0419 – Proposal 9: Weekly Leader Listkeeper

Proposal 9: Weekly Leader Listkeeper TS Responsibilities

Delete current descriptions and add proposed descriptions for Weekly Leader Listkeeper on the GROW trusted servant responsibilities page.

**** Delete the 8 current bullets below:

  • At the end of each month, calls for topic volunteers to fill the 3rd unfilled month, using Weekly Leader Template approved by group conscience.
  • Send the one-month schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding Weekly Leaders to the group on a monthly basis (in addition to posting regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics)
  • Schedules should be completed for no more than three months in advance.
  • Post regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics and post the upcoming chairs.
  • Two weeks prior to meeting date, confirm topic leader is still a GROW member.
  • Provide weekly topic leader with clean copy of meeting format.
  • Replace the topic leader if necessary through general announcement to the group.
  • Maintain a list of those willing to lead a topic (chair a meeting) each Sunday, including email address.

*** Add the following 4 bullets for clarity:

  • “At the beginning of each month, send the current month’s schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding leaders to the group.”
  • “At the beginning of each month, send the Weekly Topic Leader Message form letter for the 3rd unfilled month. Schedules should be completed no more than three months in advance.”
  • “Send the Weekly Leader Letter to the upcoming leader on the previous Wednesday, reminding them of their scheduled meeting lead on the following Sunday. Attach a clean copy of the meeting format. Make sure they reply, verifying their availability to chair the upcoming meeting.”
  • “Maintain a list of on-call meeting leaders that are willing to replace the Topic Leader, if the scheduled leader hasn’t responded to emails or has not posted a meeting by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”


  • The bullet descriptions concerning calling for volunteers and posting the meeting schedule need more clarity as to when to send each item, so I added “at the beginning of the month”. I have been doing this and it works well to send the call for volunteers and current month’s schedule at the beginning of the month.
  • The bullet concerning posting regularly weekly reminders is a repeat and doesn’t need to be there.
  • The bullet concerning confirming the member’s status two weeks before is not needed, because the list keeper contacts the assigned leader personally on the Wednesday before the meeting. This is an extra, unnecessary duty.
  • The bullets concerning a list for weekly leaders and replacing the topic leader needs more clarity. This has been an unclear area and has caused some problems during my current term. I added a specific time to replace the topic leader, if a topic has not been posted on Sunday morning. Also, if we have a list of willing leaders, why make a general announcement to the group? I believe making a general announcement is embarrassing to the assigned leader and negates the point of having a list of willing leaders. (Refer to the business meeting decision on October 2011 about maintaining a back-up list of willing leaders).

Summary of Comments on Proposal 9

  1. It is so nice to have a nice clear list and procedure for MIA leaders. Again, my thanks!
  2. Thank you for simplifying the process here. This proposal offers effectiveness and manageability. I support this.
  3. Brings more clarity and definite timelines, I like it
  4. Thank you, Amanda. You’ve done a great job at revising this Job Description!
  5. Minority Opinion after the vote.  I voted “I disagree” on this proposal because I cannot support the following bullet as written:
    • “Maintain a list of on-call meeting leaders that are willing to replace the Topic Leader, if the scheduled leader hasn’t responded to emails or has not posted a meeting by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”
    • My problem with the bullet is the imposition of a time deadline on posting the Sunday meeting (“… by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”). Our meetings begin on Sunday, but we have never decided as a group that they should begin no later than a specific time on Sunday. This bullet makes that decision for us. It is not appropriate to require our weekly meeting leaders to get their lead out by a certain time on Sunday, particularly when the business meeting has not made that decision.
    • The deadline is stated for the Pacific Standard Time zone, meaning leaders will have to figure out what time that is in their time zone. This is further complicated by the fact that it refers to Standard Time rather than Daylight Savings Time. There will be large portions of the year in which the PST requirement doesn’t make sense.
    • We have, as a group, debated the question of when a meeting should be posted many times. This one bullet in the proposal imposes a decision on Grow that the business meeting participants have not discussed. I would agree with the proposal if the parenthetical “(8 AM PST)” were deleted.
  6. There are several discussions to be had in this opinion. There needs to be three new proposals made I guess. I had them in separate proposals but was told to combine them because we only have a month for this meeting…
    1. Maintaining a list of on call leaders
    2. Posting the meeting late Saturday or early Sunday.
    3. Time frame for posting.
      1. Maintaining a list of on call leaders is already on the current job description for WLL. If there is a disagreement with this, it needs to be a separate proposal.
      2. Posting the meeting on Saturday evening or Sunday morning is a group conscience decision from 2012 that is not being followed through with. We would need a separate proposal to change this.
      3. As far as the additional time, it’s just a courtesy to have the meeting be available for everyone on Sunday morning. 8 AM PST is 11 AM EST and even later for those in Europe. How is that not acceptable? Any later in the day would not be morning anymore. I think this is reasonable. As I said before, face to face meetings have times to show up. No one has had any issue posting the meeting by 8 AM PST since I started testing it out the past few months. If people need more time, they ask and it’s totally fine. If there needs to be a separate proposal for this, I’ll be happy to make one.

Results of Voting on Proposal 9

Voting: Passed after second vote 8 agree, 1 disagree.

Group Conscience Decision:

We have consensus on this Proposal and it is APPROVED that we begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning. We will “revisit” this topic in our October 2012 Business Meeting to discuss possible modification of our website and literature to reflect this change.

Proposal: Begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning, to ensure that ladies in various time zones will receive the meeting on Sunday.