
Susan P – Greeter
Susie J – Birthday Listkeeper

Incoming GROW Trusted Servants are:

Cheryl D – Webkeeper Backup
Karen H – Greeter
Louise H – Listkeeper
Nancy C – Listkeeper Alternate
Sherrie W – Weekly Leader Listkeeper
Sophie R – Sponsor Listkeeper
Susan P – Greeter
Susie J – Birthday Listkeeper
Valerie D – 12 Step Listkeeper

During the first three days of the business meeting four proposals were presented:

  • Proposal 1: Sending out a list of proposals to all members
  • Proposal 2: Discouraging the use of social media with GROW members without their permission
  • Proposal 3: Recommending that URLs not be used within e-mails to GROW members
  • Proposal 4: Recommending that members can create a new e-mail address to avoid mixing mail with their main e-mail address or being overwhelmed by the volume of GROW mail.

Proposal 1 (“List the proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting. Send the list to the main list as well as the business list.”) was generally approved. Supporting comments cited greater transparency and possible increased participation in business meetings as benefits. A question was raised as to whether the information sent to the main list should be proposal titles only or the entire proposal text. Comments supported both approaches. During the second three-day session, we will vote on the proposal.

Since participants supported the proposal in general, we will vote on Proposal 1. To facilitate decision-making, there are two versions of the proposal: 1.1a for titles only and 1.1b for titles and text. We will vote on each version with the assumption that if you vote “Yes” on 1.1a, you automatically vote “No” on 1.1b (and if you vote “No” on 1.1a, you automatically vote “Yes” on 1.1b). Participants who want to vote against the proposal no matter how proposals are listed should vote “No” on both 1.1a and 1.1b.

Participants generally supported Proposal 2 (“Change the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media.”). There were some dissenting comments on Proposal 2.

Some felt that if a member has a [Facebook] page that is open to the public, they are inviting being contacted via that media.

Others were not comfortable with making a new “rule” within GROW addressing social media, and one suggested that this situation could be addressed by personal e-mails.

Some comments pointed out that people can change their social media settings to filter what people can see on their pages.

One member thought we should make the relationship between the proposal and the principle of anonymity (Tradition 11) more explicit.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Second 3-Day Period

During the second three-day session, we will vote on the proposal.

Participants also generally supported Proposal 3 (“Change the existing bullet in the monthly Etiquette Letter and on our E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage including URLs within messages to the main list.”). While most members approved, there were a few who did not.

One member thought that we might avoid problems by not allowing URLs in e-mails, but she also thought we might lose the benefit of helping people. Another thought we should not prohibit URLs linked to AA-approved literature.

One person pointed out that a sharer could describe the content of the link and ask members to write her privately to get the URL.

One commenter felt that prohibiting URLs was going too far beyond GROW’s desire to avoid “flaming” or in-meeting conflict.

We will vote on the proposal during the second three-day session.

Proposal 4 (“Add to the Welcome page in the members’ section of our website and in the introductory Greeter Letter #2 (sent to all new members) a recommendation that they create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail.”) generated a lot of discussion and ideas.

One member suggested replacing a sentence to clarify the language which met with general approval.

Another member suggested changing the placement of the proposed paragraph within Greeter Letter #2. This brought many comments that included additional ideas (including revising the Recommended Language to be less formal language, have shorter sentences, and use boldface or italics type to emphasize the main points).

Another commenter thought that the Greeter Letter #2 should be revised in general but that will have to be addressed separately from this proposal. Not all participants agreed that a separate e-mail address and the digest format should be linked as equal options for addressing the volume of GROW mail, citing problems they had relying on the digest format for reading GROW shares.

A participant suggested that the paragraph recommending a new e-mail address for GROW mail should not be included in Greeter Letter #2 but rather in the monthly Etiquette Letter that is sent out by the Secretary. She included specific language that would be added.

Responding to that suggestion, another member suggested that the paragraph could be put into both Greeter Letter #2 and the Etiquette Letter.

Participants who think the existing “Recommended Language” should be revised should offer specific suggestions as to the changes they would like to see.

If participants want to pursue other changes to Greeter Letter #2, someone should offer a new proposal.

During the second 3-day session, members will vote on Proposals 1, 2, and 3; however, we will continue to discuss Proposal 4.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Third 3-Day Agenda

Results of Voting, Calls for Votes, New Proposals


Eighteen (18) women participated in voting; however, the total number of votes was not the same for every proposal.

For details on next steps for these proposals, please refer to the individual “Results of Voting” messages sent separately.

Proposal 1a.1: List the titles of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting. Send the list to the main list as well as the business list.

Fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and three (3) voted against Proposal 1a. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal. During the third 3-day session, those who voted “No” are invited to share their thoughts with us.

Proposal 1b.1: List the titles and content of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting. Send the list to the main list as well as the business list.

Three (3) participants voted in favor, and fifteen (15) voted against Proposal 1b. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote against the proposal.

During the third 3-day session, those who voted “No” are invited to share their thoughts with us.

Proposal 2.1: Change the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage contacting GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and one (1) voted against Proposal 2.1. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal.

During the third 3-day session, those who voted “No” are invited to share their thoughts with us.

Proposal 3.1: Recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members.

Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor, and three (3) voted against Proposal 3.1. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal.

During the third 3-day session, those who voted “No” are invited to share their thoughts with us.


During the third 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 4 (creating a separate e-mail address for GROW) and Proposal 5 (changing the name of Etiquette Letter to GROW Mail List Guidelines). Proposal 4 has been revised in response to comments in both 3-day sessions.

Please refer to the separate e-mails calling for votes for details.


In addition to hearing the minority opinion on Proposals 1, 2, and 3, we will vote on Proposals 4 and 5 and discuss new Proposal 6. Please refer to the separate e-mails for each proposal for more information.

