1022 – Proposal 7: Working Group

Proposal 7: GROW will create a working group to address the Alternatives to Address Vacancies. The working group will take a closer look at the issues to identify ways in which we can focus on supporting our online AA women’s meeting while hopefully still providing support to individual GROW members.

Rationale: Much of our October 2022 business meeting has been devoted to covering duties that will not be performed due to vacancies the GSR, Secretary, and Business Meeting Chair Trusted Servant positions. The subject is broad and complex, and we are not able to find solutions and propose those solutions in the timeframe of the October business meeting. With the Secretary and Chair positions vacant, it will be difficult to address filling and rotating Trusted Servant positions and set up and execute the April 2023 business meeting. In order that GROW makes progress on the issues, the Chair is recommending that a working group be established to come up with some viable solutions.

To support effective action, this proposal includes several measures to facilitate communication and maximum participation in the working group. These include:

  • keep grow-business active for at least six months (until the next scheduled business meeting), during which all current Trusted Servants would be subscribed automatically,
  • issue a call to current Trusted Servants for volunteers to form a working group that would identify the priorities and major issues and propose alternatives for changes to “the way GROW operates,”
  • invite interested GROW members who are not Trusted Servants to subscribe to the business-grow mailing list to participate in the working group,
  • temporarily suspend some GROW Business Guidelines to allow the working group to make specific proposals that would be discussed and voted on grow-business outside of our scheduled business meeting process (while still adhering to the existing Business Meeting Guidelines process for proposals – reaching Group Conscience decisions), and
  • offer specific issue areas to be addressed based on the comments made to date.

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Summary of Comments

Nine women commented on the proposal. All of the comments supported the Working Group, and several of them included a commitment to join the Working Group.

Results of Voting

Eight women voted “I agree” on Proposal 7, and no one voted “I disagree.” Therefore, the proposal is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

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1022 – Proposal 4: 2024 IWC

Proposal 4: GROW authorizes Cheryl B to poll our membership to identify women who are interested in attending the 2024 International Women’s Conference (IWC) in Washington DC and to represent GROW in contacting the IWC to explore opportunities to participate by staffing a booth, either separately or in cooperation with other online AA groups, or volunteering for other service opportunities. She will report her findings in the April 2023 Business Meeting and seek approval for further action.

Rationale: Members of GROW attending the 60th IWC in February 2024 together would strengthen relationships between our members. It would give us an opportunity to share about things not directly related to our sobriety, allowing members to get to know one another on a level not possible in our online meetings. It would offer an opportunity to be of service as a group, supporting one another while having fun and introducing other AA’s to GROW.

Cheryl B would volunteer to be the contact person with the IWC committee. She would keep GROW members that wish to participate informed of dates/deadlines for registration, hotel reservations and details regarding a service position.

When we have information on GROW members attending the IWC and an understanding of how GROW could participate in the Conference, Cheryl will present a proposal on GROW’s role and possible funding needs to the April 2023 GROW Business Meeting.

Summary of Comments

Three women commented on Proposal 4, which would authorize Cheryl B to identify GROW members who plan to attend the 2024 International Women’s Conference and to act as contact for GROW with the IWC organization to explore ways we could be of service at the conference. All of those who commented enthusiastically supported the proposal.

We will vote on this proposal in the third 3-day session.

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1022 – Proposal 3: GSR Duties

Proposal 3: To assist GROW to be better informed about AA as a whole in the case of a vacant GSR post; at the Business Meeting we ask for a TS to volunteer to receive and forward the quarterly AA Newsletter Box 4-5-9 and to highlight the Calendar page as per our Group Conscience October 2018. 

Rationale: As the group are aware we repeatedly struggle to fill a small number of key TS positions. One part of the GSR role in helping keep our group informed about AA as a whole is the forwarding of Box 4-5-9. We voted on this becoming part of the GSR role four years ago yet have been without an active GSR for much of this time.Follow the link to read our original discussion to receive the newsletter: http://g-r-o-w.com/1018-proposal-11-gsr-459-calendar/

As a measure to help us as a group be better informed would the group consider allowing a TS to volunteer to carry out this bullet point until the next Business Meeting.

Summary of Comments
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1022 – Proposal 2: Business Meeting Chair Position Description

Proposal 2: Amend the position description for the Business Meeting Chair to add working with the Webkeeper to assure meeting materials are posted to the website as soon as possible.

Rationale: Business Meeting Chairs have always worked with the Webkeeper, providing documents that include anything related to Proposals, Trusted Servant reports, and lists of Group Conscience Decisions. However, this important function is not addressed in the current position description.

Recommended Language:

Amend the tenth bullet in the Business Meeting Chair position description:

  • Work closely with other trusted servants, especially the Secretary and Webkeeper.

Add a new twelfth bullet as shown below:

  • Work closely with the Webkeeper to assure meeting documents are posted to the website as quickly as possible. Give the Webkeeper documents that include:
    • all reports and proposals, Minutes, and Summary documents
    • Summaries for each phase for Proposals (discussion, voting, and final outcome (is or is not adopted as a Group Conscience Decision).

Summary of Comments
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Summary of Comments

Three participants made four comments on this proposal that adds recognition of the need for the Business Chair to work closely with the Webkeeper to see that the information about the business meeting is posted accurately and timely. All of the comments supported the proposal, agreeing that it is important that the position description should be accurate and thorough. One woman asked if it might not be wise to include a more specific timeframe than “as quickly as possible.” Another responded that the current situation does not call for a deadline and that if it should become necessary, we can address it at that time.

During the second 3-day session, we will vote on this proposal.

Also during the second 3-day session, we will consider three more proposals:

  • Proposal 4: 2024 International Women’s Conference
  • Proposal 5: Secretary’s Duties
  • Proposal 6: Business Meeting Chair’s Duties

I will also send out a discussion document addressing alternatives for addressing GROW’s continuing vacancies in Trusted Servant positions. You will be asked to review the document and provide your opinions and ideas on possible options for handling Trusted Servant vacancies in the longer term.

You can review all documents that have been published to the Business Meeting on GROW’s website at Business Meetings – GROW (g-r-o-w.com). Remember that the password to enter the Members’ section is sobertodayhow2484.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

danna M
GROW Business Meeting Chair

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1022 – Proposal 1: 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper Position Description

Proposal 1: Edit the position description for the 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper to assure that notices of “12th Step Calls” go out to the volunteers within 48 hours that a message is received by GROW.

Rationale: GROW did not set a standard for the amount of time that passes before the Listkeeper sends out a notice to the women who’ve volunteered to offer their support to members who are struggling. Since the position was established, the amount of time for notices (subject: “12th Step Call”) to go to the volunteers has varied significantly. This proposal would establish formally GROW’s expectation these notices be sent as soon as possible after the message they’re responding to was sent to the mailing list.

Recommended Language: Edit the seventh bullet in the 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s position description as shown below:

  • Forwards those letters to the 12th Step CommitteeVolunteers within 48 hours after the subject message appeared in GROW.

Summary of Comments

Summary of Comments

Seven participants commented on the proposal to amend the 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s [Listkeeper] position description. The change would add the expectation that the Listkeeper send the “12th Step Call” notices within 48 hours after the message was posted on GROW’s mailing list.

All of the participants supported the proposal. One thought it would be reasonable to extend the 48-hour timeframe to 72 hours. Another suggested that the 12th Step Volunteers should be asked to respond within 12 hours of receiving the notice. The Chair pointed out that we do not ask the volunteers to report back that they’ve responded and there is no way for the Listkeeper to check it, pointing out that we trust the volunteers to follow-through timely. Another participant felt that the 48-hour expectation be a suggestion rather than a requirement and that we should not specify a timeframe for the volunteers. She pointed to the danger of micromanaging our Trusted Servants, reminding us that we assume our Trusted Servants do their jobs to the best of their ability.

During the second 3-day session, we will vote on this proposal.

Also during the second 3-day session, we will consider three more proposals:

  • Proposal 4: 2024 International Women’s Conference
  • Proposal 5: Secretary’s Duties
  • Proposal 6: Business Meeting Chair’s Duties

I will also send out a discussion document addressing alternatives for addressing GROW’s continuing vacancies in Trusted Servant positions. You will be asked to review the document and provide your opinions and ideas on possible options for handling Trusted Servant vacancies in the longer term.

You can review all documents that have been published to the Business Meeting on GROW’s website at Business Meetings – GROW (g-r-o-w.com). Remember that the password to enter the Members’ section is sobertodayhow2484.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

danna M
GROW Business Meeting Chair

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0422 – Proposal 6: Website Position Descriptions

Proposal 6: GROW modifies the current web keeping-related trusted servant positions, eliminating the webkeeper backup position, adding a ‘Topic Archivist’ position, and establishing 5-year terms for the Website Administrator and Webkeeper positions. (See proposed Position Descriptions below.)

Recommended Language
Summary of Comments
Results of Voting


Since the current website administrator has been in her position, the webkeeper and webkeeper backup positions have not been filled at the same time.  In addition, the roles and responsibilities are not outlined correctly.

Our current Webkeeper Backup is really posting the weekly meeting topics and not maintaining any aspects of the website structure or design.  This position is necessary for the group and more accurately defined by the new position that is being proposed: Topic Archivist.  Posting the weekly meeting topics maintains an archive of topics that is available for all members to review.  Simplifying this position description will very likely result in more members being willing to volunteer for this position.

The Website Administrator and Webkeeper roles have been very hard to fill by volunteers and are key to maintaining the infrastructure for the group. The premise of this proposal is that by having these two positions with 5-year terms, we can a) better communicate our expectations to the members who fill these roles, b) ensure continuity of infrastructure for the group, and c) have more lead time to identify and train future volunteers.

We will discuss this proposal during the second 3-day session. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org or to me privately before midnight (your time) on Thursday, April 7th.
Please remember to include the proposal number in the subject line of your message.

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The 3 positions are:

Website Administrator: Basically, our current web admin is doing both Web Administrator and Webkeeper jobs now. Main focus would be on keeping the plug-ins up-to-date, patched, maintaining security of the website, etc.

Webkeeper: Would manage the webpage structure (categories, menus, etc.), would make any adjustments to content based on group conscience decisions, and would maintain the business meeting content

Topic Archivist: Duties would be what our current webkeeper backup is doing now, posting the weekly topics to the webpage. The requirements for this position have been simplified.

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Recommended Language:

Website Administrator

  • 5 year term
  • 4 years sobriety
  • 4 years GROW membership
  • Must be familiar with WordPress and the administration of Websites
  • Member of Business List
  • Non-voting member of the Steering Committee
  • Maintains GROW Server account
  • Maintains a periodic backup of the GROW database
  • Maintains GROW website updates (WordPress, theme, and plugins)
  • May seek professional services to resolve technical issues up to an annual limit of $300.
  • Consults with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website
  • Supports Web-keeper and Topic Archivist on WordPress site issues
  • Provides Web-keeper and Topic Archivist with all necessary information and passwords to access all web accounts and web server
  • Provides the Webkeeper’s email address to the web hosting service and designate her as co-owner
  • As owner of the g-r-o-w web account, helps ensure that the annual service fee is paid. If necessary, provide copies of invoice/receipt to GROW Treasurer for reimbursement
  • Upon retirement, transfers website account to successor, provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines, and serve as a mentor during the transition to ensure continuity of service.
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.

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  • 5 year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • 2 years GROW membership
  • Must be member of Business List
  • Non-voting member of the Steering Committee
  • Should be familiar with WordPress and website management
  • Maintains public website (g-r-o-w.com) for GROW to provide information about Alcoholics Anonymous and for the purpose of attracting new members. Information should include:
    • Info about Alcoholics Anonymous
    • Info about GROW
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Our Guiding Philosophy
    • Guide for Email Etiquette
    • Traditions in Cyberspace
    • How to become a member
  • Maintains the password-protected private section on g-r-o-w.com to provide GROW members with information about GROW, including:
    • List of trusted servants and job descriptions
    • Info about how we conduct business
    • Group conscience decisions
    • Common Welfare Guidelines
    • Archives in keeping with group conscience guidelines
    • Important Addresses
  • Works closely with the Business Meeting Chair and the Steering Committee to ensure that pertinent group history is preserved in the member’s section of the GROW website and that archived materials are accessible to GROW members
  • Consults with Steering Committee before making substantial design changes to GROW website that have not been dictated by group conscience decisions
  • Posts all business meetings and keep updated throughout the business meeting
  • Ensure that any material posted on g-r-o-w.com appropriately protects the anonymity of anyone mentioned
  • Upon retirement, transfers website account to successor, provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines, and serve as a mentor during the transition to ensure continuity of service
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.

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Webkeeper Backup Topic Archivist

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Summary of Comments

Six people commented on Proposal 6 which presented revised position descriptions for all of the website-related Trusted Servant positions. In addition, the proposal would abolish the position of Webkeeper Backup and create a new position of Topic Archivist. The comments supported the proposal; however, there were questions to which the Chair responded ‘publicly’ on the business list.

One commenter asked about the reasoning behind the proposed 5-year terms of office for the Website Administrator and Webkeeper. The proposal initially made both positions non-rotating; however, this was changed to five years to reflect AA’s principle of rotation. The 5-year term also recognizes the difficulty we’ve had in attracting volunteers.
Another commenter suggested that the Website Administrator’s position description should include a bullet authorizing her to use professional services to assist with website management. The Chair has added a bullet as suggested.

Finally, a commenter asked about the implications for getting volunteers of the language “should be familiar with WordPress and website management” in the Webkeeper’s position description. There is a clear but unavoidable tension between the need for volunteers and the skill levels necessary to perform the job.

In the third 3-day session, we will vote on Proposal 6.

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Results of Voting

0422 – Proposal 5: Temporary Mentor Letter #3

Proposal 5: GROW approves a new form letter that the Temporary Mentor can send to the group each month, as required in her position description.

Recommended Language
Summary of Comments
Results of Voting

Rationale: The Temporary Mentor position descriptions calls for her to send a short letter each month reminding GROW members of AA resources (GSO, OIAA, and Grapevine) available to them. However, this hasn’t happened regularly in the past. Providing a form letter will be a reminder and will make it easier for the Temporary Mentor to fulfill this task.

During the second 3-day session, we will discuss Proposal 5. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org before midnight (your time) on Thursday, April 7th.
Please remember to include the proposal number in the subject line of your message.

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Recommended Language: Temporary Mentor Letter #3

“Hello, GROW members. As Temporary Mentor, I work with new members who often do not know how to find more information about AA. I provide this to our new members in my first message to them, but all GROW members might also benefit from visiting AA’s main websites. This is just a reminder that you can learn more about AA by visiting one of these links:

  • The Alcoholics Anonymous general services office and information such as the AA Big Book (titled “Alcoholics Anonymous”) or the “12 Steps and 12 Traditions,” along with many pamphlets as well as links to local resources for AA.
  • AA’s Online Intergroup (OIAA) where you can find meeting lists as well as real-time phone numbers and other Internet types of meetings.
  • AA’s Grapevine magazine with stories and audio stories and Grapevine subscription options.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

[ Name ]
Temporary Mentor

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Summary of Comments

Six people commented on Proposal 5 adding a new form letter to the Temporary Mentor position description, all of them supporting the proposal. Several talked about how useful form letters have been to fulfilling their own duties. The letter facilitates the Trusted Servant in fulfilling a responsibility: “Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them.” The letter mirrors form letter #1 but provides links to AA resources to all GROW members instead of just new members.”

In the third 3-day session of the meeting, we will vote on Proposal 5.

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Results of Voting

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0422 – Proposal 4: Website Support Services

Proposal 4: GROW approves the expenditure of funds to acquire support services from Dean Collins (oso-aa.org) or other professionals in managing the GROW website. For example, the Website Administrator will request help in better utilizing current 3rd-party applications that allow us to offer improved information access. GROW therefore authorizes the Website Administrator to incur expenses up to $300 per year to secure the needed support. Prior to enlisting the help of an IT professional, the Website Administrator will provide the Mini-Steering Committee and Treasurer a short summary of the tasks and an estimated cost.

Recommended Language
Summary of Comments
Results of Voting

Rationale: Our Website Administrator is familiar with WordPress (the content management software that makes the site work); however, she is not as familiar with the many plug-ins that had been added to accomplish specific tasks (like creating sidebar menus and automatically-generated lists like the one for Trusted Servants and the table of contents for a meeting).

Another Trusted Servant is now training for the Webkeeper position and will volunteer for it in October. When this immediate problem is solved, our Website Administrator will be able to devote most of her time to website administration rather than content management. She will need ofessional technical support to accomplish needed website improvements.

Our current point of contact for the oso-aa.org domain, Dean Collins, has agreed to provide services at $20/hour with no monthly minimum, which is FAR less than his professional website pricing.

We will discuss this proposal during the second 3-day session. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org or to me privately before midnight (your time) on Thursday, April 7th.
Please remember to include the proposal number in the subject line of your message.

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Recommended Language: Add a fifth bullet to the Treasurer’s position description under the bullet authorizing expenditures (“Pay all group expenses…”) to authorize the Treasurer to make payments to Dean Collins or reimburse the Website Administrator for consulting support on the Grow website.

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make bi-annual contributions before GROW Business Meetings, to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230).
    • Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
    • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
      $24.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) ($144 – 6 months expenses)
    • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine
    • Up to $300 per year to Dean Collins dba Insight Planners, or other professionals, for consulting services on GROW’s WordPress-based website

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Summary of Comments

Six people commented on Proposal 4 authorizing the expenditure of up to $300 per year to secure professional website support services. All of the comments supported the proposal, although one participant had a question about whether the proposal applies to both the website and the mailing list. The Chair clarified that it applies only to the website.

In the third 3-day session of the meeting, we will vote on Proposal 4.

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Results of Voting

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0422 – Proposal 3: Preamble

Proposal 3: Revise the AA Preamble wherever it appears in our form letters and on our website to reflect the October 2021 General Service Conference decision to change the wording in AA’s Preamble from “men and women” to “people.”

Recommended Language
Summary of Comments
Results of Voting

Rationale: At the 71st General Service Conference annual meeting (April 2021), a revision to the AA Preamble was approved through advisory action. The change replaced the words “men and women” with the word “people” in the first sentence of the Preamble. The language has been changed on the AA website. GROW should reflect this decision in the Preamble where it appears in our correspondence and on our website.

In our October 2021 meeting, we discussed the change. Most of the comments expressed strong opposition to changing a word of the Big Book. However, the Preamble isn’t in the Big Book. The Big Book was published in 1939. The Preamble was written by Grapevine editors in 1947.

