GSR Description


  • 2 year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • 1 year membership in GROW
  • Must be member of Business List.
  • Serves on Steering Committee.
  • Links GROW with A.A. as a whole, serving as group contact with the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous (includes providing postal address).
  • Be listed as the group contact in the International Meeting Directory.
  • Anticipate heavy increase in correspondence.
  • Provide GSO with group information as necessary.
  • Keep group members informed of general service activities, information about conferences and conventions, and pertinent mail, including the newsletter Box 4-5-9, which is the GSO’s primary communication tool.
  • Assist the group in solving a variety of problems, especially those related to the Traditions, drawing on all the services offered by GSO when appropriate.
  • Post to the group excerpts from Conference Approved material as needed.
  • Answer group questions regarding A.A. literature, Traditions, Concepts, etc.
  • Be familiar with the group conscience process and help guide the group through group conscience decisions as necessary.
  • Keep the group informed, via quarterly reports to the GROW business list, of discussions which may affect the group or A.A. as a whole.
  • Post the GSO Calendar of Events each month to the GROW list. The Calendar is contained in the back pages of the current quarterly Box 4-5-9. Recommended Language: “You can find the GSO Calendar of Events on pages 11-12 [depending on the month] of the 4-5-9 Newsletter [Note: link to the newsletter changes for each issue].”
  • The new GSR is responsible for informing the GSO of the following:
    • Group name and service number.
    • The new GSR’s name, address and phone number.
    • The previous GSR’s name (for removal from the mailing list).
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.