1021 – Summary of First 3-day Session

The October 2021 Business Meeting started on Monday, October 4th.
We received reports on their activities since the April meeting from our Treasurer, Secretary, Listkeepers, GSR, OIAA Representative, and mini Steering Committee. They are available on GROW’s website at g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/business-meetings/. You will need a password to enter the private area of our website: sobertodayhow2484.

Because we had a lot of vacancies, the Secretary’s Report (Trusted Servants) was not complete at the beginning of the meeting. But it has been posted now and will be on the website soon. Although there were no proposals at the beginning of the meeting and because there were so many
vacancies, our first three-day session was devoted to a discussion of how GROW could encourage members to volunteer for Trusted Servant positions.

Like in face-to-face meetings, your Trusted Servants make sure the meeting runs smoothly by performing tasks that range from providing temporary mentorship to new members to announcing birthdays to making sure weekly meeting topics get out on time to administrative duties like
managing our Treasury and our website.

Many GROW members who had never held a Trusted Servant position before volunteered this time, bringing new ideas and a fresh perspective to our team.

During the first three-day session, participants discussed ways to more effectively encourage GROW members to volunteer to make GROW a part of their service program. Many great ideas about presenting more useful information to our members about what your Trusted Servants
actually do were raised and will likely result in some major improvements.

Because the discussion has been so productive, we are extending the comment period through the second three-day session.

Respectfully submitted,
danna M
GROW Business Meeting Chair