0421 – Proposal 5: Treasurer’s Description

Proposal 5: Amend the Treasurer’s position description

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Rationale: The current position description requires the Treasurer to make quarterly distributions to GSO. This has not been done for some time, as distributions have actually been made once a year. Our Treasurer recommends that the distributions be done every six months when the Treasurer’s report is prepared for the business meeting. It takes us back to Prudent Reserve every six months and makes the book keeping much simpler.

Recommended Language: Amend the sub-bullet under “Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:” as shown below. (Given the apparent approval of resuming OIAA contributions, I’m showing the two relevant sub-bullets for clarity.)

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly bi-annual contributions prior to GROW’s business meetings to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0) and OIAA.  Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 5

The Chair called for discussion of this proposal during the second three-day session. We did not have three full days to discuss the proposal. The Chair reasoned that the proposed change would simply reflect the reality of current practices by removing the requirement for “quarterly” distributions. It would also implement the Treasurer’s recommendation for bi-annual distributions.

Four comments were made, all of them agreeing with the proposal. No one raised an issue or question.

Results of Voting on Proposal 5

During the third three-day session, we voted on Proposal 5 (make bi-annual distributions). Fourteen (14) participants voted in favor of resuming GROW’s contributions to OIAA. No one voted against the proposal, nor did anyone raise issues or questions. Therefore, Proposal 5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Recommended Language: Please refer to the Recommended Language for Proposal 4 which combines changes for the Treasurer’s position description for both proposals.