February 23: Service

When I first came into AA, I heard about getting sober and getting into service. Helping others. My old ideas were to be selfish and self centered. I would do something for you so long as it benefited me. Made me happy. It was a new idea to do for others. I had to be willing to get out of myself and get into action.

I learned about the three sides of the triangle… unity, service and recovery. All three sides are equal.

To me… The unity is us coming together. The service is us showing up for each other. Recovery is the gift we enjoy. It’s that simple.

My grand sponsor shared with me that the further you are into AA, the harder it is to leave. I got busy… and I stay busy!

At first I was told that sitting in that chair was being of service. Smiling to a member, shaking hands, giving a hug, holding a door. Calling women… Then helping set up and clean up meetings…Picking up other women to take them to meetings and giving a lead at a meeting… being in charge of supplies or picking up literature from the central office… And sponsoring women. I have tried and continue to try to always have a commitment and hold myself accountable.

My life is so good as result of taking the suggestions of a sponsor, working the steps and being of service. It truly is a miracle how we all come together as broken people and can help each other and recover. I pray I never take it for granted.

It was explained to me that together we recover and alone we perish. So I try as best as I can to give back by way of service. Here at Grow, where I’ve gratefully been a member for over 12 years, I’ve been a greeter and on the 12th step committee. I also try to share my ESH on each weekly topic and tradition meetings. The women that keep this meeting going are amazing. If you’re looking to help out and be of service, there’s plenty of women to show you how this works.

I feel that I have to share the importance of not over extending yourself in terms of service. I didn’t get sober to be stressed. My first sponsor was adamant that I got sober to have right relationships with my family. I couldn’t “hide out” in AA. There was a time that I took on a commitment here at Grow and it was more involved than I expected or anticipated. I had to give up the commitment and I was met with understanding and love.

So if you’re not involved in any formal service commitment… I hope you get involved. It ensures that you just might stay sober a day a time.

Please share on the topic of service or anything that is on your mind.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.