About the Group Inventory
By group conscience, we GROW members conduct a group inventory periodically.
The first inventory was held in September of 1999.
Archived Group Inventories are listed here.
The inventory consists of 12 questions, which are posted to the group over a four-week period. Three questions are posted each week. Each week’s responses are summarized and posted back to GROW.
This is an important process for the health of our group. Everyone’s input is important, whether a member is a newcomer, old timer or in between.
The results of the group inventory are taken to the next business meeting and reveiwed by members, to determine if action needs to be taken.
What AA Says
From The A.A. Group… Where It All Begins (p. 27). (2005). New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
A.A. Group Inventory
Many groups periodically hold a “group Inventory meeting” to evaluate how well they are fulfilling their primary purpose: to help alcoholics recover through A.A.’s suggested Twelve Steps of recover.