Each AA group is autonomous and should decide whether they want to adopt this change. No AA group is required to read the Preamble at its meetings. In fact, AA groups have adopted similar but different Preamble language in the past. For example, the Texas AA adopted a very long preamble, but individual AA groups in Texas choose whether to use it.

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Recommended Language: Change the first sentence in the Preamble included in the Weekly Format Letter (used by the Weekly Leader Listkeeper) as follows:

“Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.”

During the first 3-day session, we will discuss Proposal3. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org before midnight (your time) on Monday, April 4th.

Please remember to include the proposal number in the subject line of your message.

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Summary of Comments

Twelve people commented on Proposal 3 to change “men and women” to “people” in GROW’s Preamble.

As background, this change was approved at the 71st General Service Conference annual meeting in April 2021 as a non-binding advisory action. By Tradition, each AA group is autonomous and can make its own decision about whether to change the Preamble it uses in its meetings. It’s impossible to know what decision the thousands of individual AA meetings are making for their own group. This is a Group Conscience decision at a profound level.

One writer commenting on the change in a white paper pointed out that many groups and AA organizations at higher levels have written their own preambles in the past, citing a state-level decision in Texas to create a much longer and more detailed Preamble. Living in Texas, I can testify that no group I’ve been to here uses the Texas version.

The change does not involve our basic text. It is not suggested that Big Book language should be changed. The Preamble was developed years after the BB’s first publication.

During the first days of commenting, there appeared to be consensus for approving the wording change. However, one participant submitted a persuasive argument that the language should not be changed based on, among other things, AA’s Traditions – specifically Tradition 3 (“The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.”), Tradition 4 (“Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or AA as a whole.”), and Tradition 10 (“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”).

The commenter also cited language in the first paragraph of the Preamble, pointing out an inherent contradiction between the advisory action and the claim that “A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.” After reading the opposing viewpoint, several participants commented that they would not support the change, and discussion of this proposal continued late into the night.

We will vote on Proposal 3 to change the Preamble that GROW uses in its weekly meeting and wherever it appears on our website. Voting will end late on Thursday, April 7th. The Chair will report on the outcome in the summary of our second 3-day session.

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Results of Voting

Sixteen (16) women (69%) voted on Proposal 3 to change the language in the Preamble contained in the Weekly Lead format letter and anywhere it appears on the website. Eleven (11) voted in favor of the change, and five (5) voted against it. The vote exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority.

During the third 3-day session, we invite those who voted against the proposal to submit a Minority Opinion explaining their position. If anyone changes their vote as a result of the Minority Opinion(s), we will have a re-vote. If no one changes their vote as a result, the vote stands and the proposal becomes a Group Conscience Decision.

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0422 – Proposal 2: Revise Secretary Position Description

Proposal 2: Revise the Secretary’s position description to delete contradictory, ambiguous, or unreasonable expectations.

Rationale: The Secretary’s current position description assigns duties to the Secretary that are not clearly articulated or that duplicate or contradict GROW policies contained in the Common Welfare Guidelines and Item #9 of the Business Meeting Guidelines. The suggested changes eliminate the contradictions and reflect existing GROW policies.

Recommended Language
Summary of Comments
Results of Voting


  • 1 year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • One year membership in GROW
  • Must be member of Business List
  • Should have completed AA Steps 1 – 12.
  • Adheres to confidentiality of private emails
  • Serves on the Steering Committee
  • Works closely with the other Trusted Servants including privately and discreetly informing members who stray from the guidelines
  • Serves on GROW’s “Mini-Steering Committee” Will be available, in conjunction with the Business Chairperson and Listkeepers, to answeraddress questions/concerns/issues from any member of GROW. These Trusted Servants will confer among each other to provide an appropriate answer or resolution based on prior Group Conscience guidelines, and will respond back to the inquiring member
  • Maintains a list of emergency contact phone numbers of all trusted servants for use by trusted servants, not for general distribution.
  • KeepsMaintains a current list of trusted servants and term dates
  • Calls for nominations/volunteers
  • Confirms nominees will accept and serve
  • Announces new trusted servants
  • Sends Steering Committee Welcome Letter to all new trusted servants
  • Fields questions sent both publicly and privately (This is too general to be useful. It should either be written more specifically or be removed.)
  • Serves as temporary back-up to the Business Meeting Chair
  • Does NOT handle anything related to the business meeting (These two lines are contradictory and unnecessary.)
  • Informs the business chair if elections are needed for trusted servants.
  • Reviews GROW mail daily. (Not necessary to the position.)
  • Has an understanding of the duties of each job. (There is no way to verify that the TS “understands” the duty of all jobs. Therefore, this line is meaningless. It is also unreasonable to expect one person to understand everyone else’s job.)
  • Sends FYI Letter and GROW Mail List Guidelines monthly to GROW membership
  • Knows how to access job descriptions and form letters (particularly the monthly FYI and GROW Guidelines letters) necessary to carry out the tasks. (This “duty” should be included in the Common Duties, not in this specific job. Every Trusted Servant should do this.)
  • Sends letter of introduction to new Temporary Mentor and the birthday, sponsor, weekly meeting lead, and 12th step listkeepers when they begin new term. (She already sends welcome letters to all new Trusted Servants. Delete this item.)
  • Is available to temporarily carry out the tasks of the Temporary Mentor and Birthday, Sponsor, Weekly Meeting Lead, and 12th Step Volunteer listkeepers, as necessary. (There is no reason to expect the Secretary to carry out the duties of other Trusted Servants. The Common Duties places responsibility for covering jobs on each Trusted Servant. They are supposed to contact the Secretary or Business Chair to work out solutions when they can’t carry out their duties temporarily or permanently.)
  • Maintains current copies of birthday, sponsor, weekly meeting lead, and 12th Step Volunteer lists. (It should not be the Secretary’s responsibility to maintain current lists. (At the most, the TSs should be responsible for providing her with copies of their current lists. There may be better ways to keep back-up copies of these lists – for example, on the website.)
  • Acts as a focal point to receive complaints when Trusted Servant(s) do not fulfill responsibilities and works with the Steering Committee and the Trusted Servant to resolve performance issues.
  • When a Trusted Servant becomes unavailable or unwilling to fulfill her duties, temporarily serves in that role and works with the Steering Committee to fill the position. Train the new volunteer who accepts the vacant position. (It is not appropriate to expect the Secretary to cover for every TS position. It is her job to work with – even lead – the Steering Committee to see that the job gets done, hopefully by someone who has been in the position before.)
  • Conducts a Group Inventory every 2 years (in even-numbered years) between the Business Meetings of April and October by sending out the 12 Questions on our website. 3 questions will be sent to the group each week over a 4-week period. Each week’s responses will be summarized, posted back to the group, and the results discussed and reviewed by members at the next Business Meeting to determine if action needs to be taken. These will be posted in addition to the Weekly Topics.
  • In the event that the current Greeter and / or Listkeeper is unable to complete the task of their respected positions, the Secretary can put out a call to the membership for help to fulfill those tasks needed until the current Greeter and / or Listkeeper issue is resolved. The Secretary’s call to the membership would include a prerequisite of having served in those requested positions so that they may assume those duties quickly and efficiently.
  • In 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s temporary absence, either alert 12th Step volunteers of a need for support or work with Steering Committee to assure these duties are covered. (There is a process for TSs who can’t do their job to work with the Secretary and Business Chair … and the Steering Committee … to fill the position temporarily or permanently.)
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.
  • Wording for letters commonly used are provided in the links below:

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We will discuss this proposal during the first 3-day session. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org or to me privately before midnight (your time) on Monday, April 4th.
Please remember to include the proposal number in the subject line of your message.

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Position Description as Revised:


  • 1 year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • One year membership in GROW
  • Must be member of Business List
  • Adheres to confidentiality of private emails
  • Serves on the Steering Committee
  • Works closely with the other Trusted Servants including privately and discreetly informing members who stray from the guidelines
  • Serves on GROW’s Mini-Steering Committee with the Business Chairperson and Listkeepers, to address questions/concerns/issues from any member of GROW
  • Maintains a list of emergency contact phone numbers of all trusted servants for use by trusted servants, not for general distribution
  • Maintains a current list of trusted servants and term dates
  • Calls for nominations/volunteers
  • Confirms nominees will accept and serve
  • Announces new trusted servants
  • Sends Steering Committee Welcome Letter to all new trusted servants.
  • Informs the business chair if elections are needed for trusted servants
  • Acts as a focal point to receive complaints when Trusted Servant(s) do not fulfill responsibilities and works with the Steering Committee and the Trusted Servant to resolve performance issues
  • When a Trusted Servant becomes unavailable or unwilling to fulfill her duties, works with the Steering Committee to fill the position
  • Conducts a Group Inventory every 2 years (in even-numbered years) between the Business Meetings of April and October by sending out the 12 Questions on our website. 3 questions will be sent to the group each week over a 4-week period. Each week’s responses will be summarized, posted back to the group, and the results discussed and reviewed by members at the next Business Meeting to determine if action needs to be taken. These will be posted in addition to the Weekly Topics
  • In the event that the current Greeter and / or Listkeeper is unable to complete the task of their respected positions, the Secretary can put out a call to the membership for help to fulfill those tasks needed until the current Greeter and / or Listkeeper issue is resolved. The Secretary’s call to the membership would include a prerequisite of having served in those requested positions so that they may assume those duties quickly and efficiently
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here
  • Wording for letters commonly used are provided in the links below:

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Summary of Comments

Eleven participants commented on Proposal 2, all of them supporting the revisions to the Secretary’s position description. One participant suggested that the language changes related to the Mini-Steering Committee should also be made to the position descriptions for the Business Chair and Listkeepers. The Chair has added this to the proposal.

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Results of Voting

Sixteen (16) women voted for, and no one voted against, Proposal 2 to revise the Secretary’s position description. The vote was unanimous and therefore becomes a Group Conscience Decision.

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0422 – Proposal 1: Trusted Servant Membership Requirements

Proposal 1: Assign “qualifying GROW membership” to TS positions for which this requirement has not been specified. Required membership in GROW will be equal to the length of the term of office.

Requirement for membership in GROW equal to the term of office will be assigned to the following Trusted Servant Position Descriptions:

  • 12th Step Listkeeper – 6 months
  • Birthday Listkeeper – 6 months
  • Sponsor Listkeeper – 6 months
  • General Service Representative (GSR) – 21 years
  • Grapevine Representative (GVR) – 1 year
  • Greeter – 1 year
  • OIAA Representative – 1 year

Summary of Comments
Results of Voting

Rationale In compiling the “Comparison Chart,” we identified several positions for which no requirement for length of GROW membership had been assigned. To make all TS requirements consistent and reduce confusion about GROW membership requirements, this proposal corrects that omission by assigning a value equal to the term of office for each position.

We will discuss this proposal during the first 3-day session. Please send your comments to grow-business@oso-aa.org or to me privately before midnight (your time) on Monday, April 4th.

danna M
GROW Business Meeting Chair

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Summary of Comments

Eleven participants commented on Proposal 1. No one opposed the proposal, but more than half disagreed with the proposed requirement for length of membership in GROW for the General Services Representative. Feeling that a requirement for two years’ membership in GROW was unreasonable, they wanted to reduce that to one year.

There seemed to be general agreement that the six-month requirement for the three six-month term Trusted Servants is appropriate. However, one person felt that 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper should have been in GROW for at least a year.

There were a few participants who wanted to shorten the membership requirements proposed for the OIAA Rep, Grapevine Rep, and Greeter from one year to six months.

Given the interest in addressing specific positions and the lack of general consensus for many of the positions, the Chair is extending the discussion period through the second 3-day period when we will discuss the preferred required length of GROW membership for specific positions.

Extended discussion:

During the second 3-day session, very few people commented on the proposed GROW membership requirement for Trusted Servant positions beyond the GSR. The two people that did comment supported the proposed terms of office.

In the third 3-day session of our meeting, we will vote on Proposal 1 which will reflect the GROW membership requirement for the GSR from at one year.

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Results of Voting

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1021 – Proposal 3: Brief Job Descriptions

Proposal 3: Brief Job Descriptions

Group Conscience Decision:

In the Secretary’s recruitment messages, rather than referring members to the position descriptions for Trusted Servants, provide a brief description of their job that includes its basic function and how it benefits GROW, the time required to do the job, workload intensity, and the busiest times. The descriptions will also include the name and email address of the person currently holding the position.

The Business Meeting Chair and Secretary will work with Trusted Servants to develop the job descriptions before the March 2022 recruitment effort begins.

Rationale: The proposal reflects broad agreement in business meeting participants’ comments addressing the lack of volunteers for Trusted Servant (TS) positions. Discussions revealed that GROW’s position descriptions are too long and to detailed to attract volunteers. There was near-unanimous agreement that hearing from the current TS about the position was much more effective.

Because TSs change over time, and their experiences will be different, the Chair is proposing that a simple job description that can be used during every recruitment process would be more practical. This would not replace the individual TS shares about their experience in the position that TSs post during the Service topic GROW meeting.

Summary of Comments

Ten women commented on Proposal 3 calling for the Secretary’s announcements of Trusted Servant vacancies to present brief plain-language job descriptions instead of links to position descriptions. There was unanimous support for this proposal.

Results of Voting

Sixteen (16) participants voted “I agree” and no one voted “I disagree” on the proposal to replace the link to position descriptions in the Secretary’s announcement of Trusted Servant vacancies with more simple job descriptions.  Therefore, Proposal 3 is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

1021 – Proposal 2: Service Topic Meeting

Group Conscience Decision:

GROW will devote one meeting to service in the last week of the month before recruitment begins (February and August).

While the topic will not be limited to service within GROW, all current TSs are encouraged to share on their experience in the job to encourage GROW members to volunteer when recruitment begins. The Weekly Leader Listkeeper will reserve the last Sunday of February and September for the topic of Service.

Recommended Language: Add to the Weekly Leader Listkeeper’s position description an eleventh bullet:

  • Allocate the last meeting in February and August by identifying Service as the topic next to the date on the volunteer lead request message.

Rationale: The proposal reflects broad agreement in business meeting participants’ comments addressing the lack of volunteers for Trusted Servant (TS) positions. Comments broadly, but not unanimously, supported having a GROW meeting topic devoted to service before the recruitment process begins.

Summary of Comments

Ten women commented on Proposal 2 that calls for two GROW meetings be devoted to the topic of service in late February and August. All comments agreed with the proposal. One commenter expressed regret that this would eliminate two more opportunities for weekly meeting leaders to select their own topic. Another commenter thought that releasing the service topic midweek would avoid this. Finally, a third commenter suggested that the mid-week suggestion should be carried forward to the April 2022 business meeting.

Results of Voting

Sixteen (16) people voted “I agree” on the proposal to devote a GROW weekly meeting topic to Service in the last week of February and August (before recruitment for Trusted Servants begins). No one voted “I disagree.”

0421 – Proposal 5: Treasurer’s Description

Proposal 5: Amend the Treasurer’s position description

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Rationale: The current position description requires the Treasurer to make quarterly distributions to GSO. This has not been done for some time, as distributions have actually been made once a year. Our Treasurer recommends that the distributions be done every six months when the Treasurer’s report is prepared for the business meeting. It takes us back to Prudent Reserve every six months and makes the book keeping much simpler.

Recommended Language: Amend the sub-bullet under “Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:” as shown below. (Given the apparent approval of resuming OIAA contributions, I’m showing the two relevant sub-bullets for clarity.)

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly bi-annual contributions prior to GROW’s business meetings to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0) and OIAA.  Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 5

The Chair called for discussion of this proposal during the second three-day session. We did not have three full days to discuss the proposal. The Chair reasoned that the proposed change would simply reflect the reality of current practices by removing the requirement for “quarterly” distributions. It would also implement the Treasurer’s recommendation for bi-annual distributions.

Four comments were made, all of them agreeing with the proposal. No one raised an issue or question.

Results of Voting on Proposal 5

During the third three-day session, we voted on Proposal 5 (make bi-annual distributions). Fourteen (14) participants voted in favor of resuming GROW’s contributions to OIAA. No one voted against the proposal, nor did anyone raise issues or questions. Therefore, Proposal 5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend the Treasurer’s position description to change the requirement to make quarterly distributions to bi-annually, prior to each business meeting.

Recommended Language: Please refer to the Recommended Language for Proposal 4 which combines changes for the Treasurer’s position description for both proposals.

0421 – Proposal 4: Resume OIAA Contributions

Proposal 4: Resume OIAA Contributions

Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

Recommended Language: Revise the following bullet in the Treasurer’s position description to reflect GROW’s decision to reinstate contributions to OIAA.

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly * contributions to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230). Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
    • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
    • $12.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)
    • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine

Rationale: In October 2014, GROW decided to discontinue its contributions to OIAA because our OIAA Representatives had consistently reported ineffective operations and management in the organization. (To read about the decision-making process at that time, visit http://www.g-r-o-w.com/members/groupc/gctopics/gc_oiaa.htm#contributions). Our current OIAA Representative’s Report for April 2021 reveals significant improvement in the organization’s operations and more effective support of alcoholics who visit their website. Attendance at OIAA meetings has significantly increased, positivity has increased (as opposed to prior arguments and conflict), and accountability is now an important value of the organization.

* In preparing the recommended language for this proposal, the Chair noted that the current Treasurer’s position description calls for quarterly contributions to GSO. This has not been done for some time, as Treasurer’s have opted to make the contribution once a year. Therefore, the recommended language deletes the reference to quarterly payments.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 4

In the second three-day session, eight (8) participants commented on Proposal 4 (OIAA contribution). All participants agreed with the proposal. No one raised an issue or question.

Results of Voting on Proposal 4

During the third three-day session, we voted on Proposal 4 (resume OIAA contributions). Fourteen (14) participants voted in favor of resuming GROW’s contributions to OIAA and allocating 20% of GROW’s avaiable distribution amount. No one voted against the proposal, nor did anyone raise issues or questions. Therefore, Proposal 4 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision

Given the improvement in OIAA operations and management, GROW will resume contributions to that organization by allocating 20% of our surplus to OIAA, with the remaining 80% continuing to go to GSO.

Recommended Language: Revise the following bullet in the Treasurer’s position description to reflect GROW’s decision to reinstate contributions to OIAA.

