I always thought I was such a humble and giving person. I wanted YOU to see my self sacrifice and then YOU would praise me and hold me in high esteem. Sounds humble-eh?
I finally got out this deep ugly, yucky secret that I have skirted around for a long time. Coming face to face with my “sins” and admitting them to God, myself and then sponsor. It has humbling. She suggested that I start daily getting on my knees and praying. At one point I did regularly and then I stopped. So I have been doing that and it is humbling. I have been praying the third and seventh step prayers. This morning I was reading about step 7 in the 12 and 12.
I want to change, I want the change in my attitude. I’m pretty self centered–I never would have admitted that before.
The Seventh Step is where we make the change in our attitude which permits us, with humility as our guide, to move out from ourselves toward others and toward God. The whole emphasis of Step Seven is on humility. It is really saying to us that we now ought to be willing to try humility in seeking the removal of our other shortcomings just as we did when we admitted that we were powerless over alcohol, and came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. If that degree of humility could enable us to find the grace by which such a deadly obsession could be banished, then there must be hope of the same result respecting any other problem we could possibly have.” (Pg 76 from 12n12)
Please feel free to share on humility or anything else you wish. I cherish this group.
Kind Regards, Karrie