Puting Sobriety First
I was surprised when I heard 90 meetings in 90 days at my first few meetings. It seemed pretty drastic and I was unsure I was willing to do that. But I took it a day at a time and after a couple of weeks, being sober became more and more important. At first putting sobriety first meant getting to several meetings a week, meeting with my sponsor, working steps participating in meetings. As time has gone on I would also include daily prayer, reviewing my day, talking to someone quickly when I get that uneasy feeling that I’ve done something wrong or am fearful and also being willing to sponsor other women.
I was told at one time that if I put sobriety first, I would have more than enough time for everything else and that has proved to be true. It also helped me to remember how much time and effort I put into making sure I had enough alcohol and the hours wasted in solitary drinking.
By being a sober member of AA, I have become more available to people in my life and more aware of how to be a useful human being. Trusting that God is taking care of me and that God will show me where and how to be useful is much more rewarding and productive than when I was running the show with selfish motives, motives I was unaware of until I wrote an inventory.
I continue to put sobriety in AA ahead of anything else and as a result everything else is better.
For a topic, what have been the results when you put sobriety first or maybe when you didn’t?