0421 – Final Summary of April 2020 Business Meeting

Twenty-four (24) GROW members attended the April 2021 business meeting. In three 3-day sessions, they submitted comments and voted five proposals that addressed Trusted Servant position descriptions, the distribution of funds beyond our Prudent Reserve, and information on our website. Participants supported all of the proposals that were considered and voted to approve them. No one voted “No” on any proposal. You can find Trusted Servant reports as well as summaries of discussions and voting results on proposals on GROW’s website at http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/business-meetings/#current-meeting.

Group Conscience Decisions – April 2021

GROW business meeting participants considered and approved five Group Conscience decisions during our April 2021 meeting. They are:

  • Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>
    Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.
  • GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.
  • Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.
  • Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

Revised 12th bullet of Treasurer’s position description:

    • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
      • Make quarterly * bi-annual contributions, prior to each Business meeting, to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230). Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
      • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
      • $12.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)
      • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine
  • Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting. (Refer to Proposal 4 for Recommended Language.)


With no further proposals to consider in this business meeting, the Chair adjourned the meeting on Wednesday, April 14.

0421 – Summary of 2nd 3-day Session

During our second 3-day session, we voted on three proposals and considered two new proposals.

Results of Voting – Three New Group Conscience decisions

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 1 (Delete Mailman form letter). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of removing the Mailman form letters from the website and changing the last bullet in the Listkeeper position description to refer to the Listkeeper Message rather than the Mailman letter. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 1 is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision:
Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>

Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 2 (Group Conscience decisions). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:
GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 3 (Group Conscience decisions). Twelve (12) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 3 now becomes a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:
Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.

Discussion of Two New Proposals

During the second three-day session, two new and related proposals were presented and discussed:

Proposal 4: Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

In October 2014, GROW decided to discontinue its contributions to OIAA due to its ineffective operations and management. The current OIAA Representative’s Report documents significant improvement in the organization’s operations and more effective support of alcoholics who visit their website. Attendance at OIAA meetings has significantly increased, positivity has increased (as opposed to prior arguments and conflict), and accountability is now an important value of the organization.

Eight participants commented on Proposal 4, all of them supporting the proposal. No one raised issues or questions. During the third 3-day session participants are voting on this proposal.

Proposal 5: Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

In reviewing the Treasurer’s position description (PD), the Chair found that the approved timing of contributions to GSO did not correctly describe the distribution schedule. While the PD directed her to make contributions quarterly, they have actually been made annually for some time. Therefore, at the recommendation of the Treasurer, the Chair proposed changing “quarterly” to “bi-annual,” timing to be consistent with the two business meetings in April and October of each year. The Chair combined the Recommended Language for this proposal with that of Proposal 4 since both proposals focused on the same area of the position description.

Because the proposal was presented in the middle of the 3-day session and because it is primarily a housekeeping chore, the Chair asked participants to comment in the day left in the session. During the third 3-day session, participants will vote on the proposal.

0421 – Proposal 5: Treasurer’s Description

Proposal 5: Amend the Treasurer’s position description

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Rationale: The current position description requires the Treasurer to make quarterly distributions to GSO. This has not been done for some time, as distributions have actually been made once a year. Our Treasurer recommends that the distributions be done every six months when the Treasurer’s report is prepared for the business meeting. It takes us back to Prudent Reserve every six months and makes the book keeping much simpler.

Recommended Language: Amend the sub-bullet under “Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:” as shown below. (Given the apparent approval of resuming OIAA contributions, I’m showing the two relevant sub-bullets for clarity.)

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly bi-annual contributions prior to GROW’s business meetings to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0) and OIAA.  Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 5

The Chair called for discussion of this proposal during the second three-day session. We did not have three full days to discuss the proposal. The Chair reasoned that the proposed change would simply reflect the reality of current practices by removing the requirement for “quarterly” distributions. It would also implement the Treasurer’s recommendation for bi-annual distributions.

Four comments were made, all of them agreeing with the proposal. No one raised an issue or question.

Results of Voting on Proposal 5

During the third three-day session, we voted on Proposal 5 (make bi-annual distributions). Fourteen (14) participants voted in favor of resuming GROW’s contributions to OIAA. No one voted against the proposal, nor did anyone raise issues or questions. Therefore, Proposal 5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Recommended Language: Please refer to the Recommended Language for Proposal 4 which combines changes for the Treasurer’s position description for both proposals.