  • Pay all group expenses per the distribution below and maintain a prudent reserve of $122.00:
    • Make quarterly * bi-annual contributions, prior to each Business meeting, to GSO (The General Service Office, Grand Central Station, PO Box 459, New York, NY 10164-0423; Group Service # 633230). Allocate 80% of the total available contribution amount to GSO
    • Allocate 20% of GROW’s total available contribution amount to OIAA
    • $12.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)
    • $50.00 annual subscription to Grapevine magazine

The Chair is using one “Recommended Language” section for both Proposal 4 and Proposal 5 since they address the same area of the Treasurer’s position description.

0421 – Proposal 3: TS Requirement

Proposal 3: Trusted Servant Membership Requirement

Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Treasurer, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.

Rationale: Some Trusted Servant positions demand that the person holding the position has a working knowledge about how GROW works. Position descriptions already include membership requirements for the Website Administrator and the Webkeeper and Webkeeper Backup (four, two, and one years respectively).

In order to assure effective support for GROW’s continued successful operations, Trusted Servants in key positions should have been members of our group for least one year. The normal training by the outgoing Trusted Servant may not be adequate in situations where decisions and/or actions should reflect our historic approaches. Members who are new to GROW will not have the experience they would get from serving in other positions first and attending our business meetings.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 3

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 3, which adds a requirement for at least one year of GROW membership for these Trusted servant positions: Business Meeting Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Listkeepers, and Weekly Lead Listkeeper. Six members commented on Proposal 3. All comments agreed with the proposals. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on these Proposal 3.

Results of Voting on Proposal 3

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 3 (Group Conscience decisions). Twelve (12) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 3 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add to some position descriptions a bullet requiring that Trusted Servants have been a member of GROW for at least one year. The positions that would be subject to this requirement are: Business Meeting Chair, Listkeeper, Secretary, and Weekly Leader Listkeeper.

0421 – Proposal 2: List of Group Conscience Decisions

Proposal 2: List of Group Conscience Decisions
GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.

Rationale: GROW’s previous website contained a straightforward list of the specific language of Group Conscience decisions reached in our business meetings. On our new website, it is difficult to do research for proposals being developed and to support actions taken in response to queries or issues that come up in our e-mail meeting.

The website is our archive for GROW. It is the only place where past decisions are documented, and it should provide easy access to Group Conscience decisions.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 2

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 2, which would create a webpage listing all GROW Group Conscience decisions. Six participants commented on Proposal 2. All comments agreed with the proposal. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 2.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 2 (Group Conscience decisions). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of creating a webpage that lists all of GROW’s Group Conscience decisions. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

GROW will maintain a page on its website that lists Group Conscience decisions.

0421 – Proposal 1: Delete Mailman Letters

Proposal 1: Mailman Letters

Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>

Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.

Rationale: The two Mailman Letters currently listed on our website are no longer used, and the links are broken.

Summary of Discussion on Proposal 1

Twenty-four (24) GROW members have signed up for the April 2021 business meeting. During the first 3-day session, we considered and commented Proposal 1 that called for deleting the Mailman form letter because it is no longer used. Seven participants commented on Proposal 1, all agreeing with the proposal. No issues or questions were raised in any comment. During the second 3-day session, participants will vote on Proposal 1.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1

During the second three-day session, we voted on Proposal 1 (Delete Mailman form letter). Thirteen (13) participants voted in favor of removing the Mailman form letters from the website and changing the last bullet in the Listkeeper position description to refer to the Listkeeper Message rather than the Mailman letter. No one voted against the proposal. Therefore, Proposal 1 is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Delete “Mailman Letter – Business List” and “Mailman Letter – Regular List” from the Trusted Servants/Letter Templates webpage < http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/letter-templates/>

Delete the references to the above two letters in the Listkeeper Position Description <http://g-r-o-w.com/listkeeper-and-alternate-listkeeper-description/> and replace with a reference to the Listkeeper Message letter template < http://g-r-o-w.com/form-listkeeper-letter/>.

1020 – Proposal 7: Webkeeper Exemption

Proposal 7: For the Webkeeper position, approve in advance a one-time exemption from the requirement for having served a full term as Webkeeper Backup when a volunteer meets all other requirements for the position.


At this time, the Webkeeper position is vacant. To fill the position, a volunteer is required to have two years of sobriety, two years as a member of GROW, and to have served a full term as Webkeeper Backup. From the time the new website was launched until October 1, 2020, the position of Webkeeper Backup was vacant. Therefore, no one could qualify for the Webkeeper position.

This proposal allows the Secretary to apply an exemption, without having to seek approval from the Steering Committee, from the requirement for having served as Webkeeper Backup for the volunteer who steps forward to take the Webkeeper position and who meets all other requirements of the position.

Summary of Discussion

Six (6) participants commented on the proposal, generally supporting the proposal. One participant would extend the exemption to all GROW service positions, stating that the Secretary should have discretion when volunteers do not meet all requirements for a position. Another participant asked about the Steering Committee’s involvement in granting an exemption. The Chair pointed out that since this one-time-only exemption was being considered during a business meeting, our Steering Committee is involved in the decision-making.

Voting Results

Twelve people voted, all of them supporting the proposal. The vote was unanimous.

Therefore, Proposal 7 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision

Group Conscience decision

For the Webkeeper position, approve in advance a one-time exemption from the requirement for having served a full term as Webkeeper Backup when a volunteer meets all other requirements for the position.

1020 – Proposal 6: Change URLs to Links

Proposal 6: Change the reference to “URLs” in the Weekly Lead Format letter and the GROW Mail List Guidelines to “links.”

Recommended Language:
In the Topic section of the Weekly Lead Format letter, change “URLs” to “links” and include examples to help weekly leaders understand the difference.

[Introduce the Topic of the Week – Remember that we do not include URLs links to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites.]

You may include URLs (e.g., http://www.g-r-o-w.com – no link – or http://www.aa.org/ – linked), but do not create the link that would automatically take the reader to that URL address. Some programs automatically create links when a URL is entered, so you will need to remove the link. If you need help with this, please contact a GROW Trusted Servant.

In the fifth bullet of the GROW Mail List Guidelines, change “URLs” to “links” and add a brief
message about how to get help if you do not know how to prevent automatic links.

We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We do not include URLs links to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites. You can use URLs (e.g., http://www.aa.org/), but do not create a link that would automatically take the reader to that URL address. Some programs create links automatically, so if you need help with this, please contact a GROW Trusted Servant.


In discussing whether to allow links to AA meetings on Zoom, participants talked about the security issues that GROW members have experienced in the past when messages contained links to websites outside GROW or AA. To address that, in April 2019, the business meeting approved a Group Conscience decision to add a statement about not using URLs in the Topic section of the Weekly Lead Format letter and in the GROW Mail List Guidelines. The prohibition on URLs did not include the GROW website or AA websites.

Our current discussion highlighted the point that the risk to GROW members does not result from the use of URLs in messages but from links based on those URLs. A member can type in a URL without linking to the questionable source. Then members can simply copy and paste the URL into their web browser without exposing the mailing list to viruses or malware.

This proposal addresses the distinction between using URLs alone and creating links from those URLs to an outside source.

Summary of Discussion

There were no substantive comments on this proposal, although several participants voiced their support for it.

Voting Results

Ten people voted on Proposal 6.5, all of them supporting the proposal. The vote was unanimous.

Therefore, Proposal 6.5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision

Group Conscience Decision

Change the reference to “URLs” in the Weekly Lead Format letter and the GROW Mail List Guidelines to “links.”

Recommended Language:

In the Topic section of the Weekly Lead Format letter, change “URLs” to “links” and include examples to help weekly leaders understand the difference.

  • [Introduce the Topic of the Week – Remember that we do not include URLs links to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites.]
    You may include URLs (e.g., http://www.g-r-o-w.com – no link – or http://www.aa.org/ – linked), but do not create the link that would automatically take the reader to that URL address. Some programs automatically create links when a URL is entered, so you will need to remove the link. If you need help with this, please contact a GROW Trusted Servant.
  • In the fifth bullet of the GROW Mail List Guidelines, change “URLs” to “links” and add a brief message about how to get help if you do not know how to prevent automatic links.
    We do not send attachments, chain letters, solicitations, virus alerts or announcements of non A.A. functions. We do not include URLs links to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites. You can use URLs (e.g., http://www.aa.org/), but do not create a link that would automatically take the reader to that URL address. Some programs create links automatically, so if you need help with this, please contact a GROW Trusted Servant.

1020 – Proposal 4: TS Common Duties

Proposal 4: Common Duties of Trusted Servants

Add text of common duties as (shown at the end of this proposal) to the “New Trusted Servant Letter.”


There is no mention anywhere of the common duties that have developed from time and issues arising. Further, not all job descriptions contain a reference or link to the Common Duties. The welcome letter informs the new TS where they can find the job description, but unless they are curious and investigate the site, the common duties can be overlooked. I for one have found answers to many questions and a tried and true guideline in that piece of literature and would like to see it brought up to the awareness of the incoming Trusted Servant. It is as simple as adding it to the bottom of the letter already being sent out to new trusted servants.

New Trusted Servant Letter as amended (see bottom for new language shown in red):

Dear [ Name of New Trusted Servant ],

Thank you for volunteering for the position of [ Trusted Servant Position ].

You are replacing [name of past trusted servant] in this position. She will send you any up-to-date lists and/or letter templates you will need to fulfill your duties. She will also mentor you as you transition into your new job. Her email address is [email address of past trusted servant]. If you have not heard from her, we encourage you to contact her now.

Please review your job description immediately. Each job description has been established by group conscience. If your job requires making periodic announcements to the group, please do so as outlined in your job description. Letters/announcements are also a matter of group conscience, developed to ensure a consistent message to all GROW members. Other than including your own name and contact information where appropriate, please do not change the text of the message.

If you have not yet received information from the outgoing [ Trusted Servant Position ], you can access your job description and any letter templates needed for your job on the GROW website.

Trusted Servant job descriptions are described here.

List of Trusted Servant letter templates are here.

Sometimes a job can feel a little scary. If you have *any* questions, please ask. Along with your mentor, the Steering Committee is here to answer questions and support you in your service to GROW. As GROW Secretary, I am the primary contact for trusted servants. You are also welcome to email any one of the Steering Committee members listed at the end of this email.

If you find yourself unable to fulfill your obligations, temporarily or otherwise, please let me or another Steering Committee member know immediately. We will ensure that your tasks are carried out in your absence.

Again, thank you for your service to GROW. Service work is important to individual recovery, and it is essential to the well-being of our group. We hope you find serving GROW to be a rewarding experience.

Trusted Servant Common Duties

The following describes duties that are common expectations for all Trusted Servants.

  • Must be a member of Business List
  • Smooth and uninterrupted volunteer service to GROW depends upon your ability to carry out your commitments. If a Trusted Servant finds that she cannot meet all the duties listed in her Job Description, she will inform the Secretary and/or Business Meeting Chair that she is unable to fulfill her responsibilities. Working with the Trusted Servant and the Steering Committee, the Secretary and/or Business Chair will then seek alternatives for assuring all duties are covered (including securing a temporary back-up or advertising the position on the main list). If a member of the Steering Committee is concerned that not all items in a job description are being met, she may bring her concern to Secretary and/or Business Meeting Chair, who will work with the Trusted Servant to assure their duties are covered.
  • Must be able to reply to business and steering committee email within 48 hours. If unable to do so, should inform the steering committee in advance, or in the case of a computer related problem, make every effort to telephone another group member who can let the Steering Committee know.
  • Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of seven consecutive days will be reason for a temporary replacement chosen by the steering committee.
  • Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of fourteen consecutive days will be reason for temporary replacement by steering committee until a permanent replacement can be chosen by the next business meeting.
  • Provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines and letter templates, and serve as a mentor for a period of time to ensure continuity of service.
  • Be able to cut, copy, paste, and save to a folder.

Summary of Discussions (Trusted Servant Common Duties)

Six (6) participants made substantive comments on the proposal to include the text of “Trusted Servant Common Duties” in the New Trusted Servant Letter. All of the comments supported the proposal without modification or edits.

Voting Results

Fourteen (14) participants voted on Proposal 4.3 which would add the Trusted Servant Common Duties to the end of the existing “New Trusted Servant Letter.”

The vote was unanimous in support of the proposal. Therefore, it is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add the Common Duties of Trusted Servants to the bottom of the “New Trusted Servant Letter.”

New Trusted Servant Letter as amended:

Dear [ Name of New Trusted Servant ],

Thank you for volunteering for the position of [ Trusted Servant Position ].

You are replacing [name of past trusted servant] in this position. She will send you any up-to-date lists and/or letter templates you will need to fulfill your duties. She will also mentor you as you transition into your new job. Her email address is [email address of past trusted servant]. If you have not heard from her, we encourage you to contact her now.

Please review your job description immediately. Each job description has been established by group conscience. If your job requires making periodic announcements to the group, please do so as outlined in your job description. Letters/announcements are also a matter of group conscience, developed to ensure a consistent message to all GROW members. Other than including your own name and contact information where appropriate, please do not change the text of the message.

If you have not yet received information from the outgoing [ Trusted Servant Position ], you can access your job description and any letter templates needed for your job on the GROW website.

Trusted Servant job descriptions are described here. (Link to relevant job description)

List of Trusted Servant letter templates are here. (Link to relevant job description)

Sometimes a job can feel a little scary. If you have *any* questions, please ask. Along with your mentor, the Steering Committee is here to answer questions and support you in your service to GROW. As GROW Secretary, I am the primary contact for trusted servants. You are also welcome to email any one of the Steering Committee members listed at the end of this email.

If you find yourself unable to fulfill your obligations, temporarily or otherwise, please let me or another Steering Committee member know immediately. We will ensure that your tasks are carried out in your absence.

Again, thank you for your service to GROW. Service work is important to individual recovery, and it is essential to the well-being of our group. We hope you find serving GROW to be a rewarding experience.

Trusted Servant Common Duties
The following describes duties that are common expectations for all Trusted Servants:

  • Must be a member of Business List
  • Smooth and uninterrupted volunteer service to GROW depends upon your ability to carry out your commitments. If a Trusted Servant finds that she cannot meet all the duties listed in her Job Description, she will inform the Secretary and/or Business Meeting Chair that she is unable to fulfill her responsibilities. Working with the Trusted Servant and the Steering Committee, the Secretary and/or Business Chair will then seek alternatives for assuring all duties are covered (including securing a temporary back-up or advertising the position on the main list). If a member of the Steering Committee is concerned that not all items in a job description are being met, she may bring her concern to Secretary and/or Business Meeting Chair, who will work with the Trusted Servant to assure their duties are covered.
  • Must be able to reply to business and steering committee email within 48 hours. If unable to do so, should inform the steering committee in advance, or in the case of a computer related problem, make every effort to telephone another group member who can let the Steering Committee know.
  • Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of seven consecutive days will be reason for a temporary replacement chosen by the steering committee.
  • Lack of response to business, steering committee, or direct personal email by another trusted servant for a period of fourteen consecutive days will be reason for temporary replacement by steering committee until a permanent replacement can be chosen by the next business meeting.
  • Provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines and letter templates, and serve as a mentor for a period of time to ensure continuity of service.
  • Be able to cut, copy, paste, and save to a folder.

1020 – Proposal 3: Tradition Meeting

Proposal 3: Tradition Meeting

In the Weekly Leader Listkeeper’s job description, revise the existing bullet that mentions the monthly Tradition posting to make it clear that the tradition corresponding to the month will be posted twice each month, and the WLL will invite members to share on that Tradition.

Recommended Language: Replace the existing bullet (“Post monthly Step and Tradition discussion topics to correspond with the month.”) with the following: “At the beginning and middle of each month, post the corresponding Tradition and invite members to share on that topic anytime during the month.”


Since we decided to devote the first meeting each month to the appropriate Step, posting and discussion of the Tradition has not happened. The tradition meeting has not been posted in over 6 months. It has been lost. When we discussed creating a Step meeting, there was a lot of discussion about whether it should be just the Step or the Step and Tradition. It was never the intent of the participants in the business meeting to drop the Traditions from our meetings.

Currently, these are the relevant bullets in the WLL job description:

  • Allocate the first meeting of each month to the corresponding Step by identifying the Step as the topic next to the date on the volunteer lead request message.
  • Post monthly Step and Tradition discussion topics to correspond with the month.

The existing bullet in the Weekly Leader Listkeeper’s job description is not clear and confuses the Step Meeting with the way it was done before that meeting was created. The recommended change clarifies GROW’s expectations for assuring the Tradition is highlighted each month.

Summary of Discussions on Proposal 3 (Tradition meeting)

Five participants made substantive comments on the proposal, all of them supporting changes to change Weekly Leader Listkeeper’s job description to send out a “Tradition meeting” message twice a month that invites members to share on the appropriate AA Tradition throughout the month.

Voting Results

Fifteen (15) participants voted on Proposal 3.3 which calls for the Weekly Leader Listkeeper to post the corresponding Tradition for the month at the beginning and in the middle of each month, inviting members to share on the Tradition anytime during the month.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the change. Therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience decision:

In the Weekly Leader Listkeeper’s job description, revise the existing bullet that mentions the monthly Tradition posting to make it clear that the tradition corresponding to the month will be posted twice each month (beginning and middle of month), and the WLL will invite members to share on that Tradition.

Recommended Language:

Replace the existing bullet (“Post monthly Step and Tradition discussion topics to correspond with the month.”) with the following:

At the beginning and middle of each month, post the corresponding Tradition and invite members to share on that topic anytime during the month.


1020 – Proposal 2: Greeter/Listkeeper

Proposal 2: Greeter/Listkeeper Job Description

This Proposal was tabled in our April 2020 meeting because the process could not be finished before the business meeting closed. The April proposal has been amended to address the Listkeeper as well as the Greeter position. Please submit your comments before midnight (your time) Sunday, October 4.

Modify the job descriptions for the Greeter and Listkeeper Trusted Servant positions to stress the importance of timely processing of requests for membership in GROW.

Recommended Language:

  • Replace the third bullet in the Greeter job description with: “Checks e-mail several times a day for Listkeepers’ notice about inquiries from potential members.”
  • Replace the tenth bullet on the Listkeeper job description with: “Receive and forward to greeters all requests for new membership, checking grow-owner@oso-aa.org several times a day to assure prompt processing of inquiries.”


GROW’s primary mission is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our group receives many inquiries and requests for membership from women who are struggling and want help to stop drinking or stay stopped. Our Listkeepers and Greeters are the first point of contact for these potential new members.

