Proposal 2.2: Changes to Treasurer’s Job Description FYI Letter
Amend Treasurer’s Job Description to reflect actual practices and constraints: (a) Delete line item directing Treasurer to submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. (b) Change period for distributions to GSO from quarterly to semi-annual consistent with our Business Meetings.
Rationale: Rationale for Proposal 2.2 (a): In October 2013, by group conscience decision, a line was added to the Treasurer’s Job Description stating that the Treasurer would submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. This has only happened twice – in the first two months after the decision was made. Since then, Treasurer’s reports have been submitted only for the Business Meetings in April and October. Further, it is not clear that monthly Treasurer’s Reports add anything to the effective operations of GROW, especially since no one has raised the lack of them as an issue. Therefore, we should delete that line item duty from the current Treasurer’s job description.
Rationale for Proposal 2.2 (b): Since we started archiving Treasurer’s Reports on GROW’s website in 2013, distributions to GSO have been made sporadically:
Date Amount
Apr-17 $711.04
Oct-16 $1,014.61
Apr-15 $611.35
Sep-14 $1,661.58
Jan-14 $ 260.29
Apr-13 $357.44
Oct-13 $351.66
During this period, distributions have never been made quarterly as required in the Treasurer’s job description. One reason for this is that, on a quarterly basis, total donations have not always been sufficient to cover both the Prudent Reserve and a donation to GSO. Therefore, GROW should make distributions to GSO every six months just prior to the Business Meeting and be included in the regular Treasurer’s Report. This is consistent with the way it has actually been done.
Summary of Comments on Proposal 2.1
Results of Voting on Proposal 2.1
Eighteen (18) participants voted “I agree” on the proposal to delete one task from the job description and to change the frequency of distributions to GSO from quarterly to biannual consistent with our Business Meetings. There were no “I disagree” votes on the proposal. Therefore, the proposal is unanimously approved and adopted.
Group Conscience Decision:
Amend Treasurer’s Job Description to reflect actual practices and constraints: (a) Delete line item directing Treasurer to submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. (b) Change period for distributions to GSO from quarterly to semi-annual consistent with our Business Meetings.