During the second 3-day session, two new proposals were submitted. They are related to Proposal 4 but also include action not related to Proposal 4:

  • Proposal 5 was presented for discussion to the group on the first day of our second 3-day session. It changes the name of the Etiquette Letter and corresponding webpage to “GROW Mail List Guidelines.” We will vote on Proposal 5 during the third 3-day session.
  • Proposal 6 was discussed but not presented formally during the second 3-day session. Proposing changes to Greeter Letter #2, it is being presented for discussion during the third 3-day session.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Voting Results of April 10, 2017 (Proposals 1a, 1b.1, 2.1, 3.1)

Voting Results on Proposal 1a

Proposal 1a: List the titles of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting. Send the list to the main list as well as the business list.

Fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and three (3) voted against Proposal 1a. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines allow three days for the minority opinion to be presented and discussed. If, after hearing the minority opinion, any participant wants to change their vote from “I agree” to “I disagree,” we will conduct a second vote.

At this time, I request each of those who voted “No” on Proposal 1a send me a private note letting me know if they plan to post a “minority opinion.”

If the minority does not want to express their opinion, we will close this discussion, and the vote will stand as posted above.

Until we know the outcome of this phase of our process, I will not declare this a formal Group Conscience Decision.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Voting Results on Proposal 1b.1

Proposal 1b.1: List the titles and content of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting. Send the list to the main list as well as the business list.

Three (3) participants voted in favor, and fifteen (15) voted against Proposal 1b. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote against the proposal.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines allow three days for the minority opinion to be presented and discussed. If, after hearing the minority opinion, any participant wants to change their vote from “I agree” to “I disagree,” we will conduct a second vote.

At this time, I request each of those who voted “Yes” on Proposal 1b send me a private note letting me know if they plan to post a “minority opinion.”

If the minority does not want to express their opinion, we will close this discussion, and the vote will stand as posted above. No further action will be necessary.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Voting Results on Proposal 2.1

Proposal 2.1: Change the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage contacting GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and one (1) voted against Proposal 2.1. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines allow three days for the minority opinion to be presented and discussed. If, after hearing the minority opinion, any participant wants to change their vote from “I agree” to “I disagree,” we will conduct a second vote.

At this time, I request that the member who voted “No” on Proposal 2.1 send me a private note letting me know if they plan to post a “minority opinion.”

If the minority does not want to express their opinion, we will close this discussion, and the vote will stand as posted above. No further action will be necessary.

Approved Language (changes in bold italics): Amend the bullet in the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage as follows (underlined text is new):

In keeping with AA’s 11th Tradition* and out of respect for anonymity, we do not: 1) include more than this mail list address on anything we post to the group; or 2) forward posts outside the list without getting permission from the original sender and deleting all identifying information; or 3) contact members on social media sites without their prior permission.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Voting Results on Proposal 3.1

Proposal 3.1: Recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members.

Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor, and three (3) voted against Proposal 3.1. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines allow three days for the minority opinion to be presented and discussed. If, after hearing the minority opinion, any participant wants to change their vote from “I agree” to “I disagree,” we will conduct a second vote.

At this time, I request that the member who voted “No” on Proposal 2.1 send me a private note letting me know if they plan to post a “minority opinion.”

If the minority does not want to express their opinion, we will close this discussion, and the vote will stand as posted above. No further action will be necessary.

Approved Language (bold italics): Amend the existing bullet in the Etiquette Letter to add a sentence as follows:

“We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We do not include URLs to sites outside GROW that do not address AA and/or sobriety.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Third 3-Day Period

During the third 3-day session, participants voted on two proposals:

  • Proposal 4: Recommend that new members create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail
  • Proposal 5: Change the name of the ‘Etiquette Letter’ to ‘GROW Mail List Guidelines’

Minority views were heard on three proposals:

  • Proposal 1: Send Out List of Proposals to Members
  • Proposal 2: Discourage using social media with GROW members without their permission
  • Proposal 3: Recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members

One new proposal was presented and discussed:

  • Proposal 6: Adopt a revised Greeter Letter #2 to replace the existing form letter.

Results of Voting

Thirteen (13) participants voted unanimously to adopt both Proposal 4 (creating a new e-mail address) and Proposal 5 (change name of Etiquette Letter). Since there were no negative votes, no minority views will be expressed. Therefore, both proposals are now Group Conscience Decisions.


Group Conscience Decision (Proposal 4):

Add a recommendation that members overwhelmed by the mail volume create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail. The Approved Language will be placed: [recommended language below]

  • prominently on the Welcome page of the Members’ section of the GROW website
  • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette Letter (GROW Mail List Guidelines)
  • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette webpage (GROW Mail List Guidelines)

Approved language:

Sometimes, new members can be overwhelmed by the volume of e-mails coming through the list. If you experience this, you might find it helpful to create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. There are many services that offer free e-mail (just search for “free e-mail accounts” on the web). Be sure to notify our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org if you change your address. You might also want to check out the Digest version containing the day’s posts in a single e-mail (contact our Listkeeper to get the Digest).


Group Conscience Decision (Proposal 5):

Change the name of the ‘Etiquette Letter’ that is sent out monthly by our Secretary to ‘GROW Mail List Guidelines’ and change the heading on the GROW website etiquette page.


Minority Views

No minority views were presented on Proposal 1 (list of proposals), and one minority view was presented on Proposal 2 (social media). There was no discussion on either of these proposals, and no participant changed their vote. Therefore, Proposals 1 and 2 have passed and are now Group Conscience Decisions.

Two participants expressed minority views on Proposal 3 (URLs). There was a lot of discussion. Discussions focused on two key points: whether all URLs should be discouraged (including those to aa.org and the GROW website) and the risk of malware and viruses presented by URLs within messages to GROW. At least one participant changed her vote on the proposal, triggering a re-vote on Proposal 3.