The third bullet of the current job description for the Greeters currently says “Reads GROW mail daily.” This statement is incorrect, in that checking GROW e-mail has nothing to do with notices from the Listkeepers. Listkeepers send the notices to the individual Greeter’s e-mail address. The statement suggests Greeters should only check for such notices once a day, which may increase the time between a potential member’s inquiry and GROW’s response beyond what we want to assure “the hand of AA” is always there.

The tenth bullet of the Listkeeper job description says “Receive and forward to greeters all requests for new membership” but does not establish a timeframe for processing the inquiries. Adding a statement that Listkeepers should check for inquiries from potential new members several times a day further assures that “the hand of AA” is always there.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 2

Eight participants made substantive comments on the proposal, all of them supporting changes to the Greeter and Listkeeper job descriptions to make clear GROW’s expectation that these Trusted Servants will check their e-mails several times a day (rather than daily).

Results of Voting on Proposal 2

Eighteen (18) participants voted on Proposal 2.2, which would modify the Greeter and Listkeeper job descriptions so that they would be required to check e-mail several times a day (rather than the current “daily”) to assure prompt processing of requests for membership in GROW.

Sixteen (16) participants voted “I agree” on the proposal, and two (2) voted “I disagree.” Therefore, Proposal 2.2 met the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote approving the proposal.

Before this proposal can be adopted as a Group Conscience decision, we will hear the views of participants who voted “I disagree.” If anyone changes their vote as a result, we will call for a re-vote.

Minority Opinion

“I voted in disagreement because the language of check mail “several” times a day could possibly limit the volunteers who could otherwise take on this responsibility if they now they can check mail at least once daily. Checking mail daily does not seem to be an overwhelming responsibility.

“It would be beneficial to remember this is an online group. If someone is in crisis, and our listkeepers know this, I would hope they would refer the person on to AA locally wherever they are. Person-to-person contact is much more beneficial for crisis situations. Online is for support, in my humble opinion, it is not where “crucial” contact is.

“Remember rule 62; Let’s not take ourselves so seriously.”

Final Results of Voting

A Minority Opinion was published on October 9. No one has changed their vote as a result.

Therefore, Proposal 2.2 is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.


Modify the job descriptions for the Greeter and Listkeeper trusted servant positions to stress the importance of timely processing of requests for membership in GROW.

Recommended Language:

  • Replace the third bullet in the Greeter job description with: “Checks e-mail several times a day for Listkeepers’ notice about inquiries from potential members.”
  • Replace the tenth bullet on the Listkeeper job description with: “Receive and forward to greeters all requests for new membership, checking grow-owner@oso-aa.org several times a day to assure prompt processing of inquiries.”


0420 – Proposal 6: TS Performance

Proposal 6: Trusted Servants

GROW adopts the following policy for addressing non-performance in a Trusted Servant position.

Proposed Language (new #9 under Business Meeting Guidelines):
When a Trusted Servant (TS-A) feels that another Trusted Servant (TS-B) is not meeting the requirements of her position description, TS-A will take her issues to the small Steering Committee (made up of the Business Chair, Secretary, and Listkeepers) for consideration. She should not engage with or confront TS-B. The small Steering Committee can choose to bring the issue to the full Steering Committee.

The review of TS-B’s performance should be based only on the duties outlined in the position description. If it is found that the complaint is based on different personal working styles, preferences, or infrequent mistakes – and TS-B is otherwise meeting the requirements of her job description, the complaint will be dismissed without informing or involving TS-B. If it is established that one or more of the duties assigned to TS-B is not being met, the small Steering Committee will:

  1. Assure that TS-B is aware of and allowed to respond to the complaints and, if appropriate, to propose remedial actions to correct problems.
  2. If TS-B does not propose remedial actions, the small Steering Committee will establish appropriate remedial actions that TS-B can take to correct the problems;
  3. Establish a timeframe and deadline for remedial actions to be taken and documented;
  4. If the small Steering Committee has not already elevated the issue to the full Steering Committee, they will inform the larger Steering Committee of the findings, remedial actions, and timeframe;
  5. The full Steering Committee will decide whether TS-B can remain in the position or should be removed;
  6. If the Steering Committee decides that TS-B should be removed from the position, they will inform her in writing of their decision. The Secretary will deliver the documented decision to TS-B and call for volunteers to fill the position to the end of the current term.


There have been several instances in the past where a Trusted Servant did not fulfill all the duties outlined in her position description.

While this may have created problems, Trusted Servants who were aware of the problem did not have a formal process for bringing the problem to the attention of the Steering Committee, and their complaint was never raised. Therefore, no action was taken to correct the problem. In one instance, the issue was raised with some Trusted Servants, but there was no process for allowing the Trusted Servant to improve her performance or for making a decision on whether the Trusted Servant should be removed. This proposal provides a formal process that will make it easier to raise such problems to the Steering Committee, to allow the Trusted Servant to correct performance, and to remove the Trusted Servant if performance does not improve.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 6

I think TS-B should be informed of any complaints, whether valid or dismissed as invalid. I know I would want to know. Otherwise, the proposal looks good.

As secretary I have witnessed  a few events where TS-A went directly to TS-B.  And there were hurt feeling and personality issues that came up instead of principals.   The intent is to follow the tradition of principles before personalities.  If the complaint is valid the steering committee will certainly gently handle the situation.

If the complaint isn’t valid – which I have seen – it was very disruptive to the group and to myself  and it wasn’t necessary or kind.

I would hope this group would  trust the officers that have volunteered to do their jobs to the best of their abilities.   By TS-A going directly

To TS-B she is short circuiting the role of secretary and as a result I have been left to put out fires .

Thank you for letting me share

I agree, this procedure is needed.

I have filled a few TS jobs in the years I have been part of Grow and I have made mistakes in EVERY position.  It has always been pointed out in a discreet way and I’ve appreciated the help.

I don’t think we need a procedure for the learning curve we all go through in taking these positions and I never want anyone discouraged from taking a position.


I’d be interested to hear more from other members of the Steering Committee regarding this proposal.

Thank you for the experiences shared so far.

I have also made a mistake and was pointed out to me in a discreet manner (harsh but kind).

I will not make same mistake again.

My thinking is above approach works well.

Having been with Grow quite a while now, I have seen several instances where a Trusted Servant was not doing her job, but because there was no process to address it, nothing was done. Therefore, the job was not executed as per our group conscience decisions for the entire term. I strongly believe that we need a process to allow these issues to be addressed.

The proposal does not address “mistakes.” We all make them, and the proposal does not intend for simple mistakes, especially during a TS’s initial training period, to be sufficient for a performance review. But what if we continue to make the same mistake over and over again? Then it becomes a performance problem, and our group needs a way to raise the issue to the Steering Committee for review and decision-making.

When failure to perform a duty in the job description does happen (which is not often, but it does happen), one Trusted Servant should not be put in a position of pointing out the problem to the person she believes is making it. If she (TS-A) perceives the problem to be serious enough to bring a complaint, more than a handful of TSs should be involved, and TS-A should not contact TS-B directly.

The goal is to handle performance issues in a way that places principles above personalities when performance issues are repeated, not to play “gotcha” because a TS made a simple and honest mistake.

I have been in the posiition where another Trusted Servant was not doing the job as outlined in her job description. I was not comfortable with confronting her personally, and there was no process for me to raise the issue to other TSs. I remained silent, and the problem continued. While I raised it with a couple of Trusted Servants at the time, no one knew what to do about it. This process would give us a way to assure that performance issues are addressed. Because the whole Steering Committee would discuss the issues and then be the decision-maker, it also avoids over-reactions to what might be a simple issue of style or personality.

I’d like to hear more as well. In principle having a procedure in place sounds like a good idea. But there seem to be a number of folks who think this is unnecessary.

On reading the more recent shares on 6.2 I can hear there is a need to put a process in place.

I have always been of the view that principles before personalities works best and that the Trusted Servants Steering Committee will benefit from a framework to go through in the event there are issues with duties or responsibilities being missed or done incorrectly.

I have made plenty of mistakes in GROW doing service, and I welcome a process to take the personalities out of the way we support TS to rectify errors. A one to one message from another member is just that, and this way it would a Steering Committee conscience.

In my mind there are similarities here with the process we in GROW have if a member is disruptive or inappropriate.

Having a process is important, and so is having a Steering Committee well informed and able to carry out the process.

The proposal in 6.2 seems necessary to me.

In love and fellowship

I like that this process goes first to the small steering committee, the same as the process outlined in our Common Welfare Guidelines when there is disruptive behavior in the group. In the occasional situations I’ve been involved in, both as a member of the Steering Committee and the small Steering Committee the hardest thing for me has been the different chains of information. I can think of one situation where there were at least three different email threads going on with different people participating in each. By the time it got to the small Steering Committee it was really difficult to know if we had all the information and there was some confusion as to who said what, when. I think this proposal could help by giving guidance as to when something goes to the small Steering Committee and then the Steering Committee as a whole.

I do think Danna’s differentiating between mistakes and failure to perform a job description duty is important. I’ve made several mistakes as a TS, mostly because I just didn’t know something or didn’t realize I had done something. I’ve had a few pointed out to me. Although I  felt criticized at first (that’s just me being thin-skinned), I chose to take it as a learning opportunity just as it was intended. Important things for me to know so the group could function smoothly. Principles before personalities. None of these mistakes would have warranted review by the small Steering Committee. I would think we all get the difference and wouldn’t want to put a process in place that’s so rigid we can’t help each other out as we learn how to do our service positions.

Thank you,

Results of Voting on Proposal 6

Voting: 16 participants voted: 14 in favor, and 2 against.  There were no minority opinions submitted, therefore the proposal passes with a 2/3 majority.

Group Conscience Decision:

The statement will be added as #9 to the Business Meeting Guidelines.

When a Trusted Servant (TS-A) feels that another Trusted Servant (TS-B) is not meeting the requirements of her position description, TS-A will take her issues to the small Steering Committee (made up of the Business Chair, Secretary, and Listkeepers) for consideration. She should not engage with or confront TS-B. The small Steering Committee can choose to bring the issue to the full Steering Committee.

The review of TS-B’s performance should be based only on the duties outlined in the position description. If it is found that the complaint is based on different personal working styles, preferences, or infrequent mistakes – and TS-B is otherwise meeting the requirements of her job description, the complaint will be dismissed without informing or involving TS-B. If it is established that one or more of the duties assigned to TS-B is not being met, the small Steering Committee will:

  1. Assure that TS-B is aware of and allowed to respond to the complaints and, if appropriate, to propose remedial actions to correct problems.
  2. If TS-B does not propose remedial actions, the small Steering Committee will establish appropriate remedial actions that TS-B can take to correct the problems;
  3. Establish a timeframe and deadline for remedial actions to be taken and documented;
  4. If the small Steering Committee has not already elevated the issue to the full Steering Committee, they will inform the larger Steering Committee of the findings, remedial actions, and timeframe;
  5. The full Steering Committee will decide whether TS-B can remain in the position or should be removed;
  6. If the Steering Committee decides that TS-B should be removed from the position, they will inform her in writing of their decision. The Secretary will deliver the documented decision to TS-B and call for volunteers to fill the position to the end of the current term.

0420 – Proposal 4: Listkeeper and Greeter

Proposal 4: Edit Monthly Listkeeper Message and Greeter Letter #2

Edit Monthly Listkeeper Message and Greeter Letter #2 to address the problem of shares that bounce to the listkeepers because they are addressed to more recipients than GROW.  Further edit Greeter Letter #2 for clarity and brevity.


  1. “Too many recipients” bounces require listkeepers to take several actions
  2. Shares that bounce are delayed from reaching GROW. Some members do not resend, even after being notified by the listkeeper.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 4

Thank you for this proposal and the suggested edits.

They seem to offer clarity and hopefully could improve the problem of bounced emails as described.

Thank you for whom ever has worked on this.

Changes look good. They clarify the information better.

I agree with this change.

Thanks to Karen for this!

Yes, it makes sense.

I agree with the proposal overall, but I do have one concern. That’s the use of the word “bounce” with no explanation. Why is bouncing bad?
Many members of Grow do not have an in-depth understanding of the terms we use. Like, when an e-mail bounces, it doesn’t get posted to the list, right? That means no one would see their share. I’m assuming this. I do not know that for sure, which is why I’d like to see clarification on the consequences of an e-mail bouncing.

Danna, I am attempting to answer your question as someone who has been a listkeeper for different groups for many years.
The “Too Many Recipients” bounces are very frustrating and time consuming to deal with. If members would read how to send email there would be very few such bounces.

A “Too Many Recipients” bounce happens when a member puts another address in the To or CC field instead of just the GROW address. Anonymity is the reason this restriction was setup. The message does not go to GROW but goes to whatever other address was there.

Many times members have written beautiful shares that never get read because the member does not resend. This is very upsetting
When new members do this, it is understandable but we have so many who feel they need to put their own address as well as the GROW address.

This is the email the listkeeper sends:
Your recent message was addressed to the Grow list and to at least one other person. The list is set up to only accept messages addressed to Grow, in order to help protect anonymity.

If you sent the message from a cell phone or tablet, you may not be aware that many are set up with “reply to all” as the default.

The individual or individuals you sent the message to probably received the message; it is just the Grow list that didn’t.

If you wish for GROW to receive your post please resend just to the GROW address: grow@oso-aa.org

We receive numerous “Too Many Recipients” bounces that take up time that could be used doing other duties.

Hope my explanation helps. Karen, our outgoing Listkeeper, is much more articulate than I am and she presented the proposal.

In service

Clarity and brevity work for me!

Thank you, Nancy. That is very helpful information. I wonder if it might make sense to include all or part of the language from the letter the listkeeper sends (when there have been multiple addressees) in the Listkeeper Letter and Greeter Letter #2. I’m thinking of women who come to Grow with little knowledge or experience with e-mail.

I’m suggesting adding the following to the Recommended Language as shown:

Send shares to the List use this address: grow@oso-aa.org

(Use this address for all your shares or posts of any sort to the regular list. Address your share to ONLY the grow@oso-aa.org address. If another address is included (even if in the ‘Cc or ‘Bcc field) the email will bounce). The list is set up to accept messages that are addressed to Grow only. The individual(s) you send messages in addition to GROW will probably receive the message; however, the Grow list will not.

Thank you,

Results of Voting on Proposal 4

Voting: 16 participants voted: 16 in favor, and 0 against.  The proposal passed unanimously.

Group Conscience Decision:

The Monthly Listkeeper Message and the Greeter Letter #2 will be modified:

Monthly Listkeeper’s Message
(this is not the entire letter, just the first paragraphs that are modified.)

Important Addresses
Listkeeper’s Address: grow-owner@oso-aa.org
(Use this address to change your subscription, or to unsubscribe, resubscribe or ask questions about GROW-related email problems).

Send shares to the List use this address: grow@oso-aa.org
(Use this address for all your shares or posts of any sort to the regular list. Address your share to ONLY the grow@oso-aa.org address. If another address is included (even if in the ‘Cc or ‘Bcc field) the email will bounce).  The list is set up to accept messages that are addressed to Grow only. The individual(s) you send messages in addition to GROW will probably receive the message; however, the Grow list will not.

NOTE: Please do not post subscription change requests to GROW because they are too easily overlooked.

Revised Greeter Letter #2
Welcome to GROW! This is one of two emails you will receive from me with the information you need to start participating in our meeting right away. You might want to save these for future reference.

Sharing with the Group
Address your email to grow@oso-aa.organd your post will be sent to all members.

  • Do not add any other addresses to the email or it will bounce. This includes addresses in the ‘Cc or ‘Bcc address fields.
    Address your share to ONLY the grow@oso-aa.org address. If another address is included (even if in the ‘Cc or ‘Bcc field) the email will bounce).  The list is set up to accept messages that are addressed to Grow only. The individual(s) you send messages in addition to GROW will probably receive the message; however, the Grow list will not.
  • Add grow@oso-aa.orgto your Address Book to ensure GROW emails don’t go to your SPAM folder.

Replying to a Post

  • Do not use the “Reply to All” option when you respond privately to another member’s post to GROW, as your personal message will also be directed to the GROW list and it will bounce to the Listkeepers.
  • For those using phones and tablets, be aware that the default reply option is often “Reply to All.” Please double-check.

Email Volume
The volume of mail through the GROW list can be overwhelming. If you experience this, you might find it very helpful to choose one or more of the following:

  • Create a separate email address to reduce the confusion of mixing GROW mail with your other email. Email the Listkeepers at grow-owner@oso-aa.orgwith your new address. As an FYI, AOL and Yahoo addresses have been problematic for some members with the GROW list.
  • If you use an existing email for GROW, you might create folders for your GROW email; filters can also be set up to direct GROW mail into the GROW folder.
  • Request the Digest Version (a file containing the day’s posts in a single email) by contacting the Listkeepers at grow-owner@oso-aa.org.

Meeting Topic
A new meeting topic is sent to everyone on the list each Sunday and we share throughout the week. On topic and Off topic shares are welcome.

  • Off topic posts should be appropriate for an AA meeting. Please note in your subject line if your share is Off topic (Off Topic: … )
  • On topic posts are your shares on the weekly meeting topic. Please note in your subject line if your share is On topic (On Topic: … )
  • Please do not type in all CAPS; this is considered to be yelling.

Web Site and Password
Visit the GROW web site for more information. The URL for GROW is: http://www.g-r-o-w.com. For the members only section you’ll need the password: sobertodayhow2484

If you have questions not answered by our website information, please write to me and I’ll be sure to answer them or send your questions to someone who can.

I hope Grateful Recovering Online Women is helpful to you in your journey and growth in sobriety.

Again, welcome
[ Greeter Name ]
Grateful Recovering Online Women

1019 – Proposal 2.6.a: Online Sponsors Page

Proposal 2.6.a: Change the GROW Webpage to Align with the Changes Suggested Concerning Online Sponsors

Rationale: After removing the available online sponsors webpage, GROW should address using online sponsors to help our members, especially our new members, navigate the process of finding an online sponsor.

(See Recommended Language under Group Conscience Decision below.)

Minority Opinion Discussion on Proposal 2.6.a

  • I disagree because the member is in the members only section, the password is no longer necessary. We could change the language to something like … You can find the current trusted servant’s email in the list of Grow’s current Trusted Servants.
  • I agree with Laurie, in that I think we should delete the last sentence of the last paragraph that addresses the password. It’s not needed because the member would already be in the members’ section. Therefore, I change my vote to “No.”
  • I also feel the password should be deleted/is unnecessary
  • Thank you, members. Here is why I voted No on Proposal 2.6 for the Sponsor pages. I agree with Laurie’s comment and I would like to add that I want our new web site to be accurate. It would be nice to keep it simple and not filled with errors and redundancies.
  • The web site password on this page is redundant and should be excluded. Not only that, but it could confuse a new member, since the website will not call for the password again.
  • To me this could be seen as a housekeeping item and taken care of by webkeepers, but since it came up in the Proposal, we need to straighten it out in the business meeting.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.6.a

Proposal 2.6.a received 14 yes and 0 no votes. The motion passes.