0421 – Proposal 4: Resume OIAA Contributions

Proposal 4: Resume OIAA Contributions

Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

Recommended Language: Revise the following bullet in the Treasurer’s position description to reflect GROW’s decision to reinstate contributions to OIAA.

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly * contributions to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230). Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
    • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
    • $12.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)
    • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine

Rationale: In October 2014, GROW decided to discontinue its contributions to OIAA because our OIAA Representatives had consistently reported ineffective operations and management in the organization. (To read about the decision-making process at that time, visit http://www.g-r-o-w.com/members/groupc/gctopics/gc_oiaa.htm#contributions). Our current OIAA Representative’s Report for April 2021 reveals significant improvement in the organization’s operations and more effective support of alcoholics who visit their website. Attendance at OIAA meetings has significantly increased, positivity has increased (as opposed to prior arguments and conflict), and accountability is now an important value of the organization.

* In preparing the recommended language for this proposal, the Chair noted that the current Treasurer’s position description calls for quarterly contributions to GSO. This has not been done for some time, as Treasurer’s have opted to make the contribution once a year. Therefore, the recommended language deletes the reference to quarterly payments.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 4

In the second three-day session, eight (8) participants commented on Proposal 4 (OIAA contribution). All participants agreed with the proposal. No one raised an issue or question.

Results of Voting on Proposal 4

During the third three-day session, we voted on Proposal 4 (resume OIAA contributions). Fourteen (14) participants voted in favor of resuming GROW’s contributions to OIAA and allocating 20% of GROW’s avaiable distribution amount. No one voted against the proposal, nor did anyone raise issues or questions. Therefore, Proposal 4 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision

Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

Recommended Language: Revise the following bullet in the Treasurer’s position description to reflect GROW’s decision to reinstate contributions to OIAA.

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly * bi-annual contributions, prior to each Business meeting, to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230). Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
    • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
    • $12.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)
    • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine

The Chair is using one “Recommended Language” section for both Proposal 4 and Proposal 5 since they address the same area of the Treasurer’s position description.

0421 – Summary of First 3-day Session

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented on three proposals:

    • Proposal 1 called for deleting the Mailman form letter because it is no longer used.
    • Proposal 2 would create webpage listing all GROW Group Conscience decisions.
    • Proposal 3 adds a requirement for at least one year of GROW membership for these Trusted servant positions: Business Meeting Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Listkeepers, and Weekly Lead Listkeeper.

Seven members commented on Proposal 1, and six members commented on Proposals 2 and 3. All comments agreed with the proposals. No issues or questions were raised in any comment.

During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on these three proposals. The second 3-day session will also include discussion of a new Proposal 4 that would reinstate GROW’s contributions to the Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (OIAA). GROW suspended our contributions in October 2014 because we felt the group was not adequately supporting AA’s primary mission.

0421 – Proposal 3: TS Requirement

Proposal 3: Trusted Servant Membership Requirement

Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Treasurer, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.

Rationale: Some Trusted Servant positions demand that the person holding the position has a working knowledge about how GROW works. Position descriptions already include membership requirements for the Website Administrator and the Webkeeper and Webkeeper Backup (four, two, and one years respectively).

In order to assure effective support for GROW’s continued successful operations, Trusted Servants in key positions should have been members of our group for least one year. The normal training by the outgoing Trusted Servant may not be adequate in situations where decisions and/or actions should reflect our historic approaches. Members who are new to GROW will not have the experience they would get from serving in other positions first and attending our business meetings.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 3

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 3, which adds a requirement for at least one year of GROW membership for these Trusted servant positions: Business Meeting Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Listkeepers, and Weekly Lead Listkeeper. Six members commented on Proposal 3. All comments agreed with the proposals. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on these Proposal 3.

Results of Voting on Proposal 3

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 3 (Group Conscience decisions). Twelve (12) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 3 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.

0421 – Proposal 2: List of Group Conscience Decisions

Proposal 2: List of Group Conscience Decisions
GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.

Rationale: GROW’s previous website contained a straightforward list of the specific language of Group Conscience decisions reached in our business meetings. On our new website, it is difficult to do research for proposals being developed and to support actions taken in response to queries or issues that come up in our e-mail meeting.