Outcomes of Minority Views

In voting, Proposal 1 (Send Out List of Proposals to Members) was approved by 15 of 18 participants who voted. No minority views were presented, and there was no discussion during the three-day session. Therefore, the Proposal is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision: The Business Chair will send a list of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting to both the main list as well as the business list.

In voting, Proposal 2 (Discourage contact on social media) was approved by 15 of 16 participants who voted. One minority view was submitted to the group. There was no discussion afterward, and no one changed their vote. Therefore, the Proposal is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision: Change the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage contacting GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

In voting, Proposal 3 (Recommend URLs Not be used in GROW e-mails) was approved by 13 of 16 participants who voted. Two participants submitted minority views. As a result, at least one member changed her vote on the proposal, triggering a re-vote. During discussions, the language of the proposal was revised to address the risks of malware and/or viruses through URLs.

During the first three-day session, participants commented on this proposal. One member thought that we might avoid problems by not allowing URLs in e-mails, but she also thought we might lose the benefit of helping people. Another thought we should not prohibit URLs linked to AA-approved literature. One person pointed out that a sharer could describe the content of the link and ask members to write her privately to get the URL. One commenter felt that prohibiting URLs was going too far beyond GROW’s desire to avoid “flaming” or in-meeting conflict.

During the third three-day session, participants discussed whether to prohibit all URLs, including those to the AA website and GROW’s own website. At the end of the session, there was no clear agreement on this question. Therefore, discussion will continue to discuss Proposal 3 (as revised) during the fourth 4-day session.

Group Conscience Decision: (new language was recommended for this proposal … change underlined): We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We also do not include URLs, links, or addresses to websites in our emails to the group. Links to URLs can contain links to malware and viruses so we should not be including them in our emails.

Next Steps
During the fourth 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 6 (Greeter Letter #2). They will discuss Proposal 3 (discourage URLs) and a new Proposal 7 (establish a Facebook page for GROW).

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Proposals Adopted

Proposal 1: Send Out List of Proposals to Members

Group Conscience Decision: The Business Chair will send a list of the titles of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting to both the main list as well as the business list.

There was no language recommended, as this proposal does not call for the alteration of any form letters or webpages. However, it will be incorporated into a document (“Business Chair Process”) that is passed from the outgoing to the incoming Business Chair.

Rationale: Primarily this is for transparency. It would be good to know at the start of the meeting what all the upcoming business is, just as in f2f meetings. Also, sending this to the main list lets our entire membership know what our business meetings are all about. It may stimulate more interest in the service aspect of GROW.

This is not meant to inhibit new proposals as they come up during the business meeting.

Discussion: Proposal 1 was generally approved. Supporting comments cited greater transparency and possible increased participation in business meetings as benefits. A question was raised as to whether the information sent to the main list should be proposal titles only or the entire proposal text. Comments supported both approaches. During the second three-day session, we voted on two proposals: 1a which called for listing titles only and 1b which called for listing both titles and the content of the proposal. Fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and three (3) voted against Proposal 1a. This exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal. No minority views were expressed, and the proposal was adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.


Proposal 2: Discourage using social media with GROW members without their permission

Group Conscience Decision: Change the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage to discourage contacting GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Approved Language: Amend the bullet in the Etiquette Letter and on the E-mail Etiquette webpage as follows: In keeping with AA’s 11th Tradition and out of respect for anonymity, we do not: 1) include more than this mail list address on anything we post to the group; or 2) forward posts outside the list without getting permission from the original sender and deleting all identifying information; or 3) contact members on social media sites without their prior permission.

Rationale: Recently, a new GROW member received a Facebook friend request from another GROW member. She felt this violated her anonymity and said she would drop out of GROW if this happened again. In order to discourage GROW members from communicating inappropriately outside the GROW mailing list, our Etiquette Letter should include a bullet that makes it clear that members should have permission before establishing a formal relationship on social media sites.

Discussion: Participants generally supported Proposal 2; however, there were some dissenting comments:

  • Some felt that if a member has a [Facebook] page that is open to the public, they are inviting being contacted via that media.
  • Others were not comfortable with making a new “rule” within GROW addressing social media, and one suggested that this situation could be addressed by personal e-mails.
  • Some comments pointed out that people can change their social media settings to filter what people can see on their pages.
  • One member thought we should make the relationship between the proposal and the principle of anonymity (Tradition 11) more explicit.

In voting, fifteen (15) participants voted in favor, and one (1) voted against Proposal 2. This exceeded the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal. One participant expressed a minority view, but no one changed their vote as a result. Therefore, Proposal 2 was adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.


Proposal 4: Recommend that new members create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail

Decision: Add a recommendation that members overwhelmed by the mail volume create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail. The Recommended Language will be placed:

  • prominently on the Welcome page of the Members’ section of the GROW website
  • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette Letter (GROW Mail List Guidelines)
  • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette webpage (GROW Mail List Guidelines)

Approved Language: Sometimes, new members can be overwhelmed by the volume of e-mails coming through the list. If you experience this, you might find it helpful to create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. There are many services that offer free e-mail (just search for “free e-mail accounts” on the web). Be sure to notify our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org if you change your address. You might also want to check out the Digest version containing the day’s posts in a single e-mail (contact our Listkeeper to get the Digest).

Rationale: Sometimes, the volume of mail through the GROW list can be overwhelming. Some new members unsubscribe when they are hit with the volume of e-mails they receive. Therefore, it is proposed that the introductory Greeter Letter #2 be modified to include a suggested solution: creating a separate e-mail address for GROW mail exclusively. This was suggested by Patty Y. several months ago and discussed by the Steering Committee.

