This is my anniversary month, both for sobriety and marriage so I have lots to be grateful for 🙂 It is also gratitude month. When I got sober in November 1979, I didn’t have a clue what gratitude was all about, and just about every meeting we attended was on gratitude. It was amazing to be surrounded by hope and happiness, smiles, and well wishes.
On Thanksgiving Day, the group I got sober in opened the meetings to the families and had food and desert. Then the meeting got underway, and we all drew a number. When that number was called, we got to share what we were grateful for on this special day. For a lot of us, it was that we were still alive and had another chance at living the correct way. From that day on until the celebrations started to slow down in January, I felt like a small bird who had found a nest and was being cared for and loved by a bunch of men and women who wanted nothing but the best for me and were showing me how to give it away to keep it.
That first holiday season was the beginning of a journey, now 36 years in the making, which gave me a life of love and service. As my sponsor used to say, “We came to get, we stay to give and, in the giving, we get – so is the circle of life”
Thanks for being on the journey. Please share what you wish. Something you may have picked up from my ramble or something that is on your mind.