Fifth 3-Day Period
During the fifth 3-day period of our business meeting:
- We voted on Proposals 11.5 (GSR & Box 4-5-9 Calendar) and 12.5 (GVR & Grapevine Calendar).
- We re-voted on Proposal 3.5 (“Let It Stay Here”).
- We received a Minority Opinion on Proposal 10 (Managing Sponsor Information & Beginners’ Meeting)
- Proposal 10.5a – discontinue “Available Online Sponsors” webpage
- Proposal 10.5b – coordination between Temporary Mentor & Sponsor Listkeeper
- Proposal 10.5c – Beginners’ Meeting
- We commented on the WordPress-based test GROW website.
- Sixth 3-day period – next steps
Our business meeting guidelines state: “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.” Therefore, the sixth 3-day period is the last of the October 2018 Business Meeting.
Results of Voting on Proposal 11.5 – GSR & Box 4-5-9 Calendar
Seventeen (17) participants voted unanimously in favor of Proposal 11.5; therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.
Group Conscience Decision: The GSR will post the Calendar of Events each month to the GROW list. It is to be the link to the current quarterly Box 4-5-9, with the indication of the pages of the Calendar.
Results of Voting on Proposal 12.5 – GVR & Grapevine Calendar
Seventeen (17) participants voted unanimously in favor of Proposal 11.5; therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.
Group Conscience Decision:
The Grapevine Rep will post link to the calendar on the Grapevine website each month. This may be within her report or separate from it.
Results of Re-vote on Proposal 3.5 – “Let It Stay Here”
Two (2) participants voted in favor, and 13 voted against (87%) Proposal 3.5 (which was limited to deleting the Anonymity Statement from the bottom of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter). The vote exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority, so this part of Proposal 3 fails.
Therefore, the existing Anonymity Statement in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter will not be deleted.
Results of Minority Opinion on Proposal 10.5 (subparts a, b, and c)
As a result of the minority opinion, three participants changed their vote on Proposal 10.5a (discontinue “Available Online Sponsors” webpage). Due to a misunderstanding, the Chair had not asked if participants wanted to change their votes on subparts 10.5b (coordination between Temporary Mentor and Sponsor Listkeeper) or subparts 10.5c (Beginners’ Meeting) but did so mid-day of the last day of the 3-day period. After notifying the group of the larger scope of the Minority Opinion, one participant changed her vote on Proposal 10.5b.
Proposal 10.5a (discontinuing the “Available Online Sponsors” webpage)
In the Minutes on the fourth 3-day period, the Chair reported a vote of eleven (11) in favor (60%) and 5 against. In error, the Chair said the vote met the 2/3 requirement for a Group Conscience decision. The Minority Opinion brought that vote into question. As a result of the Minority Opinion, three participants changed their votes from “I agree” to “I disagree,” bringing the vote to an 8-8 tie, which would trigger a re-vote on Proposal 10.5a.
Our business meeting guidelines state: “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.” A sixth 3-day period would take us beyond the 17th day of the meeting, A sixth 3-day period would take us beyond the 17th day of the meeting, so a re-vote on Proposal 10.a is not practical.
Therefore, Proposal 10.5a is tabled and will be reconsidered during the April 2019 Business Meeting.
Proposal 10.5b (managing information about sponsors)
Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor (87%), and three (3) voted against Proposal 10.4b, exceeding the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal. Early this morning, I received a change of vote on this sub-part. Since notice that the Minority Opinion applied to all sub-parts of Proposal 10 was not received until after noon on the last day of the 3-day period, the Chair believes the change of vote should be accepted, which would call for a complete re-vote on the proposal.
Our business meeting guidelines state: “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.” A sixth 3-day period would take us beyond the 17th day of the meeting, so a re-vote on Proposal 10.b is not practical.
Therefore, Proposal 10.5b is tabled and will be reconsidered during the April 2019 Business Meeting.
Proposal 10.5c (Beginners’ Meeting)
Subpart 10.5c was defeated unanimously with a vote of 16 “I disagrees.” No particpants indicated a wish to change their vote as a result of the Minority Opinion.
Therefore, Proposal 10.5c fails, and GROW will not establish a Beginners’ Meeting to operate parallel to the main GROW meeting. This proposal cannot be considered again until October 2019.
Comments on the new GROW test Website
Eight (8) participants commented on the test website. Those who commented were happy with the site, praising its improvement over the current static HTML website. One person submitted questions/comments for the workgroup to consider as it moves forward. Please refer to the section on the sixth 3-day period for next steps.
Sixth 3-day Period
The sixth and last 3-day period of the business meeting will focus on two outstanding issues:
The Business Meeting Guidelines state that “If any item on the agenda has not reached a 2/3 majority vote by the 17th day of the business meeting, the item is tabled and held over to the next scheduled business meeting.”
Although the Chair had announced that we would vote on Proposal 1 (to extend the Website Workgroup mandate to the April 2019 Business Meeting) during the sixth 3-day period. However, doing so would take us beyond the 17th day. Since the guidelines call for such proposals to be tabled until the next business meeting and the desired extension would end by the April 2019 meeting, a vote at this time of no practical value.
Therefore, no vote will be taken, and the website extension is granted by default.
Later today, the Chair will present a list of “Recommended Language” for Group Conscience (GC) decisions that did not include them when presented. Five of the seven GC decisions did not have Recommended Language but added or changed job duties or form letter contents. In order to speed the process along and since all of these are already implied by the GC decisions, I will simply ask for objections to the language and address anything that arises.
Respectfully, danna M GROW Business Chair