Last October, one of our members sent an off-topic message to the group suggesting that we recommend that new members create a separate e-mail address for GROW messages. She noted the frequency with which new members left the group after being overwhelmed by the volume of GROW mail and was concerned that we lose new members when there is a simple solution available to them. The suggestion was discussed by the Steering Committee, and although they recognized that the volume of e-mails is possibly not the only reason that women are leaving our group, there was general agreement that the suggestion should be discussed in our business meeting. Several TSs raised additional approaches for handling GROW e-mails that included the existing digest and using filters. During the discussion, it was suggested to place the ‘tip’ on the first page of the Members’ section under the heading, ‘Important Information.’

Discussion: There appeared to be near-unanimous approval for the concept, although opinions varied on the presentation. A concern was raised that, in putting the Proposal 4 language only in Greeter Letter #2 (which goes out only to new member upon joining), long-standing members would not get the benefit of the message. It was therefore proposed that the “new e-mail address” language also be included in the Etiquette Letter. In response, it was suggested that the language could easily be included in both locations.

Another concern was that the recommended language did not include other options for managing the volume of GROW mail, particularly GROW’s Digest format. New language was proposed for Greeter Letter #2 that would replace the language recommended in Proposal 4. The revised language made a new e-mail address a bullet among a list that included the Digest format and the use of folders and filters to manage GROW mail. The new proposed language was amended to include the reminder to inform listkeepers about the address change. The Greeter Letter #2 was revised to add headings to each section in order to make the letter easier to read. Discussion then centered on the proposed substituted language.

Because it dealt with actions beyond this proposal, the suggestion was carried forward into the 3rd 3-day session as a new Proposal 6.

Thirteen (13) participants voted unanimously to adopt Proposal 4 as revised. Since there were no negative votes, Proposal 4 is now a Group Conscience Decision.


Proposal 5: Change the name of the ‘Etiquette Letter’ that is sent out monthly…

Group Conscience Decision: Change the name of the ‘Etiquette Letter’ that is sent out monthly by our Secretary to ‘GROW Mail List Guidelines’ and change the heading on the GROW website etiquette page.

Rationale: Business Meeting members would like to add a paragraph (or two) to our Greeter Letter #2 about giving new (or old) members options of how to deal with the volume of mail they will receive once they are subscribed.

Greeter Letter #2 is read only once by the new member and, because there is so much information contained in the Letter, these options may be overlooked or forgotten – whereas they could be reading them monthly as a reminder when the Secretary sends her message to the group.

Since the options (separate GROW email address and Digest Versions) are not really a part of Email Etiquette, they would fit in quite nicely under GROW Mail List Guidelines. The body of the Etiquette Letter would remain unchanged.

Discussion: Comments were generally positive on this proposal.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Fourth 3-Day Agenda

During the fourth three-day session of our Business meeting, we will:

  • Continue to discuss Proposal 3.4 to decide if URLs linking to aa.org or g-r-o-w.com can be included in e-mails to the GROW mailing list.
  • Vote on Proposal 6. As we did in voting on Proposal 1, I have created two versions of this proposal. Proposal 6a.4 represents the original proposal with no changes to the language. Proposal 6b.4 which is exactly the same as Proposal 6a.4 except that the second bullet about using files and filters to manage GROW mail has been deleted.
  • Voting “I agree” on Proposal 6a.4 will mean you automatically vote “I disagree” for Proposal 6b.4. Voting “I agree” on Proposal 6b.4 will automatically mean you vote “I disagree” for Proposal 6a.4.

Discuss the new Proposal 7: Establish a Facebook page for GROW.

Respectfully considered, Danna M GROW Business Chair

Fourth 3-Day Period

During the fourth 3-day session of GROW’s April Business Meeting, participants voted on the proposal to revise Greeter Letter #2, continued discussion of the proposal to discourage the use of URLs in GROW e-mail, and discussed a new proposal to create a private Facebook page for GROW members.

Result of Vote on Changing Greeter Letter #2
It was proposed to revise the current introductory letter sent out by our Greeters to new members. We voted on whether to accept the proposal as submitted or accept the proposal with one change. The revised letter included suggested options for managing the volume of GROW mail and changes to make the letter easier to read.

Thirteen (13) participants voted to accept the revised letter as proposed, and three (3) voted against it. No minority views were submitted, so the proposal is now a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision: Adopt the revised Greeter Letter #2 presented below to replace the existing form letter.

Respectfully Submitted, Danna M GROW Business Chair

Approved Greeter Letter #2:

Welcome to GROW! Now that you’re subscribed, this is one of two emails you will receive to help you start participating in our meeting right away. You might want to print these out for future reference.

Email Volume
We have found that sometimes the volume of mail through the GROW list can be overwhelming. If you experience this, you might find it very helpful to choose one of the following:

  • create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. Please be sure to remember to let the Listkeepers know of your new address.
  • create folders for your GROW email; filters can also be set up to direct GROW mail into the GROW folder.
  • request the Digest Version (a file containing the day’s posts in a single email). If you would prefer to receive the Digest version, please contact our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org and she will make the change for you.

A new meeting topic is sent to everyone on the list each Sunday and we share throughout the week. On topic and Off topic shares are welcome. We ask that Off topic posts be appropriate for an AA meeting. Please note in your subject line if your share is Off topic (we usually type Off Topic: … )

To share with the group, just address your email to grow@oso-aa.org and your post will be forwarded to all members. To ensure GROW emails do not get placed in your SPAM folder, please add this address to your Address Book.

Please do not use the “Reply to All’ option when you respond privately to another member’s post to GROW, as your personal message will also be directed to the GROW list and it will bounce to the Listkeepers.

For those using phones and tablets, be aware that the default reply option is often “Reply to All”, and double-check that you are not using “Reply to All”.

Please do not type in all CAPS, as this is considered to be yelling.

The secretary posts information about the Trusted Servants and guidelines for our email etiquette once a month. The Listkeeper (the person who makes sure the technical side of our email list works smoothly) also posts information monthly.

