“But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding, which is indescribably wonderful.” BB pg 17
Hi Ladies. My name is Alison B and I am an alcoholic. Welcome to the new gals and congratulations to those celebrating a milestone this month. I’m traveling this week and am waiting for a topic to reveal itself to me. I flew to California for my daughter’s baby shower; I really wanted to rub her belly and feel my grandson kick. She is due in about 5 weeks, so that belly is getting ripe! Lol.
Ok, it’s the end of an amazing week of AA Fellowship for me, hence the topic choice. I live in a region of Michigan that has little “fellowshipping” outside of the AA meetings. And this past week has been spent traveling to see friends and family in another California. I realized that my friends are mostly all members of Alcoholic Anonymous. As one of my girlfriends shared, though it has been years since “the clan” has all been together, it was as if we somehow transcended time. Our camaraderie, community, sisterhood and fellowship remains unchanged as time passes. It is the essence of our beings. We have survived the alcoholic storm that befell us all, and thrive in our AA Fellowship together. It was a beautiful week. I was able to reconnect with my old home group in two different regions of California that I once called home.
There is such a powerful positive energy or force in the collective spirit of sober women. I was able to celebrate my 25th sober birthday with these beautiful ladies. There is no substitute for the good old face to face meetings in my opinion. The hugs, the pats, hand holding, Kleenex fetching, care and love I have found in the rooms of AA is unparalleled. For me, there simply is no replacement for the personal contact with others. Don’t get me wrong, I love GROW too. It compliments my face to face Fellowship.
It is an honor and a privilege to witness the struggles and the spiritual growth of my fellow women in sobriety. What does Fellowship mean to you?
Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes this past week!
Alison B