Dealing With Grief in Sobriety
Hi dear ladies of GROW, Nancy C an alcoholic here. God willing, I will have 20 years of sobriety, One Day At A Time, next Saturday! This past year has been one of many lows and many changes. My dear husband of almost 51 years died very suddenly August 27 and then my sponsor and dear friend Jean (AFGO) died 6 weeks later.
Thankfully I had God, AA and AA friends to help, guide and support me. There are 5 of us, who attend a 12 step retreat twice a year, that have each lost our husbands since last March. We live in different areas but we are constantly checking on each other and supporting each other.
My family and friends and neighbours have all been so helpful and supportive and I am so grateful…
Daily I go to Step 1 because my world has turned upside down and I am completely powerless. Avoiding my feelings and suppressing my emotions are old behaviors that need to be dealt with upfront. There is no timetable for grief and I use the principles of AA to get through each day, sometimes minute by minute.
I’d love to hear how you ladies have dealt with grief. Thank you for allowing me to chair this week.