Web Site and Password
You’ll find lots more information on our GROW web site. The URL for GROW is: http://www.g-r-o-w.com. Some of the information is for members only, so you’ll need the following:
user name: sobertoday
password: how2484

If you have questions not answered by our website information, please write to me and I’ll be sure to answer them or send your questions to someone who can.

I hope Grateful Recovering Online Women is helpful to you in your journey and growth in sobriety.

Again, welcome
[ Greeter Name ]
Grateful Recovering Online Women


Continued Discussion about Using URLs
The group had a second 3-day period in which to talk about whether we will discourage the use of URLs in e-mails to GROW. Discussion was continued because, as a result of the minority opinion after the initial vote, at least one participant changed her vote.

The conversation about using URLs centered on whether the proposal would apply to all URLs or allow links to oso-aa.org and g-r-o-w.com. Concerns about malware and viruses were also raised. It was pointed out that many of the form letters we send out on a regular basis contain links to these two websites.

During the fifth 3-day session, we will vote on one of three options: to discourage the use of all URLs in messages to GROW, discouraging the use of all URLs except those linking to oso-aa.org and g-r-o-w.com, or to defer a decision until further discussion takes place in the October business meeting.

New Proposal for Establishing a Private Facebook Page for GROW Members
During the fourth 3-day session, we discussed a new Proposal 7 (establish a private Facebook page for GROW). The page would offer GROW members a meeting- before- or after-the-meeting and a way to get to know each other better.

Discussions were animated, covering a wide range of arguments. Many participants supported the idea; however, many others had concerns about AA’s tradition of anonymity, how the Facebook page would be administered, whether the page would detract from the primary purpose of the mailing list, and the conditions of membership in the private page. Some members felt the page might create a clique within GROW that would damage the e-mail meeting.

Several participants who are members of private Facebook pages shared their experience with the group. The proposal’s author provided a detailed rationale that responded to most of the concerns that had been raised. A couple of participants wondered if we should not bring this question to the entire mailing list.

Several members pointed out that accepting this proposal could necessitate creating a new Trusted Servant to administer the private Facebook page and, therefore, a new job description.

With little resolution on the issue and the end of the meeting on the horizon, we will vote on three options: create a private Facebook page with no further discussion, creating a private Facebook page for a six-month trial period and revisiting the issue in the October business meeting, or deferring the discussion until the October business meeting (without creating the page).

Next Steps
During the fifth 3-day period, we will vote on the proposal to discourage the use of URLs in message to GROW and vote on how to proceed with the proposal to create a GROW Facebook page.

The business meeting guidelines state that, if a 2/3 majority has not been reached on a proposal by the 17th day of the meeting, it will be deferred for consideration during the next meeting. In this case, the 17th day is April 20. Both of these proposals will either be resolved by a 2/3 majority vote or deferred for further discussion during the October 2017 meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M GROW Business Chair

Fifth 3-Day Agenda

During the fifth 3-day period, we will vote on the proposal to discourage the use of URLs in message to GROW and vote on how to proceed with the proposal to create a GROW Facebook page.

The business meeting guidelines state that, if a 2/3 majority has not been reached on a proposal by the 17th day of the meeting, it will be deferred for consideration during the next meeting. In this case, the 17th day is this coming Thursday, April 20. Each of these proposals will either be resolved by a 2/3 majority vote or deferred for further discussion during the October 2017 meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M GROW Business Chair

Fourth 3-day Voting Results

About Voting on Proposal 3
Until late Wednesday, we will vote on three Proposal 3 options dealing with the use of URLs in messages to GROW. Please do not vote until you receive the separate Call for Votes.

The options are:

  • Recommend that no URLs be included in e-mails to GROW members.
  • Recommend that URLs not be included in e-mails to GROW members except URLs linking to the AA and GROW websites.
  • Defer a decision on this proposal until the October 2017 business meeting so that we can discuss the issues further.

A vote in favor of an option is an automatic vote against the other two options.

A vote against all three options will defeat the proposal, and it will not be considered further.

  • Proposal 3a.5: Recommend URLs not be used in e-mails to GROW members
  • Proposal 3b.5: Recommend URLs not be used in e-mails to GROW members except those linked to the AA (oso-aa.org) and GROW (g-r-o-w.com) websites.
  • Proposal 3c.5: Defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the proposal to recommend URLs not be used in e-mails to GROW members so that further discussions can take place.


About Voting on Proposal 7 (Facebook)
Until late Wednesday, we will vote on three Proposal 7 options dealing with the use of URLs in messages to GROW. Please do not vote until you receive the separate Call for Votes.

The options are:

  • Create a private Facebook page for GROW members.
  • Create a private Facebook page for GROW members and revisit the proposal in the October 2017 business meeting to assess its performance and impact on the GROW e-mail meeting.
  • Defer a decision on this proposal until the October 2017 business meeting so that we can discuss the issues further.

A vote in favor of an option is an automatic vote against the other two options.

A vote against all three options will defeat the proposal, and it will not be considered further.

  • Proposal 7a.5: Establish a Facebook page for GROW.
  • Proposal 7b.5: Establish a Facebook page for GROW and revisit the proposal during the October 2017 business meeting to assess its performance and impact on the GROW e-mail meeting and decide if it should be continued.
  • Proposal 7c.5: Defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the proposal to establish a private Facebook page for GROW members so that further discussions can take place.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Proposal Adopted

Voting Results for Proposal 6a.4: Greeter Letter #2

Thirteen (13) participants voted to accept the revised letter as proposed, and three (3) voted against it. No minority views were submitted, so Proposal 6a.4 is now a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision: Adopt the revised Greeter Letter #2 presented below to replace the existing form letter.

