What I Know Now
When I stumbled into AA 2-1/2 years ago, I was beaten down and scared. You people, happy and confident, told me that there is a solution and to keep coming back. I didn’t know how “it” was going to work, but you assured me it would. Looking back, I’m humbled and a little baffled by it all.
When I started this journey, I thought I would never have fun again if I had to be sober. Actually, some of the most fun times I have ever had have been spent with my sober friends. To be a welcome part of the group, to laugh so hard I cry, and to remember it all the next morning is a treat I wouldn’t give up for all the wine in Napa. Since Day 1 I literally have never once woken up in the morning and thought, “Dang, I really wish I had gotten drunk last night!” But every day, I say a prayer of thanks that I am a sober member of AA today.
At the beginning of this journey, I didn’t believe that I would ever feel comfortable in sobriety. In an awesome twist of irony, my sobriety is now the one thing I can depend on when everything else is falling apart. It’s what I count on to keep me moving forward, left foot right foot, when things are spiraling beyond my control. I hang onto my sobriety before everything else now.
So tell us: what do you know now that you wish you had known on day 1 of your sobriety? What did the old timers tell you when you were new to the rooms that you didn’t believe could be possible but now is a big part of your daily life? Which of your wildest dreams has come in sobriety?
I look forward to hearing your shares on this topic, or whatever is affecting your sobriety today!
Hugs, Allison McG