0421 – OIAA Report

OIAA Representative’s Report

April 2021

From the March OIAA Secretary’s Report;

  1. OIAA voted to restate NJ (New Jersey) Certificate of Incorporation to include Non-Profit commitment and disposition of Assets to nonprofit entities – (this had lapsed and is important in the US to be registered in this way).
  2. OIAA approved the 2021 Budget a presented by Finance Committee.

An important note here:
Over 80% of the Voting Member Groups elected not to vote on the first motion regarding the Certificate of Incorporation for a Non Profit Member Entity. This is the lowest response to a vote in the year I’ve been OIAA Rep, I believe.

Integration of Online AA Groups into worldwide AA Service Structure

  • Pre-General Service Conference (GSC) meetings around the World;
  • Consideration of Online AA integration into the AA Service Structure is a topic where every Online AA member or Group is a stakeholder.
  • AA Service Structure meetings are going on now to inform your Area Delegate in advance of the General Service Conference in April.
  • OIAA Secretary requests that all OIAA members and Groups find ways to attend these virtual meetings and humbly ask for timely and serious consideration of integrating Online AA Groups into the AA Service Structure to ensure our Online AA Group voices will be heard at GSC as soon as possible.

From the OIAA Web Committee Report March 2021:

  • The work of the OIAA Web Committee continues to evolve and we appreciate the dedication of our trusted servant volunteers.
  • We continue to have new groups join our ranks.
  • Website re-design and upgrades are being tweaked to fit the needs of OIAA.
  • We are researching ‘if or how’ we may add an event/calendar feature to the website. We met today and had a successful discussion on these and other topics.

March OIAA Stepper’s Committee Report:

  • 768 “Steppers Requests” (vs 829 February) – daily high of 49 requests
  • 407 “Contact Us Requests” (vs 436 February)
  • Data shows majority of requests for contact and 12th stepping help come from US but also see requests many other countries too.

OIAA March Unity Committee Report:

  • The goal of the Unity Committee is to achieve greater unity and cooperation between O.I.A.A. and G.S.O.’s worldwide in order to fulfill our common purpose of carrying the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic.
  • Our regular meetings with GSO as the designated liaison for OIAA are producing many suggestions for OIAA, from those routed to other committees for consideration to discussions around what integrating online groups with no geographical affiliation might look like as GSO/AAWS integrates online groups into the General Service Structure.
  • Our committee plans to reach out to GSOs around the world, and eventually other intergroup offices operating online. and will need volunteers for this effort as well! One thing is for sure, we are getting active in the Unity Committee!


I hope this gives you a flavour of the great service work that is being done (and you are welcome to add to!) at our Intergroup OIAA.

Thank you for having me be of service.

Outgoing OIAA Rep