Respectfully Submitted, Danna M GROW Business Chair

Approved Greeter Letter #2:

Welcome to GROW! Now that you’re subscribed, this is one of two emails you will receive to help you start participating in our meeting right away. You might want to print these out for future reference.

Email Volume
We have found that sometimes the volume of mail through the GROW list can be overwhelming. If you experience this, you might find it very helpful to choose one of the following:

  • create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. Please be sure to remember to let the Listkeepers know of your new address.
  • create folders for your GROW email; filters can also be set up to direct GROW mail into the GROW folder.
  • request the Digest Version (a file containing the day’s posts in a single email). If you would prefer to receive the Digest version, please contact our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org and she will make the change for you.

A new meeting topic is sent to everyone on the list each Sunday and we share throughout the week. On topic and Off topic shares are welcome. We ask that Off topic posts be appropriate for an AA meeting. Please note in your subject line if your share is Off topic (we usually type Off Topic: … )

To share with the group, just address your email to grow@oso-aa.org and your post will be forwarded to all members. To ensure GROW emails do not get placed in your SPAM folder, please add this address to your Address Book.

Please do not use the “Reply to All’ option when you respond privately to another member’s post to GROW, as your personal message will also be directed to the GROW list and it will bounce to the Listkeepers.

For those using phones and tablets, be aware that the default reply option is often “Reply to All”, and double-check that you are not using “Reply to All”.

Please do not type in all CAPS, as this is considered to be yelling.

The secretary posts information about the Trusted Servants and guidelines for our email etiquette once a month. The Listkeeper (the person who makes sure the technical side of our email list works smoothly) also posts information monthly.

Web Site and Password
You’ll find lots more information on our GROW web site. The URL for GROW is: http://www.g-r-o-w.com. Some of the information is for members only, so you’ll need the following:
user name: sobertoday
password: how2484

If you have questions not answered by our website information, please write to me and I’ll be sure to answer them or send your questions to someone who can.

I hope Grateful Recovering Online Women is helpful to you in your journey and growth in sobriety.

Again, welcome
[ Greeter Name ]
Grateful Recovering Online Women

Fifth 3-Day Period

During the fifth session of GROW’s 2017 Business Meeting, participants voted on two proposals. Each proposal was broken down into three options. For the most part, participants voted “I agree” on one of three options, and their vote on the other two in the set was an automatic “I disagree.” If a participant voted “I disagree” for all three options, it was considered a “No” vote for the proposal in general. The options were:

Proposal 3

  • 3a: Recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members.
  • 3b: Recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members except those linked to the AA and GROW websites.
  • 3c: Defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the proposal to recommend URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members so that further discussions can take place.


Proposal 7

  • 7a: Establish a Facebook page for GROW.
  • 7b: Establish a Facebook page for GROW and revisit the proposal during the October 2017 business meeting to assess its performance and impact on the GROW e-mail meeting and decide if it should be continued.
  • 7c: Defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the proposal to establish a private Facebook page for GROW members so that further discussions can take place.

Results of Voting
Proposal 3
“I agree” votes were cast for only two of the three options (3b and 3c). Option 3a, which was to discourage the use of all URLs in messages to the GROW mailing list did not receive a single affirmative vote. It is, therefore, considered defeated and will not be considered further.

Option 3b (discourage the use of most URLs in messages to the GROW mailing list but excluded URLs to the AA and GROW websites) received 15 “I agree” votes out of the total 17 votes cast, representing greater than the 2/3 majority needed to approve it as a Group Conscience decision.

However, there is another step before the decision becomes official. Since this option did exceed the required 2/3 majority, we will entertain minority views before the meeting closes.

Option 3c, which deferred the discussion until the October 2017 business meeting, received two “I agree” votes, which for purposes of this exercise will be considered the minority. Therefore, those who voted for option 3c are invited to share the minority view with the business meeting. If anyone changes their vote as a result of this, we will revote on the two remaining options before the meeting closes.


Proposal 7
“I agree” votes were cast for each of the three options (7a, 7b, and 7c). Option 7a (to establish a private Facebook page for all GROW members) received two (2) “I agree” votes, far short of the 2/3 majority requirement. Option 7a is therefore defeated and is closed.

Option 7b (to create the private GROW Facebook page now but revisit it in the October meeting to assess its performance and impact on the GROW e-mail meeting and decide if it should be continued) received nine (9) “I agree” votes out of 16 total votes, which does not meet the required 2/3 majority.

Option 7c ([not create the page now and] defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the private Facebook page for GROW members so that we can further discuss the proposal) received five (5) “I agree” votes out of 16 total votes, which does not meet the required 2/3 majority.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines state that “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.”

Since none of the options for Proposal 7 voting received a 2/3 majority vote, we will table it until the October 2017 meeting.

In order to document our April discussions on this issue, I am listing the questions already raised that should be considered and discussed in October. If you would like to add or correct any of these, please send a note to me at dmcd.grow@zoho.com.

  • Would the private Facebook page be an “official” arm of GROW?
  • Is a Facebook page (even a private one) a violation of AA’s 11th Tradition?
  • What would be the benefits of a private Facebook page for GROW members?
  • How will the private Facebook be administered or managed?
  • Should more than one person be authorized to administer the Facebook page?
  • Do we need to create a new Trusted Servant position to administer the site?
  • If we do need a new Trusted Servants position, what will her job description say?
  • Would the private Facebook page be “advertised” on GROW’s website?
  • How will the Facebook page administrator know who is eligible for membership?
  • Will members who leave GROW be asked to leave the Facebook page?
  • How will GROW members be informed of or invited to join the private Facebook page?
  • Could the Facebook page create a clique within GROW that would make some members feel left out?
  • What would the Facebook page/group do to ensure the anonymity of all GROW members?
  • How will disputes/disagreements be handled in the Facebook group?
  • What impact would the Facebook page have on GROW’s ongoing AA e-mail meeting?
  • Can the Facebook page create any security problems for the e-mail meeting?
  • Do we need to (and how do we) measure the success or failure of the Facebook page?
  • Should we (and how do we) get feedback from GROW members on the possibility of having a private Facebook page for all members?


