Favorite Sayings and Slogans
For this week I have chosen the topic favorite sayings and slogans.
In particular I refer to A Day at a Time; First Things First; Easy Does It; You have to give it away to keep it; share experience, strength and hope; think the drink through; love and tolerance of others is our code; Happy Joyous and Free; and Surrender to Win.
Most often do I think about A Day at a Time so I stop getting crazy over the past and worry myself sick about the future; realize the present is all we have in this world in this moment and Surrender to Win, another paradox that tells me if I just give up wanting all things my way they will go God’s way, the way they are supposed to and I can be glad.
Ladies, the floor is open for discussion; tell us how these brief mantras help you get through a difficult day, finally give up insisting things go your way and realize we are all to some extent spiritually sick and wrong much of the time.A I am very grateful for these Tiny programs-in-a-capsule that remind me what is important and get me back on track.