The website is our archive for GROW. It is the only place where past decisions are documented, and it should provide easy access to Group Conscience decisions.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 2

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 2, which would create a webpage listing all GROW Group Conscience decisions. Six participants commented on Proposal 2. All comments agreed with the proposal. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 2.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 2 (Group Conscience decisions). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.

0421 – Proposal 1: Delete Mailman Letters

Proposal 1: Mailman Letters

Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>

Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.

Rationale: The two Mailman Letters currently listed on our website are no longer used, and the links are broken.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 1

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 1 that called for deleting the Mailman form letter because it is no longer used. Seven participants commented on Proposal 1, all agreeing with the proposal. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 1.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 1 (Delete Mailman form letter). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of removing the Mailman form letters from the website and changing the last bullet in the Listkeeper position description to refer to the Listkeeper Message rather than the Mailman letter. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 1 is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>

Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.

0421 – Mini Steering Committee Report

Actions by Mini Steering Committee

through April 2021

The Mini Steering Committee is made up of the Business Meeting Chair, the Secretary, and the Listkeepers. When non-controversial issues arise, this group decides what actions are appropriate without having to raise it to the full Steering Committee.

In the period since our last Business Meeting in October, only one incident has happened. A member (Member 1) took exception when another member (Member 2) sent a ‘scolding’ note to the whole group about non-sobriety-related messages.

Member 1 asked the Steering Committee to intervene. In response, our Secretary sent the GROW Guidelines for E-mail Participation memo to the mailing list.

danna M
GROW Business Meeting Chair

0421 – GSR Report

GSR Report

April 2021

I currently serve as the General Service Representative (GSR) for this amazing group. GSRs are encouraged to attend Area Assemblies, their county general service meeting, their district meeting, and of course their home group’s business meeting. I reside in Northwest Indiana where we meet monthly for a district meeting (district 17) and attend Area 22 quarterly meetings (top half of Indiana). I thought about sharing a little on the service structure in the monthly reports. Please forgive the delay in sending these reports. Taking care of a sick husband for the past six months. I do not want to slack on my duties and will ensure the reports are sent timely.

What is a GSR? The General Service Representative (GSR) is perhaps the most important role in AA. It is through their GSR that each group has a voice and a vote in larger AA matters. This connection helps keep AA unified, both in a practical sense and spiritually. We wouldn’t last long as a fellowship if it weren’t for the service of GSRs such as yourself. Source:  www.aaseny.org/gsr

If you look at AA’s triangle, there are three words written on the sides: recovery (12 steps), service (12 concepts & unity (12 traditions). In our area, we often wear a pin that says “service is the secret”. Service has saved my life when the other two legacies were suffering.

Alcoholics Anonymous has dipped into their prudent reservice due to a drop in sales and group donations. One of the items we discussed was to challenge each group to support the New York location. I personally send $1 per each year sober for my anniversary & donations for online groups I’ve attended for zoom.

Link: Contribution AA.org

Another, to support the Grapevine Magazine by purchasing subscriptions (online or by mail) followed by making personal donations.

Grapevine Magazine Subscriptions • AA Grapevine Store • Magazines, Books & More

If you have any questions about participating in general service, feel free to send me an email at nicolewaltersparker@icloud.com.

In love and service,
Nicole Walters

0421 – OIAA Report

OIAA Representative’s Report

April 2021

From the March OIAA Secretary’s Report;

  1. OIAA voted to restate NJ (New Jersey) Certificate of Incorporation to include Non-Profit commitment and disposition of Assets to nonprofit entities – (this had lapsed and is important in the US to be registered in this way).
  2. OIAA approved the 2021 Budget a presented by Finance Committee.

An important note here:
Over 80% of the Voting Member Groups elected not to vote on the first motion regarding the Certificate of Incorporation for a Non Profit Member Entity. This is the lowest response to a vote in the year I’ve been OIAA Rep, I believe.