Group Conscience Decision

Add the introductory paragraphs to the online sponsor webpage at g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/online-sponsors/ that addresses online sponsorship.

Many of us have found there is nothing like a live voice at the end of the phone, or a warm hug in face-to-face contact when we are overwhelmed with a problem in our lives. On-line sponsorship can add another dimension to your recovery as do on-line meetings. Each month, GROW provides a list of available online sponsors who have volunteered for this service. Please be aware that you can also ask anyone in GROW to be your sponsor. Online sponsors are not limited to this list. Know that it may take a few trials to find the right fit for you in a Sponsor.

GROW’s Sponsor Listkeeper sends out the list of available online sponsors at the beginning of each month. If you want to contact our Sponsor Listkeeper, you can find the e-mail address of the current Trusted Servant by going to the Members section on our website at http://g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/. At the bottom of the page will be a link to the current roster. Look for the Sponsor Listkeeper on that list.

1019 – Proposal 2.4.a: Temp Mentor Letter #1

Proposal 2.4.a: Replace the existing Temporary Mentor Letter #1 with the following.

Hi [ New Member Name ],

I am [ Mentor Name ], Temporary Mentor for GROW. I see that you joined GROW recently and I’d like to welcome you! In the past, some members have found our information overwhelming at first, so we created this position (Temporary Mentor) as a helpful resource should you have questions and/or concerns about how our group and/or AA works.

Each month, our Sponsor Listkeeper sends out a list of women in GROW who have volunteered to sponsor our members. For your convenience, I include the current list at the bottom of this note. You can watch for shares from these women on the mailing list. When you read a share that touches you personally or that reflects what you want in sobriety, I recommend that you write to them. After you know them better, you can ask them to sponsor you. The Sponsor Listkeeper can send you a list of available sponsors in GROW.  Please be aware that you can ask anyone in GROW to sponsor you. You do not have to limit your choices to the List of Available Online Sponsors. In case you would like to contact our Sponsor Listkeeper, you can write to her at [SLK e-mail].

Just a reminder that you can learn more about AA by visiting one of these links:

  • The Alcoholics Anonymous general services office and information such as the AA Big Book (titled “Alcoholics Anonymous”) or the “12 Steps and 12 Traditions,” along with many pamphlets as well as links to local resources for AA.
  • AA’s Online Intergroup (OIAA) where you can find meeting lists as well as real-time phone numbers and other Internet types of meetings.
  • AA’s Grapevine magazine with stories and audio stories and Grapevine subscription options.

It would be my pleasure to correspond with you by email (or phone) so if you’d like some help, just let me know. Thanks.

Temporary Mentor Name ]
GROW Temporary Mentor

[List of Available Sponsors]

Rationale:  The letter on the test website is outdated and does not reflect changes that were approved in the October 2018 and April 2019 business meetings. The second paragraph in the proposed letter reflects those decisions and a change that is necessary given our Group Conscience decision to eliminate the Available Online Sponsors webpage from GROW’s website. It also reminds newcomers that they can ask anyone in GROW to be their sponsor.

Minority Opinion Discussion on Proposal 2.4.a

I disagree because – the list for sponsors should be available by request. Not simply sent to all the new members .

I like all in red, except the sentence beginning *for your convenience* which I think should be omitted. This is because the woman has already been informed (in same letter) to look out for a twice monthly list shared to the group. I too believe she needs to ask for this herself.

Also, we’re living in a techno age where info is shared too easily by some. We have lots of new members who are young and so are switched on to tech/phone. I don’t think this info should be prone to being put out there any more than it already is.

I disagree with including the sponsor list in the letter. I think it could easily be shared out.

I agree with Louise and Laurie. Remove the struck out sentences and I am good to go.s Laurie.


Results of Voting on Proposal 2.4.a

Proposal 2.4.a has passed, 12 yes and 1 no, so we achieved 2/3 majority.

Group Conscience Decision

Proposal 2.4.a has passed, 12 yes and 1 no, so we achieved 2/3 majority.

Recommended language for the Temporary Mentor Letter is now as follows.

Hi [ New Member Name ],

I am [ Mentor Name ], Temporary Mentor for GROW. I see that you joined GROW recently and I’d like to welcome you! In the past, some members have found our information overwhelming at first, so we created this position (Temporary Mentor) as a helpful resource should you have questions and/or concerns about how our group and/or AA works.

Just a reminder that you can learn more about AA by visiting one of these links:

  • The Alcoholics Anonymous general services office and information such as the AA Big Book (titled “Alcoholics Anonymous”) or the “12 Steps and 12 Traditions,” along with many pamphlets as well as links to local resources for AA.
  • AA’s Online Intergroup (OIAA) where you can find meeting lists as well as real-time phone numbers and other Internet types of meetings.
  • AA’s Grapevine magazine with stories and audio stories and Grapevine subscription options.

Each month, our Sponsor Listkeeper sends out a list of women in GROW who have volunteered to sponsor our members. When you read a share that touches you personally or that reflects what you want in sobriety, I recommend that you write to them. After you know them better, you can ask them to sponsor you. The Sponsor Listkeeper can send you a list of available sponsors in GROW.  Please be aware that you can ask anyone in GROW to sponsor you. You do not have to limit your choices to the List of Available Online Sponsors. In case you would like to contact our Sponsor Listkeeper, you can write to her at [SLK e-mail].

It would be my pleasure to correspond with you by email (or phone) so if you’d like some help, just let me know. Thanks.

Temporary Mentor Name ]
GROW Temporary Mentor

1019 – Proposal 2.3.a: Temp Mentor Job Desc

Proposal 2.3.a:  Revise the Temporary Mentor job description to add a bullet for coordinating with the Sponsor Listkeeper to assure new members have the current GROW Sponsor List.

Minority Opinion Discussion on Proposal 2.3.a

I disagree with providing all new members the list. I believe the list itself needs to be a request There for the job description needs not state this as a requirement for this position .

I voted ‘no’ for the very same reason stated by Laurie below (above).

I d like the list to be a request, not included in the email, and also voted no.

Nicely done. However – Work with the Sponsor Listkeeper to assign a Temporary Sponsor when requested, —is fine. But –
provide new members the email address for Sponsor Listkeeper, and include a link to the web page with the password for members with instructions to select the ONLINE SPONSOR page for more information.
– should be removed –
All of this information is in the FYI PAGE. Sent out by the greeters. And in temp mentor letter one. So it is not a separate task- and redundant info .
I would suggest using bullet points for separate tasks , And I would remove this last sentence.

My exact reasons for voting no.  Leave the list off and I am good with the rest of it. As below.
Work with the Sponsor Listkeeper to assign a Temporary Sponsor when requested, provide new members a link to the Sponsor Listkeeper, and include the current list of GROW Sponsors at the bottom of Temporary Mentor #1 form letter.

Agree with Laurie that the Sponsor list should not be sent to all members by our Temporary Mentor. Only those who want the list should be sent it. They can find it by contacting our Sponsor List Keeper with links that we give them.  This is an simple way to show someone how to begin to take responsibility for themselves and to learn how to ask for help, two basic precepts of early recovery. Having lost confidence in ourselves, when we find the things we do working for us, it restores our confidence and self-worth. Let’s encourage that!

I agree with Gigi.  I think bullet points should definitely be used as that makes easy to read and follow.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.3.a

Proposal 2.3.a received 19 yes and 0 no votes.

Group Conscience Decision

The Temporary Mentor job description now reads as follows.

Temporary Mentor Job Description

  • 1 year term
  • 1 year of continuous sobriety
  • 1 year membership in GROW
  • Must be a member of the Business List.
  • Will be a member of the Steering Committee.
  • Read GROW mail daily to note when the Greeter introduces new members in order to contact the new member privately to offer additional support in making solid connection with the Group and/or AA.
  • About 2-3 days after she joins, contact each new member to explain your position as Temporary Mentor (TM), offering to answer questions or provide guidance until the member feels comfortable in the GROW group (see Temporary Mentor #1 form letter).
  • Work with the Sponsor Listkeeper to assign a Temporary Sponsor when requested and provide new members a link to the Sponsor Listkeeper.
  • Refer the newcomer to other online AA resources, as well as ways to find face-to-face AA resources.
  • Maintain working relationship with, and assist new member as needed with learning, GROW email etiquette guidelines.
  • Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them.
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.

1019 – Proposal 2.5: Newcomer Committee

Proposal 2.5: This proposal is made to eliminate the Newcomer Committee

Rationale: The Newcomers Committee was created in the October 2018 business meeting to provide support to the Temporary Mentor. As proposed, the committee would have been made up of women who are new to sobriety – to whom new members to GROW and sobriety could better relate. When the Temporary Mentor called for volunteers, no newcomers volunteered; however, several women with long-term sobriety did volunteer.

The committee began with 11 members, but two of them have withdrawn. Of the nine remaining members, two are willing at this time to be temporary sponsors for new GROW members. The current Temporary Mentor has not experienced workload conflicts and has not had to call on the committee for help except to find a temporary sponsor for the one new member who have asked about it.

While established to help both the Temporary Mentor and new GROW members who are also new to sobriety, the Newcomer Committee did not achieve the goal of having members within their first year of sobriety. Rather, the members have long-term sobriety. Further, only two of the nine members are, at this time, available to be Temporary Sponsors for new members. The current Temporary Mentor has been able to handle the workload without recourse to the Committee. Therefore, the Newcomers Committee has been inactive and is not needed.

Discussion on Proposal 2.5

Sadly this was a flat-out bust. F2f practice did not translate well into the online world.

Is this something that has worked in the past? Maybe we could try for another round of the committee? I know I would’ve liked that when I first signed up. I personally try to reach out to the new women because I have heard that it’s hard for them to relate to the shares. Then again, maybe it hasn’t worked because the need hasn’t been strong enough. I don’t know the demographic of the people signing up. The group definitely does seem to be made up of people who find online support once they’re already established in their sobriety.

It is interesting that a lot of women coming to GROW now have some sobriety under their belts and may not need the Newcomer help – and I do believe that many of us reach out to the newcomers – maybe it isn’t necessary. The orientation to the site and the shares are important and the digest is always there. Just my thoughts.

By way of explanation, we had an incident in which a newcomer asked someone on the sponsor list to sponsor her, and did not get a reply for over a week. Or maybe she never got one. I was Immediate Past TM and the one who was doing the job at the time consulted with me. We came up with this idea, and in GROW once we have a group conscience in place, it must stand for a minimum of one year.
This is the end of that year. The idea was mine and I felt it was risky. This is something that does not translate well from the f2f world to online. In early sobriety I had a f2f sponsor and she directed me in a meeting to go talk to a newcomer. I would never have thought I had anything to offer. I learned that day that sometimes a newcomer can relate better to someone with a month than 15 years. But without that encouragement to go do it, online newcomers will not step forth, we have found. There have been no shortage of newcomers this year, yet you are the only one who has stepped up. So I don’t think this will work.
GROW has Greeters, Sponsor listkeeper and sponsors, Temporary Mentor, and 12th Step Volunteers with a listkeeper for that group. IMHO we do lots to support newcomers. We encourage new members to go to f2f meetings and functions and to find f2f sponsors. At some point it is up to each new member to put together her own spiritual tool kit. The fact is, sometimes people have to go out again to realize that they need this. We are here to plant seeds as well as to nurture new recovery and support on-going recovery. I hesitate to share this because it is long. Thank you for bearing with me.

I think the ad hoc committee has done a great job of ensuring that new women in particular have access to a temporary sponsor. Many thanks, guys, for the work put in here.
The newcomer committee didn’t work out, Sarah. I was TM after Gigi (and just before Danna) and, due to approx eight women all at once calling out for help, I was spending a lot of time writing back and forth. Gigi suggested a NC so we tried it out. However, that brief period of the eight needing help wasn’t repeated (not in my time left as TM and I don’t think in the present TM’s experience).
I think establishing a close-working link (as has been suggested by the committee) between the sponsor listkeeper and the TM will serve the same purpose as the NC was originally intended to serve. This way, though, the women willing to be sponsors will be able to indicate whether they will be available as temporary sponsors too. I like it. It’s simple and straightforward. Less convoluted as we were in danger of having too many pathways for the newcomers and none closely enough aligned as to ensure effective communication.

Thank you Gigi and Louise for clarifying this. I thought that the NC was a great idea but if you both say there is no need, I’m all for simplicity.

I also appreciate the clarification and feel that we have the positions in place to adequately address the needs of newcomers if and when they are willing.


Results of Voting on Proposal 2.5

Voting: Seventeen (17) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 2.5. Therefore, Proposal 2.5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

  • The Newcomer Committee has been eliminated.

1019 – Proposal 2.2: Sponsor Listkeeper Form

Proposal 2.2: This proposal suggests changes to the Sponsor Listkeeper form letters

Proposal: Revise the current form letters for the Sponsor Listkeeper so that they are easier to read and focus on only one idea. Separate the content into: (1) monthly mailing to GROW membership announcing the available online sponsees, (2) monthly invitation for GROW members to volunteer to be included on the Sponsor List, and (3) monthly confirmation that people on the sponsor list wish to remain there.

Discussion on Proposal 2.2

Joan, I think maybe the committee overlooked the paragraph starting with “many of us have found….
I don’t see the need to include it twice. It appears in the Sponsor List Announcement and in the introductory paragraph about online sponsorship. My opinion.

Thank you for forwarding the comment, Joan. However, I disagree. The reason for duplicating the language is to be consistent from one GROW source to another. Proposal 2.2 is for the Sponsor List Announcement form letter that the Sponsor Liskeeper sends out each month, while Proposal 2.6 adds the same language to our website page on sponsors will will remain the same over time.
To me, the issue isn’t how many times it’s said but whether we are consistent in GROW’s different ‘publications.’

So…. do we need to include something on the letter to confirm that they still want to be on the sponsor list that they are still a member of GROW and wish to be of service to the membership.

I like the new form letters. I like the system for the SLK.

Thanks for the clarification Danna & Gigi. I agree this is about having consistency across our “publications”.

Following up on Laurie’s point about clarifying that one is a sponsor in GROW, we could simply add “in this group” to the letter where it is now placed in red (below). Letter #3 already mentions that this sponsorship is in GROW.

Alternatively, we could add something to the effect of One must be a member of GROW to be on this list, or something like that at the end of the first paragraph.

Thank you for the amendment. However, I feel the check between the SLK by the Listkeeper to confirm someone is still a current member should remain. I’m not sure why it would be a good idea to take this out. I have done two roles – 12th Step Listkeeper & Sponsor Listkeeper and found it was essential for me to check in with the Listkeeper as members do unsubscribe and it takes the Listkeeper a minute to run the check.

I am suggesting this as an addition to having the SLK confirm with the listkeepers. The persons signing up to be sponsors should know that they are supposed to remain members of our group to stay on the list.

I must say I never thought of it before this meeting but having email addresses that could be shared is a concern. I would be comfortable with keeping the list of available sponsors just on the website. I do feel it should still be required to check monthly with the women to see if they still want to be a sponsor on the list and are still a part of GROW. This is potentially the first contact a new person will make and therefore its important we try to make sure it is correct.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.2

Voting: Seventeen (17) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 2.2. Therefore, Proposal 2.2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Updated Sponsor Listkeeper form letters are as follows:

# 1 – Sponsor List Announcement:
Dear Women of GROW,
Grateful Recovering Online Women supports sponsorship. We offer this list to you of women who are willing to sponsor on-line. Many of us have found there is nothing like a live voice at the end of the phone, or a warm hug in a f2f contact when we are overwhelmed with a problem in our lives. On-line sponsorship can add another dimension to your recovery as on-line meetings. Please be aware that you can also ask anyone in GROW to be your sponsor. Online sponsors are not limited to this list. Know that it may take a few trials to find the right fit for you in a Sponsor.

For more information about sponsorship, please visit our web page on sponsorship (g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/online-sponsors/) in GROW’s members only section (password: sobertodayhow2484). You can also find AA’s “Questions and Answers on Sponsorship” at www.aa.org/assets/en_US/p-15_Q&AonSpon.pdf.

List of Available Sponsors:
[list sponsor names and information]
Phone numbers of many on the above list are available upon request.

Sponsor Listkeeper

#2 – Sponsor List Invitation [New Form Letter]
Dear Women of GROW,

You can enhance your sobriety by offering to sponsor other alcoholics and share what has been given to you with others. If you would like to offer your name as a potential online sponsor in this group, please review the GROW web page on Sponsorship at g-r-o-w.com/member-welcome/trusted-servants/online-sponsors/ (Password: sobertodayhow2484). You might also refer to AA’s pamphlet “Questions and Answers on Sponsorship” at aa.org/assets/en_US/p-15_Q&AonSpon.pdf.

If after reviewing this information, you want to add your name to our list, please send me the following information:

· name
· geographic location
· sobriety date
· telephone number (if you wish)
· current e-mail address
· whether you are interested in being a temporary sponsor for a new member to GROW

You will then be added to our Available Online Sponsors list which is sent to the group each month and to those who ask about sponsorship (whether on a temporary or permanent basis). Know the list is updated every month, and you must affirm your desire to stay on the list from month to month. Please know that you may be asked to sponsor newcomers and be alert to a suggested response time of 48 hours.

Thank you,
Sponsor Listkeeper

#3 – Sponsor List Confirmation [New Form Letter]
Dear Volunteer:

Thank you for your service this past month by putting your name and contact information forward for being a sponsor in GROW. If you wish to continue next month, please Reply to [Sponsor Listkeeper Name].

If you do not reply by the end of the month, I will remove your name from the list unless and until you contact me again.

If you want to continue to be on the list, please send me any corrections or changes in your sponsor information.

Thank you,
Sponsor Listkeeper
[e-mail address]

1019 – Proposal 2: Sponsor Listkeeper TS

Proposal 2: Sponsor Listkeeper job description

This proposal suggests changes to the Sponsor Listkeeper job description.

