0419 – Proposal 8: Assign Temporary Sponsors

Proposal 8: Assign Temporary Sponsors When Requested

Proposals 7 and 8 were submitted as 2 proposals, but the rational applies to both. I am posting 2 proposals with the same rational attached to both.

Proposal 8: The Sponsor Listkeeper will work with the Temporary Mentor to assure that newcomers who want a sponsor are assigned a temporary sponsor.

Rationale: During our discussions on the Temporary Mentor (newcomer committee and providing links to AA resources), it became clear that there are issues related to the Online Available Sponsors list/webpage because the people on that list do not always respond timely (or at all) to newcomers’ requests for help. Further, Available Online Sponsors do not rotate, and the only members that rotate on both the 12th Step List and the Sponsor List are the listkeepers. The Available Online Sponsor webpage creates the impression that only people on the sponsor list can sponsor, which in reality is not the case.

Summary of Comments

Read Proposal 7 and 8: Online Sponsors for details.

Group Conscience Decision:

An ad hoc committee was formed to craft a proposal for the October 2019 meeting that is inclusive for all the Trusted Servant job descriptions that address helping members with sponsorship.