Business Meetings
GROW has separate mail list to handle business matters of the group. Discussions related to how the group operates take place only on the Business List.
Quarterly business meetings are scheduled for the months of April and October. They are structured to last no more than a 29-day period. We also use the list during the interim when we need to replace Trusted Servants as they rotate; or to deal with emergency matters that may arise.
How to Participate in the Business Meeting
The doors of the business meeting remain open to all members for the duration of the meeting. If you haven’t already done so, please familiarize yourself with the following Group Conscience Guidelines, which describe how we conduct GROW business. To participate in the business meeting, write to grow-owner at and let the listkeepers know that you wish to subscribe to GROW Business List.
Please see Guidelines for Business Meetings for more information about how we conduct business.
Current and archived business meetings listed below.
Current Business Meeting Topics | Archived Business Meetings
Current Meeting Topics
(topics listed below are in order of presentation, with the most recent on top)