Rationale: During our discussions on the Temporary Mentor (newcomer committee and providing links to AA resources), it became clear that there are issues related to the Online Available Sponsors list/webpage because the people on that list do not always respond timely (or at all) to newcomers’ requests for help. Further, Available Online Sponsors do not rotate, and the only members that rotate on both the 12th Step List and the Sponsor List are the listkeepers. The Available Online Sponsor webpage creates the impression that only people on the sponsor list can sponsor, which in reality is not the case.

Discussion on Proposal 2.1

My one hesitation about this Proposal is that a person could theoretically no longer be a member of GROW and still remain on the Sponsor list, if the Sponsor Listkeeper does not check in with the listkeepers monthly or so.  Someone could unsub (either by themself through our admin pages or through the listkeepers) and still be receiving letters from the SLK, responding to them, and remaining on the Sponsor list.  It&#39;s a really small detail so I hesitate to even bring it up, but something keeps telling me to mention it.

I am in agreement about keeping in the checks to ensure those on the sponsor list are actually still subscribed members of GROW. This is a requirement of others eg 12th Step Listkeeper- to check monthly. Thanks Gigi for the clarification as to why this is important.

I’m not sure we made clear enough our total proposal for the Sponsor Listkeeper (SLK). There are three form letters proposed, instead of the one that exists today. They break up the things the SLK is doing into three discrete actions each month:

  1. Presenting the list of available sponsors to the group
  2. Asking for volunteers to be sponsors in GROW
  3. Confirming that women on the sponsor list want to stay on the sponsor list

We did drop the requirement for the SLK to check with the listkeepers to see if women are still members of GROW. There is a time limit on the ladies&#39; response to the SLK. If they do not respond timely, they will be dropped from the list automatically. While there was not unanimous agreement on this point, most of the participants in the Ad Hoc Committee felt that would be sufficient. The women currently in those positions did not think it necessary.

I must say I never thought of it before this meeting but having email addresses that could be shared is a concern. I would be comfortable with keeping the list of available sponsors just on the website. I do feel it should still be required to check monthly with the women to see if they still want to be a sponsor on the list and are still a part of GROW. This is potentially the first contact a new person will make and therefore its important we try to make sure it is correct.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.1

Voting: Seventeen (17) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 2.1. Therefore, Proposal 2.1 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

The Sponsor Listkeeper job description is revised as shown, deleting bullets that have been struck out and adding the bullets shown in red.

Sponsor Listkeeper Job Description
  • 6 month term
  • 1 year sobriety
  • Must be member of Business List.
  • Maintains a list of group members who are willing to sponsor online, including: first name, last initial, DOS, email address, location of residence.
  • At the term’s beginning and midterm, confirms sponsor volunteers are still GROW members.
  • Twice each month sends reminders to the group that the list is available upon request.
  • Forwards sponsor list to members when requested.
  • At least once each month, mails sponsor list to the group (see Sponsor List Announcement form letter). May want to resend if someone on the list drops out mid-month.
  • Each month, invites GROW members to volunteer to be online sponsors (see Sponsor List Invitation form letter).
  • Each month, verifies that each woman on the list of available online sponsors want to continue to serve as a temporary or permanent sponsor (see Sponsor List Confirmation form letter).
  • The Listkeeper and Sponsor Listkeeper will coordinate to ensure that when someone unsubs, if that person is listed on the Sponsor List, her name will be deleted from the list of available sponsors as well.
  • The Sponsor Listkeeper will work with the Temporary Mentor to assure that newcomers who want a sponsor are assigned a temporary sponsor.
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.
  • Wording for letter commonly used is provided in the link below:
  • Sponsor List Announcement
  • Sponsor List Invitation
  • Sponsor List Confirmation

1019 – Proposal 1: Website Trusted Servants

Proposal 1: Website TS Job Descriptions

Updated Web Admin, Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper Job Descriptions.

Discussion on Proposal 1

Joan. This email didn’t come thru properly.  I’m not sure about three proposals.

However it is not physically possible to have served as webkeeper (non-rotating).  And have a minimum two years sobriety / two years membershipShe would have to have been in grow at least four years to fill those requirements. The web-keeper has the same minimums.

It makes more sense to me to ask for a one year membership – with holding a service position to become familiar with how grow works.  And a minimum 5 years sobriety for such technical positions.

Response: I agree to increase the sobriety and GROW membership requirements for the Web Admin position.

However, I think it is reasonable to have 4 years sobriety and 4 years of GROW membership for the Web Admin.
I am opposed to “5” because the Web-keeper upon completing their term would have 4 years of sobriety and 4 years of GROW membership … if we increase the sobriety and GROW membership in this position … we could possibly eliminate potential Trusted Servants for these positions. Just something to consider.

Are we going to state anywhere that to be the Web Admin, one should have experience with one of the other 2 web-keeper positions?

I am confused because I was on the website committee and I do not remember discussing these job descriptions at all.

For Web Admin: May we please have a description of what the “GROW server PLESK account” is, in Web Admin job description?

I support the Web Admin position description as far as I understand it.

For Web-keeper: Eliminate the highlighted bullet point about Archives.  We let those go a long time ago.
Agree with the change to voting status.

Not sure why the proposal includes the part about membership dispute.  This could go into the record but I don’t think it needs to be in the job description.

For Backup Web-keeper: Same remark regarding the membership dispute.  Otherwise I agree with the description.
Thank you to those working on this project.

Could we have some idea from the committee how much time the Backup Webkeeper position takes each week?  And how much training is involved?  Since it remains open…

Response: PLESK is a web hosting platform with a control panel that allows the server administrator to perform tasks necessary for site maintenance ie. Backups, etc.

As the Web Admin I use this control panel to monitor site backups (which are on auto) set up an auto and any updates needed to the site ie. Plugins, Theme, WordPress. If need be if there are hosting issues I would work with our hosting service within this area to resolve.  Sounds complicated however not so much.

I hope this explains it.

As part of the progression in these trusted servant positions … I would work with Allison in the second year to understand my position and as I rotate off, I would be available as on-going support much like we do with the Business Chair and Secretary positions.

Response: This proposal was submitted by me and is work in progress.

Unfortunately, life on life terms has played a big role in this hurried proposal … please accept my amends.
Allison and I had hoped only to refine the job descriptions that are currently posted on the site from the duties performed this past term and I, alone, inadvertently left the requirement of serving in the prior position … this was discussed in the website committee.  Please accept my apologies.

I would like to amend my proposal to (1) add another line be added to the web-keeper job description that includes a requirement of serving a full term as backup web-keeper.

[Note that Allison was placed in the position of web-keeper at our last business meeting by group conscience and I moved to position of web-admin (a new position).  Going forward I feel this requirement (full-term as backup web-keeper) would be important.]

Likewise, (2) add another line be added to the web-admin job description that includes a requirement of serving a full term as web-keeper.

For the same reasons as the web-keeper position.

There is an additional amendment to (3) move the line “Is second holder of the Treasurer’s passwords.” from the Backup Web-Keeper to Web-Keeper because of the sensitive nature and because the Backup Web-Keeper is the newbie position in this service-line opportunity.

As for discussions on the sobriety and membership requirements … I will comment separately.

I’m still a newbie in sobriety and to grow but I just thought I’d share on this one since I am a web designer and seo consultant.

I don’t know the background of our 400+ members but I would guess that most of them don’t have web keeping background. It’s not difficult work but you definitely need training because it’s possible to take down the website entirely with a simple update done incorrectly. The basics could easily be taught in a few sessions with whoever is running the site now so as long as the volunteers are computer savvy, I would say they could learn what they need to know without being a full blown web designer. WordPress is great for that.

I think it’s a nice idea to have two year terms for these positions. If the website has been built properly, there shouldn’t be a huge time commitment for these roles and this way, they have time to learn the skills, do the job and then pass on the skills to the next volunteer.

As for requirements for these positions, if it has been difficult to fill them (which it seems it has been?) maybe put in the description that full training would be given to the volunteer if they don’t have much web experience? Again, I don’t know who has been running the web so I don’t know if that’s available but it’s an idea since I’m sure the majority of people see that job title and automatically think ‘not for me’
I would lower the requirements for the web back up role. Maybe 1 year for both sobriety and grow membership just to be able to get newer people in who would maybe step up to web-keeper or admin after their back up term is complete.

Also, I’ve noticed that seo (search engine optimization) is not properly set up for the web so it’s not super easy to find it via a Google search. Maybe add that to the tasks for the positions?
Hopefully that was helpful, thank you ladies for all that you do!!!

Kathy, alcoholic. Sarah, I appreciate your expertise and willingness to share it.  You will intuitively know when a big commitment is right for you.  Very good that you are recognizing your limitations regarding when and how you use your gifts.

I too am eager to jump into service (not only to AA, but with support for STEM students,  at my church, and with respect to climate change action, which was the technical focus of my career).  I overcommitted throughout my career, but now in retirement and after a relapse, I am finally learning that too many commitments bring on anxiety, which is a trigger for me and so many of us.  I now am taking a slower approach to why and how I commit to service.  The challenge of altering and reprogramming my fundamental and life-long inclination to “save the world” by doing too much has been among the most difficult I have encountered, sober or actively in my addiction.  I am grateful to the God of my understanding and to the wonderful program people in my life for the support I have had making these changes. These changes also are one day at a time.

The situation where a membership dispute created a problem in website management is extremely rare (only once to my knowledge). Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to add this to the Web Admin position, as other unique situations might arise that call for a different action or response. The job descriptions can’t possibly address everything that might come up.If you feel the bullet is necessary, I would make it more general, for example …
“Where the Steering Committee takes an action that impacts how the GROW website is managed, the Web Administrator will work closely with the Business Meeting Chair to assure the action is implemented consistent with the Committee’s intent and the smooth operation of the site.”

I agree, it should be left out. We cannot possibly cover all situations that may arise. If something must be added I agree with Danna’s revised bullet below:

I just want to be sure I understand how the web positions are being structured. It appears that there is a “chain” here similar to the listkeeper job where the “back-up” (or alternate) is committing to more than one year of service. That is, the backup is signing up with the expectation that she will become webkeeper for two years and then web administrator for another two years. This means the back-up web-keeper would be making a six-year commitment to GROW.I don’t think that’s reasonable.

First, how many of us could make a commitment that extended over the next six years of our unpredictable lives? Second, it basically means that our members could only volunteer for the back-up job – that the web-keeper and web administrator jobs would be closed to volunteers. While I recognize that technical skills are limited, we can’t assume that new members will not have both the required sober time and the necessary skills to fill any one of those positions.

Am I misunderstanding the way the position descriptions are intertwined? If so, please explain how you envision this progression working. I just think a six-year commitment would discourage any of our members from volunteering as webkeeper backup. There must be a better way – maybe just one-year commitments for each position. I don’t have the answer, but I need to ask the question.

“Work closely with Steering Committee to ensure that pertinent group history is preserved and that archives are accessible to GROW members in keeping with the GROW Archives Guidelines.” Gigi suggests eliminating this bullet from the webkeeper job description.

Rather than eliminate it, I would reword it with something that reflects the fact that our website IS now our archives. Personally, I think it’s very important that the webkeeper is aware of and fulfills that important function. If we remove the bullet from the position description, we may be more likely to lose important documentation, especially for our business meetings and group conscience decisions.

I would, however, amend the reference to the Steering Committee to emphasize the Business Meeting Chair’s role in assuring meeting notes, group conscience decisions, etc. are recorded correctly on the website.
Also, I don’t see an “Archives Guidelines” on the website. That doesn’t mean it’s not there. I just couldn’t find it. If the Guidelines have been eliminated from the website, the reference to them should be removed. If they are still in effect, never mind.

I suggest the following changes to the bullet rather than eliminating it:
“Work closely with the Business Meeting Chair and the Steering Committee to ensure that pertinent group history is preserved in the members’ section of the GROW website and that archivesd materials are accessible to GROW members in keeping with the GROW Archives Guidelines” [remove only if the Archives Guidelines are no longer on the website]

Response:  Thank you for your comments.

The structure is similar to that of the listkeeper due to the nature of the position just as is the listkeeper’s position is.

The Backup Web-keeper with be giving small routine tasks (ie the weekly meeting posts) that would allow that trusted servant to understand the function of the website.

Then the transition to Web-keeper which would include other routine tasks (ie business meetings posts) within the same vain except would also get some exposure to administrative duties.

Then the transition to Web Admin which would have other routine tasks (updates and user / server functions) to perform and be available to help the Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper because they were one.  This way as Web Admin, the trusted servant would have the needed skills to help the Backup Web-keeper and Web-keeper.

The past Web Admin would roll off and be available to assist the current Web Admin as we do with the Business Chair, Secretary and Listkeeper positions.

6 years is a long commitment and I am all for changing each position to a year … making it a 3-year commitment ie Backup Web-keeper 1-year term, Web-keeper 1-year term and Web Admin 1-year term. The big key is rotation of service.

Each position as with all trusted servant positions can be a part of our recovery journey and working as a team can enhance that effort as we share our ESH with each other.

Danna you and I have and Allison and I have too.  I treasure those opportunities while serving my group.
I disagree with the statement that “it basically means that our members could only volunteer for the back-up job – that the webkeeper and web administrator jobs would be closed to volunteers” … every position is open to the grow membership … these particular positions are progressive because it involves a learning curve using WordPress for particular functions.  And by doing the progressive steps, the trusted servant would have the tools needed to be successful.

Hope that helps.

I like Tanya’s suggestion to require just one year in each position to require just a three year commitment. It seems less daunting to the volunteer.

After a number of terms, and in several years there won’t need to be a “ commitment for three years”  We should have had some people who took the positions and retired and then can step back into them – once they have done the job.  It’s only for the start up that we need the progression.

Thank you all for your thoughts here.  Making these service posts 1 year commitments seems very wise.

Thank you all for this clarifying discussion. I think that in the long run having shorter terms of service will generate more, not fewer, volunteers.

Again, apologies for the lateness of my response.  Looking into our Archives group conscience decisions on the old web site, there have been none since 2006. The “archives” mentioned were on Binhost, which has not been our server for quite a long time.  It is correct that most of this information (see requirements below) is posted on our website, and of course we want our Web Admin and Steering Committee to work closely on keeping up with these.  The suggested wording offered by Danna is accurate and up-to-date.  It reflects our mandate to maintain certain records of our group on our website in a password-protected area.  I for one would love to keep somewhere a listing of past TSs but that is probably not practical.

Archives maintained by the Archivist and posted in the password protected members’ only section of g-r-o-w.com will include:

  • A history written by the founders of GROW.
  • A listing of trusted servant job guidelines, and current trusted servants and terms.
    Quarterly reports for the most recent 2 years from Treasurer, Listkeeper, Secretary, OIAA, GSR and Steering Committee Secretary.
  • All Group Conscience decisions
  • Current letter and format templates used by or for Greeter-Welcomer, Listkeeper, email list provider, meeting format, 12 Step Chair, Topic Leader Chair, Sponsor Listkeeper, FYI, E-Mail Etiquette, etc.
  • usiness meeting agendas and minutes for the most recent 2 years.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1

Voting: Twelve (12) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 1.1. Therefore, Proposal 1 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

The updated job descriptions are as follows:

Web Admin
  • 1-year term
  • 4 years of sobriety
  • 4 years in GROW membership
  • Served a full term as Web-keeper of the GROW website
  • Member of Business List
  • Voting member of the Steering Committee
  • Maintain GROW Server PLESK account 
  • Maintain a periodic backup of the GROW database
  • Maintain GROW website updates (WordPress, theme and plugins)
  • Inform Steering Committee when updates are made to the website
  • Consult with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website
  • Support Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper on WordPress site issues
  • Provide Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper with all necessary information and passwords to access all web accounts and web server
  • Provide the Web-keeper’s email address to the web hosting service and designate her as co-owner
  • As owner of the g-r-o-w web account, help ensure that the annual service fee is paid. If necessary, provide copies of invoice/receipt to GROW Treasurer for reimbursement
  • Upon retirement, transfer website account to successor, provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines, and serve as a mentor for a period of time to ensure continuity of service.
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.
  • 1-year term
  • 2 years of sobriety
  • 2 years in GROW membership
  • Served a full-term as Backup Web-keeper
  • Must be member of Business List
  • Voting member of the Steering Committee 
  • Is second holder of the Treasurer’s passwords.
  • Maintains public website (g-r-o-w.com) for GROW to provide information about Alcoholics Anonymous and for the purpose of attracting new members. Information should include:
    • Info about Alcoholics Anonymous
    • Info about GROW
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Our Guiding Philosophy
    • Guide for Email Etiquette
    • Traditions in Cyberspace
    • How to become a member
  • Maintain a password protected private section on g-r-o-w.com to provide GROW members with information about GROW, including:
    • List of trusted servants and job descriptions
    • Info about how we conduct business
    • Group conscience decisions
    • Common Welfare Guidelines
    • Important addresses
    • Work closely with the Business Meeting Chair and the Steering Committee to ensure that pertinent group history is preserved in the members’ section of the GROW website and that archived materialsare accessible to GROW
  • Inform Steering Committee when updates are made to the website
  • Consult with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website
  • Post all business meetings and keep updated throughout the business meeting
  • Ensure that any material posted on g-r-o-w.com appropriately protects the anonymity of anyone mentioned
  • Upon retirement, transfer website account to successor, provide successor with all necessary information, including job guidelines, and serve as a mentor for a period of time to ensure continuity of service
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.
Backup Web-keeper
  • 1-year term
  • 1 year of sobriety
  • 1 year in GROW membership
  • Member of Business List
  • Voting member of the Steering Committee.
  • Maintains the Weekly Meeting Topics in the private section of g-r-o-w.com.
  • Support Web-keeper in maintaining public website (g-r-o-w.com) for GROW to provide information about Alcoholics Anonymous and to for the purpose of attracting new members:
    • Info about AA
    • Info about GROW
    • FAQs
    • Guideline for Email Etiquette
    • Traditions in Cyberspace
    • How to become a member
  • Support the Web-keeper in maintaining a password-protected private section on g-r-o-w.comto provide GROW members with information about GROW, including:
    • List of trusted servants and job descriptions
    • Info about how we conduct business
    • Group conscience decisions
    • Common welfare guidelines
    • Important addresses
  • Common duties and requirements to all Trusted Servant positions is described here.

0419 – Proposal 13: Weekly Topic Message

Proposal 13: Weekly Topic Leader Message 

Add language about a On-call Meeting Leader List to Weekly Topic Leader Message and make additional edits to the Weekly Leader Listkeeper Responsibilites.

