Step Work
Hello Ladies It is my pleasure to chair this meeting on my 50th birthday. There was a time I didn’t think I would live that long, or cared to live this long. Boy, things have changed..)) For our topic I would like to suggest a discussion on Step work.
How many times have you gone through the steps? What motivates you to go through them, again? What have you gotten out of it as a result of the work you put into it?
The reason I am asking this, is clearly marking a milestone such as this one makes me take stock. Is this all there is? What could I have done differently? Am I happy with the relationship I have with my family, friends and my sponsor?
For me, I am not. I have relationships with siblings that are better left alone. My sponsor is in the midst of her own life changing times and we have parted ways. So I am starting over with a new sponsor, and she has sent me my first list of “assignments”. I am to read the third step prayer, and then read step one, for 14 days, everyday in first person.
I got that email this morning, and it is indeed an answer to a prayer.
Ladies, the meeting is yours, I am looking forward to reading your experience, strength and hope.