Integration of Online AA Groups into worldwide AA Service Structure

  • Pre-General Service Conference (GSC) meetings around the World;
  • Consideration of Online AA integration into the AA Service Structure is a topic where every Online AA member or Group is a stakeholder.
  • AA Service Structure meetings are going on now to inform your Area Delegate in advance of the General Service Conference in April.
  • OIAA Secretary requests that all OIAA members and Groups find ways to attend these virtual meetings and humbly ask for timely and serious consideration of integrating Online AA Groups into the AA Service Structure to ensure our Online AA Group voices will be heard at GSC as soon as possible.

From the OIAA Web Committee Report March 2021:

  • The work of the OIAA Web Committee continues to evolve and we appreciate the dedication of our trusted servant volunteers.
  • We continue to have new groups join our ranks.
  • Website re-design and upgrades are being tweaked to fit the needs of OIAA.
  • We are researching ‘if or how’ we may add an event/calendar feature to the website. We met today and had a successful discussion on these and other topics.

March OIAA Stepper’s Committee Report:

  • 768 “Steppers Requests” (vs 829 February) – daily high of 49 requests
  • 407 “Contact Us Requests” (vs 436 February)
  • Data shows majority of requests for contact and 12th stepping help come from US but also see requests many other countries too.

OIAA March Unity Committee Report:

  • The goal of the Unity Committee is to achieve greater unity and cooperation between O.I.A.A. and G.S.O.’s worldwide in order to fulfill our common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic.
  • Our regular meetings with GSO as the designated liaison for OIAA are producing many suggestions for OIAA, from those routed to other committees for consideration to discussions around what integrating online groups with no geographical affiliation might look like as GSO/AAWS integrates online groups into the General Service Structure.
  • Our committee plans to reach out to GSOs around the world, and eventually other intergroup offices operating online. and will need volunteers for this effort as well! One thing is for sure, we are getting active in the Unity Committee!


I hope this gives you a flavour of the great service work that is being done (and you are welcome to add to!) at our Intergroup OIAA.

Thank you for having me be of service.

Outgoing OIAA Rep

0421 – Listkeeper’s Report

Listkeepers’ Report

April 2021

Our membership as of March 31, 2021 is 275. We have 251 regular list members and 24 Digest members (This number is always a little larger than our actual count because some members have two subscriptions).

At the start of our last business meeting, October 1, 2020; we had 241 members. This time last year we had 166 members. We are Growing!

A big thank you to our greeters Lisa M. and Karrie C. This coming service term Karrie C. will continue as a greeter and Karen H. as a listkeeper. We are still waiting for someone to volunteer to replace Lisa M. and Sarah K. Thank you so much for all of your service ladies!

Respectfully submitted,
Sarah K and Karen H
GROW Listkeepers

0421 – Treasurer’s Report


as of April 2, 2021

Paypal Deposits
October……………. 182.01
November………….. 55.00
December………….. 55.00
January……………… 50.00
February………….. 100.00
March……………… 205.56
Total…………………………… 647.57

Ally Deposits
Prudent Reserve.. 122.00
October……………….. 0.06
November……………. 0.07
December………….. 20.07
January……………. 105.08
February……………… 0.07
March……………….. 70.04
Total…………………………… 317.39

Paypal……………… 647.57
Ally………………….. 317.39
Total…………………………… 964.96

We are due to pay Dean Collins $72.00 for the first half of 2021. I will keep $122.00 for Prudent Reserve and the remaining balance of $770.96 will be donated to GSO.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Baughman

0421 – Business Meeting Opening

Greetings GROW Members:

The April 2021 Business Meeting (GROW-BUS) is now open. If you wish to participate, please send an email to the following address requesting to join the Business List grow-owner@oso-aa.org – if you have not already done so.

At this time, we are considering three proposals:

  1. Proposal 1: Delete Mailman Form Letter
  2. Proposal 2: List Group Conscience Decisions on the website
  3. Proposal 3: Establish GROW membership requirement for some Trusted Servant positions


  • Send all replies to grow-business@oso-aa.org
  • Do not hit reply to this email or your request will come to me instead of the Listkeepers
  • Do not send your request to the GROW meeting list, or your request may be overlooked
  • Remember that even if you were subscribed for a previous GROW Business Meeting, you must subscribe again, as all names are removed from the list at the end of each meeting
  • Trusted Servants (both Incoming and Outgoing) are automatically subscribed by our Listkeepers

I look forward to your participation at the meeting!

danna M
GROW Business Chair