Recommended Language: “My name is [ Weekly Topic Leader Listkeeper Name ]. I am an alcoholic, and I’m also your
Weekly Leader Listkeeper. I am taking volunteers for the [ time period ].
Here is the calendar of our upcoming leaders scheduled to chair. A big GROW thank you to all
who are committed to growing in service.
Month: [ Month ]
[ Date, Name ] Step Meeting
[ Date, Name ]
[ Date, Name ]
[ Date, Name ]
Here is your opportunity to volunteer to lead a weekly meeting, choosing a topic that relates to
your individual experience, strength and hope or a topic you would like to hear about, that relates
to alcoholism recovery. The requirements necessary to lead a meeting are 90 days of continuous
sobriety and a member of GROW for more than 30 days.
[The April 2019 GROW business meeting designated the first meeting of the month to be a
STEP MEETING. Please limit your lead share to the step of the corresponding month.]
If you would like to volunteer, just hit reply and let me know which available date you would be
willing to lead. Here are the available dates:
[ Month, Day ] Step Meeting
[ Month, Day ]
[ Month, Day ]
[ Month, Day ]
[ Month, Day ]
We try to give thoughtful attention to those who would like to lead a meeting around their A. A.
anniversary. If the date requested is already filled, you will be offered another available date.
Around Wednesday or Thursday of the week before you’re set to chair, I’ll contact you and pass
on the meeting format. If, for some reason you cannot do the meeting on your selected
Sunday, please let me know as soon as possible so I can find a replacement leader.
I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you. The topic meeting is a great way
of saying “hi” and letting us all get to know you better. Thank you for your participation
and thank you for letting me be of service.
[ Name ]
Weekly Leader Listkeeper
P.S. As our membership is *growing*, we are getting duplicate names. When you respond
please include your name and the first initial of your last name.”


Summary of Comments on Proposal 13

No discussion

Results of Voting on Proposal 13

Passed 8 agree, 0 disagree

Group Conscience Decision:

Add recommended language to the Weekly Topic Leader Message.

0419 – Proposal 12: Monthly Step Meeting

Proposal 12: Monthly Step Meeting

  • I propose that the current Step language pertinent to each month be inserted into the regular meeting format for the month indicated. It should be inserted at the start of the Lead section, and the Weekly Leader may add her lead immediately after that.
  • I also propose that the Tradition should continue to be sent at the start of each month just as has been done.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 12

The discussion was a dialog about the language for the step topic and who would supply it. Here are the comments:

1. Question: Who will insert the language for the Step meeting for the corresponding month at the beginning of each month? The Weekly Lead or the Weekly Leader Listkeeper?
2. The Weekly Listkeeper will insert the language into to the format.
3. So if I understand correctly, the request for weekly leaders forms will need a paragraph about the first week being a step meeting. Then when the weekly leader list keeper sends the weekly reminder for the first week of the month she’s going to have to amend the letter to reflect the meeting is a step meeting? If that’s the case we should just approve another letter so she has it on hand 4. If we made it another form letter we would need 12 form letters, 1 for each month. I think the Weekly Listkeeper can insert the topic each month.
5. I support the proposal to insert the language we currently use for the relevant Step Meeting.
6. Thanks Amanda for clarifying that change to the weekly Listkeeper job description re leaving just Tradition as monthly.
7. With respect to all views, I’d suggest we leave it to the weekly Listkeeper to work out if she needs to pre-prepare additional form letters/drafts or if she’ll copy and paste for the relevant month. It feels as if this could be a case of trusting our Trusted Servants to carry out the role, and if needed formalising additional form letters at a future business meeting?
8. What has been shared here makes sense to me. Seems simpler.
9. Makes sense.
10. This proposal does not include/contain the language to be inserted into the regular meeting format, and I’m not sure what the “current Step language” means. Could you insert the recommended language within the proposal so we know what we’re voting on?
11. To answer Danna’s question, the current language refers to the  lead that is used in the current monthly step meeting. It is in the form letters for the step/traditions meetings. Does that answer your question?
12. Every proposal that changes a job description, form letter, or any
“official” GROW document should also include a “Recommended Language” section so that it is very clear what we’re approving. Because this proposal does not explicitly contain the recommended language, and I’m not sure what I’m voting on …
I disagree (vote changed to agree)

Results of Voting on Proposal 12

Voting: Twelve (12) participants in favor, and no one voted against.

Group Conscience Decision:

The current Step language pertinent to each month will be inserted into the regular meeting format for the month indicated. It should be inserted at the start of the Lead section, and the Weekly Leader may add her lead immediately after that.

The Tradition will continue to be sent at the start of each month.

0419 – Proposal 11: Weekly Leader Reminder

Proposal 11: Weekly Leader Reminder Letter

Add form letter to GROW form letters page titled Weekly Leader Reminder Letter, to be sent to the upcoming leader on Wednesday. 

Recommended Language:

“Dear :
I’m sending you a friendly reminder that you are scheduled to chair this upcoming Sunday. I’ll be attaching a clean copy of the updated meeting format to this email. Let me know if you have trouble opening it or copying it to an email. Please remember not to add any urls in your post!

**Please reply to this email to verify your availability to lead this Sunday. You must send your meeting lead email on Saturday night, no later than Sunday morning, to ensure that ladies in various time zones will receive the meeting on Sunday morning.

If, for some reason you cannot chair the meeting this Sunday, please let me know before Saturday so I can find a replacement leader.

*For a list of meeting topics that have been previously used, visit the following link on the GROW webpage. http://www.g-r-ow.com/members/topics/chrontopics.htm

Thank you for your service!

-Weekly Leader Listkeeper”


  • This letter needs to be sent each Wednesday to ensure the assigned leader will be available for the upcoming Sunday meeting. There is no “official” form letter on GROW for this. Making this an “official” form letter would make sure the Listkeeper had an approved form letter to use each week, reflecting past business meeting decisions. Refer to the April 2012 business meeting decision below, where it was decided that the meeting be posted on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning.
  • Weekly Meeting > Topic Postings (4/12)
    Decision: We have consensus on this Proposal and it is APPROVED that we begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning. We will “revisit” this topic in our October 2012 Business Meeting to discuss possible modification of our website and literature to reflect this change.Proposal: Begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning, to ensure that ladies in various time zones will receive the meeting on Sunday.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 11

  1. I strongly disagree with this suggested language. We have been here before, as having meeting leads consistently “on time” has always been an issue. It’s inappropriate to require meeting leaders to post their leads on Saturday, as our meeting starts on Sunday. The group decided in past debates that we can suggest people post on Saturday but not require it. Also, “Sunday morning” is difficult because our members are in so many time zones. I would change the language as follows.
    **Please reply to this email to verify your availability to lead this Sunday. You must can send your meeting lead email on Saturday night, no later than Sunday morning, to ensure that ladies in various time zones will receive the meeting on Sunday morning. I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask people to let the listkeeper know before Saturday if they can’t chair. This will not help with people who simply forget to post their leads (I have been guilty of this) or who have something come up at the last minute. The listkeeper has already asked them to confirm they will be there on Sunday. If they do not confirm, that’s a clear sign there may be a problem. If they do confirm, we have to trust that they’ll do it.Basically, this proposal is asking the meeting leads to solve what is an occasional problem for the Weekly Meeting Lead Listkeeper. I just don’t think it’s necessary. I would delete this sentence completely. If, for some reason you cannot chair the meeting this Sunday, please let me know before Saturday so I can find a replacement leader.
  2. Sounds great.
  3. This letter is very good and I appreciate having it. Thanks to Amanda for taking her job to heart and creating this.
  4. Minority Opinion after the vote
    • My only problem with this proposal is the following sentence: “If, for some reason you cannot chair the meeting this Sunday, please let me know before Saturday so I can find a replacement leader.” I would change my vote to “I agree” if the words “before Saturday” were deleted.
    • I don’t think it’s reasonable to ask people to let the listkeeper know before Saturday if they can’t chair. What happens if the person doesn’t know until Saturday that they won’t be available? This will not help with people who simply forget to post their leads (I have been guilty of this) or who have something come up at the last minute. The listkeeper has already asked them to confirm they will be there on Sunday. If they do not confirm, that’s a clear sign there may be a problem. If they do confirm, we have to trust that they’ll do it.
    • If the Weekly Leader Listkeeper maintains a list of women who will step in to lead a meeting when the scheduled person doesn’t post the meeting, she doesn’t need the advance notice to find a replacement lead.
    • Basically, the language “before Saturday” is asking the meeting leads to solve what is an occasional problem for the Weekly Meeting Lead Listkeeper. I just don’t think it’s necessary. It won’t solve the problem, and it imposes an unnecessary requirement on the weekly lead.
  5. Again, the rationale behind this is to give the WLL a heads up IF POSSIBLE. There is no punishment or consequence if they can’t. This is a courtesy! I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask people to be courteous and let the WLL know ahead of time if they can’t Chair. If they don’t show or run late, that’s a separate issue. This is for people that know they have a conflict ahead of time.If things happen, they happen and we are more than flexible when life happens! This has been working so far when I sent this request to our chairs.  The big question here is… does the language “before Saturday” help or hurt the group and the way it functions… or this an issue of people personally not wanting so many “guidelines”? This is about what helps our group function and get meetings posted on time for everyone.
  6. This happens so rarely that I don’t think it’s necessary to add another task to the Weekly Topic Leader’s responsibilities. As a group, I think that we can allow our members to think for themselves instead of being told what to do. We can’t legislate courtesy or good manners, or know in advance that we won’t be available on a particular Sunday.  Also, let’s not forget that unlike f2f meetings that last for about 1-1/2 hours (someone had mentioned that they start on time) our meetings last for one week. This gives us plenty of time to receive and share on a Topic by either the Topic Leader or her replacement. My $.02 tonight.
  7. Part of the confusion that I see the possibility of, is double posting of meetings. If an overzealous , stickler for the rules weekly leader doesn’t see a meeting posted by the time required, then, in all fairness to her, she would go ahead and post a meeting, That is clearly unfair to the leader who has been waiting for 3 months to lead a meeting, if she should happen to run late of forget, for a moment. This has been an issue in the past, and we have survived with barely a few meetings posted as late as Monday. But its really not fair to give the lead every chance for their opportunity. My two cents.
  8. I see 8 am PST as a suggestion. I am not intending to hold anyone to this while I am WLL. As long as I know that someone is going to post that day, preferably that morning or midday US time, I am okay with that. It is when I do not hear back from the person signed up that I must find myself with a bit of extra work. Once the business meeting is concluded, I will send out the revised letter seeking backup leaders.

Results of Voting on Proposal 11

Pass 13 agree, 0 disagree

Group Conscience Decision:

Add recommended language to the Weekly Topic Leader Message.

0419 – Proposal 10: Weekly Leader Listkeeper

Proposal 10: Weekly Leader Listkeeper

Add language about a On-call Meeting Leader List to Weekly Topic Leader Message and make additional edits to the Weekly Leader Listkeeper Responsibilites.

Recommended Language: “If you would like to be added to the on-call meeting leader list, please reply and let me know. You will be added to a list of volunteers who are willing to quickly post a weekly topic when the scheduled chair is unavailable. The only requirement is that you are available to check your email every Saturday/Sunday and respond quickly to a request from the Weekly Leader Listkeeper, so she can find someone to chair in a timely manner.”


  • The bullet descriptions concerning calling for volunteers and posting the meeting schedule need more clarity as to when to send each item, so I added “at the beginning of the month”. I have been doing this and it works well to send the call for volunteers and current month’s schedule at the beginning of the month.
  • The bullet concerning posting regularly weekly reminders is a repeat and doesn’t need to be there.
  • The bullet concerning confirming the member’s status two weeks before is not needed, because the list keeper contacts the assigned leader personally on the Wednesday before the meeting. This is an extra, unnecessary duty.
  • The bullets concerning a list for weekly leaders and replacing the topic leader needs more clarity. This has been an unclear area and has caused some problems during my current term. I added a specific time to replace the topic leader, if a topic has not been posted on Sunday morning. Also, if we have a list of willing leaders, why make a general announcement to the group? I believe making a general announcement is embarrassing to the assigned leader and negates the point of having a list of willing leaders. (Refer to the business meeting decision on October 2011 about maintaining a back-up list of willing leaders)

Summary of Comments on Proposal 10

No objection here.

Results of Voting on Proposal 10

Pass 13 agree, 0 disagree

Group Conscience Decision:

Make the additional edits to the Weekly Leader Listkeeper Duties.

Add recommended language to the Weekly Topic Leader Message.

0419 – Proposal 9: Weekly Leader Listkeeper

Proposal 9: Weekly Leader Listkeeper TS Responsibilities

Delete current descriptions and add proposed descriptions for Weekly Leader Listkeeper on the GROW trusted servant responsibilities page.

**** Delete the 8 current bullets below:

  • At the end of each month, calls for topic volunteers to fill the 3rd unfilled month, using Weekly Leader Template approved by group conscience.
  • Send the one-month schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding Weekly Leaders to the group on a monthly basis (in addition to posting regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics)
  • Schedules should be completed for no more than three months in advance.
  • Post regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics and post the upcoming chairs.
  • Two weeks prior to meeting date, confirm topic leader is still a GROW member.
  • Provide weekly topic leader with clean copy of meeting format.
  • Replace the topic leader if necessary through general announcement to the group.
  • Maintain a list of those willing to lead a topic (chair a meeting) each Sunday, including email address.

*** Add the following 4 bullets for clarity:

  • “At the beginning of each month, send the current month’s schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding leaders to the group.”
  • “At the beginning of each month, send the Weekly Topic Leader Message form letter for the 3rd unfilled month. Schedules should be completed no more than three months in advance.”
  • “Send the Weekly Leader Letter to the upcoming leader on the previous Wednesday, reminding them of their scheduled meeting lead on the following Sunday. Attach a clean copy of the meeting format. Make sure they reply, verifying their availability to chair the upcoming meeting.”
  • “Maintain a list of on-call meeting leaders that are willing to replace the Topic Leader, if the scheduled leader hasn’t responded to emails or has not posted a meeting by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”


  • The bullet descriptions concerning calling for volunteers and posting the meeting schedule need more clarity as to when to send each item, so I added “at the beginning of the month”. I have been doing this and it works well to send the call for volunteers and current month’s schedule at the beginning of the month.
  • The bullet concerning posting regularly weekly reminders is a repeat and doesn’t need to be there.
  • The bullet concerning confirming the member’s status two weeks before is not needed, because the list keeper contacts the assigned leader personally on the Wednesday before the meeting. This is an extra, unnecessary duty.
  • The bullets concerning a list for weekly leaders and replacing the topic leader needs more clarity. This has been an unclear area and has caused some problems during my current term. I added a specific time to replace the topic leader, if a topic has not been posted on Sunday morning. Also, if we have a list of willing leaders, why make a general announcement to the group? I believe making a general announcement is embarrassing to the assigned leader and negates the point of having a list of willing leaders. (Refer to the business meeting decision on October 2011 about maintaining a back-up list of willing leaders).

Summary of Comments on Proposal 9

  1. It is so nice to have a nice clear list and procedure for MIA leaders. Again, my thanks!
  2. Thank you for simplifying the process here. This proposal offers effectiveness and manageability. I support this.
  3. Brings more clarity and definite timelines, I like it
  4. Thank you, Amanda. You’ve done a great job at revising this Job Description!
  5. Minority Opinion after the vote.  I voted “I disagree” on this proposal because I cannot support the following bullet as written:
    • “Maintain a list of on-call meeting leaders that are willing to replace the Topic Leader, if the scheduled leader hasn’t responded to emails or has not posted a meeting by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”
    • My problem with the bullet is the imposition of a time deadline on posting the Sunday meeting (“… by Sunday morning (8 AM PST)”). Our meetings begin on Sunday, but we have never decided as a group that they should begin no later than a specific time on Sunday. This bullet makes that decision for us. It is not appropriate to require our weekly meeting leaders to get their lead out by a certain time on Sunday, particularly when the business meeting has not made that decision.
    • The deadline is stated for the Pacific Standard Time zone, meaning leaders will have to figure out what time that is in their time zone. This is further complicated by the fact that it refers to Standard Time rather than Daylight Savings Time. There will be large portions of the year in which the PST requirement doesn’t make sense.
    • We have, as a group, debated the question of when a meeting should be posted many times. This one bullet in the proposal imposes a decision on Grow that the business meeting participants have not discussed. I would agree with the proposal if the parenthetical “(8 AM PST)” were deleted.
  6. There are several discussions to be had in this opinion. There needs to be three new proposals made I guess. I had them in separate proposals but was told to combine them because we only have a month for this meeting…
    1. Maintaining a list of on call leaders
    2. Posting the meeting late Saturday or early Sunday.
    3. Time frame for posting.
      1. Maintaining a list of on call leaders is already on the current job description for WLL. If there is a disagreement with this, it needs to be a separate proposal.
      2. Posting the meeting on Saturday evening or Sunday morning is a group conscience decision from 2012 that is not being followed through with. We would need a separate proposal to change this.
      3. As far as the additional time, it’s just a courtesy to have the meeting be available for everyone on Sunday morning. 8 AM PST is 11 AM EST and even later for those in Europe. How is that not acceptable? Any later in the day would not be morning anymore. I think this is reasonable. As I said before, face to face meetings have times to show up. No one has had any issue posting the meeting by 8 AM PST since I started testing it out the past few months. If people need more time, they ask and it’s totally fine. If there needs to be a separate proposal for this, I’ll be happy to make one.

Results of Voting on Proposal 9

Voting: Passed after second vote 8 agree, 1 disagree.

Group Conscience Decision:

We have consensus on this Proposal and it is APPROVED that we begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning. We will “revisit” this topic in our October 2012 Business Meeting to discuss possible modification of our website and literature to reflect this change.

Proposal: Begin posting the meeting on Saturday, no later than Sunday morning, to ensure that ladies in various time zones will receive the meeting on Sunday.

0419 – Proposal 5: Backup Web-keeper

Proposal 5: Backup Web-keeper

Propose opening the Backup Web-keeper position to the membership. This position will include maintaining the Weekly Meeting Topics on the new GROW website.

Rationale: Proposal 5 will allow another trusted servant to learn the functionality of the new GROW website and allow the GROW Web-keeper and Admin to continue working on the transfer of the GROW business archives.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 5

There was little discussion about the first 5 proposals and members were appreciative of the work of so many members that went into the new website.

Results of Voting on Proposal 5

Voting: Fifteen (15) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 5.1. Therefore, Proposal 5 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Propose opening the Backup Web-keeper position to the membership. This position will include maintaining the Weekly Meeting Topics on the new GROW website.

