Apr 2018 – GVR Report
I’m Sophie, an alcoholic and our Grapevine Rep for Grow.
Each month I send out the main theme from the Grapevine magazine as a topic for us Grow-ers to share on if we wish. I include one full article copied and pasted into the email. Alongside this I send out info about how to participate in the magazine.
I have received positive feedback from a few of members who either subscribe to Grapevine themselves or gift subscriptions and a couple of our members who’ve signed up for the daily Grapevine quotes by email.
As GVR, I’m also allowed to email any of our group any articles in full if they tell me the name of the article and month/year of publication. So far no one has requested me send them anything.
I’m grateful to be of service to our group. Thank you.
In love and fellowship, Sophie | GVR for GROW