After the letter “Weekly Topic Leader Message ” has been sent to the group, a waiting period of at least 24 hours is encouraged so that all members may have a chance to reply.
At the beginning of each month, send the current month’s schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding leaders to the group.
At the beginning of each month, send the Weekly Topic Leader Message form letter for the 3rd unfilled month. Schedules should be completed no more than three months in advance.
Send the Weekly Leader Letter to the upcoming leader on the previous Wednesday, reminding them of their scheduled meeting lead on the following Sunday. Attach a clean copy of the meeting format. Make sure they reply, verifying their availability to chair the upcoming meeting.
Maintain a list of on-call meeting leaders that are willing to replace the Topic Leader, if the scheduled leader hasn’t responded to emails or has not posted a meeting by Sunday morning (8 AM PST).
Allocate the first meeting of each month to the corresponding Step by identifying the Step as the topic next to the date on the volunteer lead request message.
Allocate the last meeting in February and August by identifying Service as the topic next to the date on the volunteer lead request message.
At the beginning and middle of each month, post the corresponding Tradition and invite members to share on that topic anytime during the month.