Next Steps
During the sixth 3-day session, people who voted in favor of option 3c (defer a decision on the use of URLs in messages to GROW members until the October 2017 business meeting) are invited to share their views on this issue with all business meeting participants.

If any member is persuaded by the minority opinion to change their vote, we will conduct a re-vote on both options. As outlined in the guidelines, if minority voters choose not to express their opinions, there will be no further discussion and no re-vote. Further, if there is no re-vote, Option 3b will become an official Group Conscience Decision.

After the question of how to handle URLs in e-mail messages to GROW is settled, we will adjourn the April 2017 business meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Sixth 3-Day Agenda

During the sixth 3-day session, people who voted in favor of option 3c (defer a decision on the use of URLs in messages to GROW members until the October 2017 business meeting) are invited to share their views on this issue with all business meeting participants.

If any member is persuaded by the minority opinion to change their vote, we will conduct a re-vote on both options (3b.5 and 3c.5). As outlined in the guidelines, if minority voters choose not to express their opinions, there will be no further discussion and no re-vote. Further, if there is no re-vote, Option 3b will become an official Group Conscience Decision.

After the question of how to handle URLs in e-mail messages to GROW is settled, we will adjourn the April 2017 business meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Fifth 3-day Voting Results

About Voting on Proposal 3.5
“I agree” votes were cast for only two of the three options (3b and 3c). Option 3a (to discourage the use of all URLs in messages to the GROW mailing list) did not receive an affirmative vote. It is, therefore, considered defeated and will not be considered further.

Option 3b (discourage the use of most URLs in messages to the GROW mailing list but excluded URLs to the AA and GROW websites) received 15 “I agree” votes out of the total 17 votes cast, representing greater than the 2/3 majority needed to approve it as a Group Conscience decision.

We will entertain minority views before the meeting closes. Those who voted for an option other than option 7b have three days to share their views with meeting participants. If you choose not to submit a minority opinion, please let me know.

Option 3c (defer the discussion until the October 2017 business meeting) received two “I agree” votes, which for purposes of this exercise will be considered the minority. Therefore, those who voted for option 3c are invited to share the minority view with the business meeting. If anyone changes their vote as a result of this, we will revote on the two remaining options before the meeting closes.


About Voting on Proposal 7.5
“I agree” votes were cast for each of the three options (7a, 7b, and 7c); however, none of the votes reached a 2/3 majority.

Option 7a (to establish a private Facebook page for all GROW members) received two (2) “I agree” votes, far short of the 2/3 majority requirement.

Option 7b (to create the private GROW Facebook page now but revisit it in the October meeting to assess its performance and impact on the GROW e-mail meeting and decide if it should be continued) received nine (9) “I agree” votes out of 17 total votes, which does not meet the required 2/3 majority.

Option 7c ([not create the page now and] defer until the October 2017 business meeting a decision on the private Facebook page for GROW members so that we can further discuss the proposal) received five (5) “I agree” votes out of 16 total votes, which does not meet the required 2/3 majority.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines state that “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.”

Since none of the options for Proposal 7 voting received a 2/3 majority vote, we will table the proposal until the October 2017 meeting.

In order to document our April discussions on this issue, I am listing the questions already raised that should be considered and discussed in October. If you would like to add or correct any of these, please send a note to me at dmcd.grow@zoho.com.

  • Would the private Facebook page be an “official” arm of GROW?
  • Is a Facebook page (even a private one) a violation of AA’s 11th Tradition?
  • What would be the benefits of a private Facebook page for GROW members?
  • How will the private Facebook be administered or managed?
  • Should more than one person be authorized to administer the Facebook page?
  • Do we need to create a new Trusted Servant position to administer the site?
  • If we do need a new Trusted Servants position, what will her job description say?
  • Would the private Facebook page be “advertised” on GROW’s website?
  • How will the Facebook page administrator know who is eligible for membership?
  • Will members who leave GROW be asked to leave the Facebook page?
  • How will GROW members be informed of or invited to join the private Facebook page?
  • Could the Facebook page create a clique within GROW that would make some members feel left out?
  • What would the Facebook page/group do to ensure the anonymity of all GROW members?
  • How will disputes/disagreements be handled in the Facebook group?
  • What impact would the Facebook page have on GROW’s ongoing AA e-mail meeting?
  • Can the Facebook page create any security problems for the e-mail meeting?
  • Do we need to (and how do we) measure the success or failure of the Facebook page?
  • Should we (and how do we) get feedback from GROW members on the possibility of having a private Facebook page for all members?

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair

Sixth 3-Day Period

During the sixth 3-day session, people who voted in favor of option 3c (defer a decision on the use of URLs in messages to GROW members until the October 2017 business meeting) are invited to share their views on this issue with all business meeting participants.

If any member is persuaded by the minority opinion to change their vote, we will conduct a re-vote on both options (3b.5 and 3c.5). As outlined in the guidelines, if minority voters choose not to express their opinions, there will be no further discussion and no re-vote. Further, if there is no re-vote, Option 3b will become an official Group Conscience Decision.

After the question of how to handle URLs in e-mail messages to GROW is settled, we will adjourn the April 2017 business meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Proposal Adopted

Voting Results for Proposal 3b.5: Recommend URLs not be used in e-mails to GROW members except those linked to the AA (oso-aa.org) and GROW (g-r-o-w.com) websites.

I’ve heard from our minority voters, and they will not submit a Minority Opinion on Proposal 3b.5; therefore, the proposal is adopted.

Group Conscience Decision: Recommend that URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members except those linked to AA and GROW websites.

Change the existing bullet in the monthly GROW Mail List Guidelines and on our Mail List Guidelines webpage to discourage including URLs within messages to the main list; however, URLs and links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites are allowed in messages.

Approved Language (new sentence italized): We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We do not include URLs to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites.

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair


Final Summary of April 2017 Business Meeting

Our April 2017 Business Meeting was attended by 24 participants, with one woman subscribing and one woman unsubscribing during the meeting. We received semi-annual reports from these Trusted Servants: Secretary, Treasurer, Listkeepers, and GSR. Those reports are available to all members on the GROW website at http://www.g-r-o-w.com/members/biz/currentmeet.htm.

In April, nine Trusted Servant positions rotated. You can find an updated list of all Trusted Servants on GROW’s website. These are the changes in Trusted Servants:

Incoming Trusted Servant Position Outgoing
Valerie D 12 Step Listkeeper Mindy M
Susie J Birthday Listkeeper Susie J
Karen H Greeter Karrie C
Susan P Greeter Susan P
Louise H Listkeeper Nancy C
Nancy C Listkeeper Alternate Louise H
Sophie R Sponsor Listkeeper Allison McG.
Cheryl D Webkeeper Backup Laura B
Sherrie W Weekly Leader Listkeeper Elizabeth M

During the Business Meeting, participants discussed and voted on seven proposals. Six proposals were adopted as Group Conscience Decisions:

  • The Business Chair will send a list of proposals for consideration during the entire business meeting to both the main list as well as the business list.
  • Change the name of the ‘Etiquette Letter’ that is sent out monthly by our Secretary and the heading on the GROW website etiquette page to ‘GROW Mail List Guidelines.’
  • Add a recommendation that members overwhelmed by the mail volume create a separate e-mail address for GROW mail. The Approved Language will be placed:
    • prominently on the Welcome page of the Members’ section of the GROW website
    • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette Letter (GROW Mail List Guidelines)
    • as a new second paragraph in the Etiquette webpage (GROW Mail List Guidelines)
    • Approved language: Sometimes, new members can be overwhelmed by the volume of e-mails coming through the list. If you experience this, you might find it helpful to create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. There are many services that offer free e-mail (just search for “free e-mail accounts” on the web). Be sure to notify our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org if you change your address. You might also want to check out the Digest version containing the day’s posts in a single e-mail (contact our Listkeeper to get the Digest).
  • Change the GROW Mail List Guidelines Letter and on the Mail List Guidelines to discourage contacting GROW members from contacting other members without their prior permission on social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
    Approved Language (new text in italics): In keeping with AA’s 11th Tradition and out of respect for anonymity, we do not: 1) include more than this mail list address on anything we post to the group; or 2) forward posts outside the list without getting permission from the original sender and deleting all identifying information; or 3) contact members on social media sites without their prior permission.
  • Adopt the revised Greeter Letter #2 presented below to replace the existing form letter (see entire revised letter at the bottom of this message).
  • Recommend that URLs Not be used in e-mails to GROW members except those linked to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites.
    Approved Language (new sentence in italics): Amend the existing bullet in the Etiquette Letter to add a sentence as follows: “We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We do not include URLs to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites.

A proposal to establish a private GROW Facebook page was presented to the group during the meeting. It generated a lot of spirited discussion. Participants voted on options that included creating the page now and creating the page now but assessing its success at the October Business Meeting. After voting on the options, none achieved the required 2/3 majority; therefore, the proposal will be the first item on our agenda at GROW’s October 2017 Business Meeting.



Approved Greeter Letter #2:

Welcome to GROW! Now that you’re subscribed, this is one of two emails you will receive to help you start participating in our meeting right away. You might want to print these out for future reference.

Email Volume
We have found that sometimes the volume of mail through the GROW list can be overwhelming. If you experience this, you might find it very helpful to choose one of the following:

  • create and use a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your primary email address. Please be sure to remember to let the Listkeepers know of your new address.
  • create folders for your GROW email; filters can also be set up to direct GROW mail into the GROW folder.
  • request the Digest Version (a file containing the day’s posts in a single email). If you would prefer to receive the Digest version, please contact our Listkeeper at grow-owner@oso-aa.org and she will make the change for you.

A new meeting topic is sent to everyone on the list each Sunday and we share throughout the week. On topic and Off topic shares are welcome. We ask that Off topic posts be appropriate for an AA meeting. Please note in your subject line if your share is Off topic (we usually type Off Topic: … )

To share with the group, just address your email to grow@oso-aa.org and your post will be forwarded to all members. To ensure GROW emails do not get placed in your SPAM folder, please add this address to your Address Book.

Please do not use the “Reply to All’ option when you respond privately to another member’s post to GROW, as your personal message will also be directed to the GROW list and it will bounce to the Listkeepers.

For those using phones and tablets, be aware that the default reply option is often “Reply to All”, and double-check that you are not using “Reply to All”.

Please do not type in all CAPS, as this is considered to be yelling.

The secretary posts information about the Trusted Servants and guidelines for our email etiquette once a month. The Listkeeper (the person who makes sure the technical side of our email list works smoothly) also posts information monthly.

Web Site and Password
You’ll find lots more information on our GROW web site. The URL for GROW is: http://www.g-r-o-w.com. Some of the information is for members only, so you’ll need the following:
user name: sobertoday
password: how2484

If you have questions not answered by our website information, please write to me and I’ll be sure to answer them or send your questions to someone who can.

I hope Grateful Recovering Online Women is helpful to you in your journey and growth in sobriety.

Again, welcome
[ Greeter Name ]
Grateful Recovering Online Women




Ladies, thank you so much for your participation!
The meeting is now adjourned. (Friday, April 21, 2017 at 1:01 PM)

Respectfully submitted, Danna M. GROW Business Chair