0419 – Proposal 4: Website TS Assignments

Proposal 4: Website TS Assignments

Propose assigning Allison M to the GROW Web-keeper position and assigning Tanya C to the GROW Admin position, both positions commencing April 2019.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 4

There was little discussion about the first 5 proposals and members were appreciative of the work of so many members that went into the new website.

Results of Voting on Proposal 4

Voting: Fifteen (15) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 4.1. Therefore, Proposal 4 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Propose assigning Allison M to the GROW Web-keeper position and assigning Tanya C to the GROW Admin position, both positions commencing April 2019.

0419 – Proposal 3: Website TS Positions

Proposal 3: Website TS Positions

Propose using current job descriptions of Backup Web-keeper, Web-keeper and Admin positions track the upcoming changes for review in October 2019 Business meeting.

Rationale: These positions are a work in process and within this time period, the workgroup will be able to flesh out the particular job description and tasks of each position to better correspond with the new platform (WordPress) which the new GROW website is designed on. This platform will be a significant change in how the GROW site is maintained.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 3

There was little discussion about the first 5 proposals and members were appreciative of the work of so many members that went into the new website.

Results of Voting on Proposal 3

Voting: Fifteen (15) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 3.1. Therefore, Proposal 3 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Propose using current job descriptions of Backup Web-keeper, Web-keeper and Admin positions track the upcoming changes for review in October 2019 Business meeting.

0419 – Proposal 2: Create Admin TS Position

Proposal 2: Create Admin TS Position

Propose creating a 1-year rotating position of Admin to maintain the functionality and server side of the website with a basic job description as follows:

  • 1-year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • 2 years GROW membership
  • Served a full term as web-keeper of the GROW website
  • Member of Business List
  • Maintain a periodic backup of the GROW database
  • Maintain GROW website updates
  • Inform Steering Committee when updates are made to the website.
  • Consult with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website.
  • Support Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper on WordPress site issues.

Rationale: The new GROW website is on a WordPress platform which requires additional services not currently defined in the Web-keeper position.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 2

There was little discussion about the first 5 proposals and members were appreciative of the work of so many members that went into the new website.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2

Voting: Sixteen (16) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 2.1. Therefore, Proposal 2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Propose creating a 1-year rotating position of Admin to maintain the functionality and server side of the website with a basic job description as follows:

  • 1-year term
  • 2 years sobriety
  • 2 years GROW membership
  • Served a full term as web-keeper of the GROW website
  • Member of Business List
  • Maintain a periodic backup of the GROW database
  • Maintain GROW website updates
  • Inform Steering Committee when updates are made to the website.
  • Consult with Steering Committee before making substantial design or content changes to GROW website.
  • Support Web-keeper and Backup Web-keeper on WordPress site issues.

0419 – Proposal 1: GROW Website

Proposal 1: GROW Website

Propose the launch of the new GROW website after the April 2019 Business Meeting for use by the membership. Place the current older GROW website in a subfolder within the GROW hosting structure to allow access for the ongoing transfer of GROW business archives to the new GROW website.

Rationale: The business archives require a bit more time and testing to ensure proper searchability for future trusted servants. However, the ease of posting the weekly meeting topics and access to trusted servants’ job descriptions and forms outweigh the need to keep the new GROW website in the development area until the transfer of the GROW business archives is complete.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 1

There was little discussion about the first 5 proposals and members were appreciative of the work of so many members that went into the new website.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1

Voting: Sixteen (16) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 1.1. Therefore, Proposal 1 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Propose the launch of the new GROW website after the April 2019 Business Meeting for use by the membership. Place the current older GROW website in a subfolder within the GROW hosting structure to allow access for the ongoing transfer of GROW business archives to the new GROW website.

2018 – Group Conscience Decisions

2018 Group Conscience Decisions

During the October 2018 GROW Business meeting, the following Group Conscience decisions were approved:

  1. Delete item d. (Web Page Information) in the GROW FYI CONTENTS section of the FYI Letter sent out by the Secretary each month.
    For more information on this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal 2 from the October 2018 business meeting.
  2. Add a reminder to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter (between the Preamble and “How It Works”) to emphasize the principle of anonymity in our meetings: “Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”
    • Recommended Language: Insert the following sentences as a separate stand-alone paragraph between the Preamble and “How It Works” in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter.
      • “Who you see here, what you read here, when you leave here, let it stay here. (Anonymity refers to personal information and personal issues – not the message of recovery.)”

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal 3 from the October 2018 business meeting.

  3. Increase the monthly contribution to Dean Collins (oso-aa.org) to reimburse him for any time and effort to support GROW’s website, particularly the new website WordPress configuration. Double the current contribution from $12 per month ($72 for six months) to $24 ($144 for six months).
    • Recommended Language: Edit the sub-bullet in the Treasurer’s job description under the 11th bullet (“Pay all group expenses…”) to reflect the change in contributions to oso-aa.
      • $24.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)

    For more information about this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal 4 from the October 2018 business meeting.

  4. Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them. She will also include the recommended language in Temporary Mentor Letter #1.
    • Recommended Language: Add a new 10th bullet to the Temporary Mentor job description as follows.
      • Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them.

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal ## from the October 2018 business meeting.

  5. Insert the following language as a new third paragraph in Temporary Mentor Letter #1 and as a monthly stand-alone message to GROW:
    • Just a reminder that you can learn more about AA by visiting one of these links:
    • The Alcoholics Anonymous general services office and information such as “The AA Big Book and 12 & 12, along with many pamphlets as well as links to local resources for AA.
    • AA’s Online Intergroup (OIAA) where you can find meeting lists as week as real-time phone and other Internet types of meetings.
    • AA’s Grapevine magazine with stories and audio stories and Grapevine subscription options.

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal ## from the October 2018 business meeting.

  6. Expand on the Temporary Mentor by establishing a Newcomer Committee, as the Sponsorship pamphlet suggests some groups do.
    • Recommended Language: Add as a new 11th bullet to the Temporary Mentor job description as follows.
      • Establish and lead a Newcomer Committee (that may include members who are new to recovery from alcoholism) who will assist in supporting newcomers to GROW and AA.

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal ## from the October 2018 business meeting.

  7. The General Services Representative (GSR) will post the GSO Calendar of Events each month to the GROW list. The Calendar is contained in the back pages of the current quarterly Box 4-5-9.
    • Recommended Language: “You can find the GSO Calendar of Events on pages 11-12 [depending on the month] of the 4-5-9 Newsletter [Note: link to the newsletter changes for each issue].”

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal ## from the October 2018 business meeting.

  8. The Grapevine Representative (GVR) will post a link to the calendar on the Grapevine website each month. This may be within her report or separate from it.
    • Recommended Language: Add a new 8th bullet to the Grapevine Representative’s job description as follows.
      • Either as part of the Grapevine Form Letter or in a separate message to GROW members, the GVR will share a link to the Grapevine Calendar of Events (at http://www.aagrapevine.org/calendar).

    For more information in this group conscience decision, please refer to Proposal ## from the October 2018 business meeting.

  9. The new GROW Website extension to the April 2019 meeting granted by default.

1018 – Proposal 1: GROW Website

Proposal 1: GROW Website

GROW will extend the Website Workgroup mandate to the April 2019 Business Meeting.

Rationale: While much work has been done and much accomplished, the website is not yet ready to go “live.” The Webkeeper and website workgroup will finalize the test site and prepare recommendations on how to manage the site in April 2019. They will also recommend new Trusted Servant positions and job descriptions to maintain the site in the future.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 1.5

Eight (8) participants commented on the test website. Those who commented were happy with the site, praising its improvement over the current static HTML website. One person submitted questions/comments for the workgroup to consider as it moves forward. Please refer to the section on the sixth 3-day period for next steps.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1.6

Although the Chair had announced that we would vote on Proposal 1 (to extend the Website Workgroup mandate to the April 2019 Business Meeting) during the sixth 3-day period. However, doing so would take us beyond the 17th day. Since the guidelines call for such proposals to be tabled until the next business meeting and the desired extension would end by the April 2019 meeting, a vote at this time of no practical value.

Therefore, no vote will be taken, and the website extension is granted by default.

Group Conscience Decision:

Website extension is granted by default.

1018 – Proposal 12: GVR / GV Calendar

Proposal 12: GVR and Grapevine Calendar

The Grapevine Rep (GVR) will post link to the calendar on the Grapevine website each month. This may be within her report or separate from it.

Rationale: Follow up to the Group Inventory of Fall 2018 and subsequent review in the business meeting, and in the spirit of connecting with AA as a whole: As far as being “informed about AA as a whole”, 5 out of 8 responses stated a need for more information… No one felt we weren’t supporting AA as a whole, just that we weren’t as informed as we could be.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 12.4

Three (3) participants commented on the proposal calling for the Grapevine Representative to send out a link to the Grapevine Calendar each month. All comments supported it because it improves members’ understanding of AA organizations and events, as was raised in responses to the Group Inventory questions. One participant raised offered “Recommended language” that would be added to the TS job description. Another answered that the TS should have the discretion to carry it out. We will vote on Proposal 12.5 during the fifth 3-day period of our meeting.

Results of Voting on Proposal 12.5

Voting: Seventeen (17) participants voted unanimously in favor of Proposal 11.5; therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

The Grapevine Rep will post link to the calendar on the Grapevine website each month. This may be within her report or separate from it.

1018 – Proposal 11: GSR / 4-5-9 Calendar

Proposal 11: GSR and 4-5-9 Calendar

The GSR will post the Calendar of Events each month to the GROW list. It is to be the link to the current quarterly Box 4-5-9, with the indication of the pages of the Calendar.

Rationale: Follow up to the Group Inventory of Fall 2018 and subsequent review in the business meeting: As far as being “informed about AA as a whole”, 5 out of 8 responses stated a need for more information. Several members expressed gratitude for the GSR report and the Box 459 newsletter. No one felt we weren’t supporting AA as a whole, just that we weren’t as informed as we could be.

Recommended Language: You can find the GSO Calendar of Events on pages 11-12 [depending on the month] of the 4-5-9 Newsletter [Note: link to the newsletter changes for each issue].”

Summary of Comments on Proposal 11.4

Four (4) participants commented on this proposal, all of them supporting it because it improves members’ understanding of AA organizations and events, as was raised in responses to the Group Inventory questions. We will vote on Proposal 11.5 during the fifth 3-day period of our meeting.

Results of Voting on Proposal 11.5

Voting: Seventeen (17) participants voted unanimously in favor of Proposal 11.5; therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

The GSR will post the Calendar of Events each month to the GROW list. It is to be the link to the current quarterly Box 4-5-9, with the indication of the pages of the Calendar.

1018 – Proposal 6: Temporary Mentor

Proposal 6: Temporary Mentor & AA Resources

Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them. She will also include the recommended language in Temporary Mentor Letter #1.

Rationale: Many of our members who have not been to f2f meetings and are new to our program are not aware of the many resources available to them (especially when people are not.) This is to inform / remind our members that there are real-time meetings, literature for downloading, and audio stories available at all times of the day and night.

Recommended Language:

Add a bullet to the Temporary Mentor job description as follows:

  • Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them.

Insert the following as a new third paragraph in Temporary Mentor Letter #1:

Just a reminder that you can learn more about AA by visiting one of these links:

  • the Alcoholics Anonymous general services office and information such as “The AA Big Book and 12 & 12, along with many pamphlets as well as links to local resources for AA.
  • AA’s Online Intergroup (OIAA) where you can find meeting lists as wekk as real-time phone and other Internet types of meetings.
  • AA’s Grapevine magazine with stories and audio stories and Grapevine subscription options.
  • Each month, include the same language in an open message to the GROW mailing list.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 6.3

Six (6) participants commented on the proposal for the Temporary Mentor to send links to AA resources (AA, OIAA, Grapevine) to newcomers and to send these links to the larger GROW group each month as a reminder. Comments were generally positive, although some offered additional resources (like AA’s GSO and AA-approved literature like the Big Book, 12×12, and Living Sober). As with Proposal 5.2, a couple of participants cautioned against overwhelming people with too much information at one time, suggesting more packets of information would be more effective.

During the third 3-day session, we will vote on the proposal as presented.

Results of Voting on Proposal 6.3

Voting: Nineteen (19) participants voted in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 6.3. Therefore, the proposal meets our requirement for a 2/3 majority is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Each month, the Temporary Mentor will send a short letter reminding GROW members of AA resources available to them. She will also include the recommended language in Temporary Mentor Letter #1.

1018 – Proposal 5: Newcomer Committee

Proposal 5: Newcomer Committee

To expand on the Temporary Mentor by establishing a Newcomer committee, as the Sponsorship pamphlet suggests some groups do. That committee could be rapid-response for new members much as the OIAA link for “Get Help Now” is. The only requirement could be much less sober time, giving our newer members an opportunity to share their experience, strength and hope.

This committee could have a list of online resources including the AA website, the Grapevine website, the OIAA web site with its links to online meetings including realtime, perhaps even speaker links such as Joe & Charlie on YouTube and other immediate resources for a suffering newcomer. It could be a group of volunteers who are able to respond within hours, as the listkeepers do. My thought is that the Temporary Mentor could lead 2-3 other women who would not hold Trusted Servant positions, like the 12th Step Volunteers.

I suggest that anyone volunteering for this list could be given the list of resources we suggest and become familiar with them before agreeing to take this on. Cruise through the AA, OIAA and Grapevine websites, use them themselves a bit. They do not need to be willing to sponsor.

Rationale: My concern is that all the support that we more-experienced online AAs know about is not known to a newcomer. Yes, a Facebook group could have addressed this, but our anonymity was so much more easily at risk. We can do this “in house” with a small group. This differs from the 12th Steppers in that many of these new members do not get as far as writing to the main list. They are sharing with the Temporary Mentor. Some have had no luck with responses to emails sent to potential sponsors. Others have been challenged to find a resource to help them locally.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 5.2

Eight (8) participants commented on Proposal 5.2 creating a Newcomer Committee to support the Temporary Mentor.

The Trusted Servants who jointly proposed the creation of a Newcomer Committee explained their reasoning as to why it was important and how the committee would operate. Our current Temporary Mentor shared her experience with a portion of newcomers who have tried without success to get a sponsor based on our “Available Online Sponsor” webpage, reporting their queries were not answered timely or at all. Given that some newcomers need a lot of guidance and support, the Temporary Mentor sometimes finds the position overwhelming and could use the support of women who themselves are new to AA’s program in answering questions and supporting women brand new to sobriety.

The committee would be informal, something like the 12th Step List, with members who volunteer and are not Trusted Servants. This gives women with less sober time the opportunity to be of service while also building a strong foundation for their own recovery. The Temporary Mentor would lead the group.

Most of the women who commented on this proposal supported the idea and appreciated the explanations given by the current and immediate past Temporary Mentor. One member suggested that there should be a requirement for a minimum of three months to be on the committee. Others cautioned against overwhelming our new members with too much information too soon.

In the third 3-day session, we will vote on Proposal 5.3 as presented.

Results of Voting on Proposal 5.3

Voting: Sixteen (16) participants voted in favor (80%), and four (4) voted against Proposal 5.3. Therefore, the proposal meets our requirement for a 2/3 majority is adopted as a Group Conscience Decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

To expand on the Temporary Mentor by establishing a Newcomer Committee, as the Sponsorship pamphlet suggests some groups do. That committee could be rapid-response for new members much as the OIAA link for “Get Help Now” is. The only requirement could be much less sober time, giving our newer members an opportunity to share their experience, strength and hope.

1018 – Proposal 4: Contribution to oso-aa.org

Proposal 4: Contribution to oso-aa.org

Increase the monthly contribution to Dean Collins (oso-aa.org) to reimburse him for any time and effort to support GROW’s website, particularly the new website WordPress configuration. Double the current contribution from $12 per month ($72 for six months) to $24 ($144 for six months).

Rationale: Dean provides servers to AA groups without charging anything, and he provides technical support. Many groups make donations to help defray costs, including labor. An increase will help Dean with expenses and show our gratitude for his support over the years.

Recommended language: Change the sub-bullet in the Treasurer’s job description to reflect the increase:

$12.00 $24.00 monthly to OSO-AA (PayPal: dean.collins@insightplanners.com) (6 months expenses)

Summary of Comments on Proposal 4.1

Eight (8) participants commented on the proposal. While there were some questions, in the end there was consensus supporting the proposal. In the next 3-day period, we will vote on the proposal as presented.

Results of Voting on Proposal 4.1

Eighteen (18) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 4.1. Therefore, it is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Increase the monthly contribution to Dean Collins (oso-aa.org) to reimburse him for any time and effort to support GROW’s website, particularly the new website WordPress configuration. Double the current contribution from $12 per month ($72 for six months) to $24 ($144 for six months).

1018 – Proposal 3: “Let it Stay Here”

Proposal 3

Add the reminder to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter (between the Preamble and “How It Works”) to emphasize the principle of anonymity in our meetings: “Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”

Rationale: In f2f meetings, we respect the principle of anonymity and giving people the space to share without fear. Although it will never be perfect the familiar AA saying helps remind us of the spirit of honoring a share without repeating it. In the Group Inventory, it was noted that a person had mentioned taking pieces from shares and repeating them at other meetings. Whilst they said they omitted the name, it is still a form of repeating another person’s share elsewhere.

Recommended Language: Insert the following sentence as a separate stand-alone paragraph between the Preamble and “How It Works” in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter:

“Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”

Summary of Comments on Proposal 3.1

Twelve participants generated 17 comments, most of them supporting the proposal. A couple of participants felt the new language was not necessary.  One person raised the question of whether we should enforce this principle if a member violated it. No one responded to this query.

Two participants suggested changes to the wording of the insert, and those who commented expressed approval of the changes. The first was to change “what you hear here” to “what you read here” since this is an online format. The Chair has revised the proposal to reflect this change.  A second change would insert clarification of what “anonymity” means (“Anonymity refers to personal information and personal issues – not the message of recovery.”). The Chair has added this sentence to the recommended language in the revised proposal. Proposal 3.2a will include only these changes.

When it was revealed that The Weekly Meeting Format Letter already contains a similar sentence (penultimate paragraph of the format), several people felt the sentence shouldn’t appear twice. The Chair has therefore added as part of the Group Conscience decision deleting the existing penultimate paragraph (“Anonymity Statement: Please remember that “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” What you hear here and who you “see” here, let it stay here.” Proposal 3.2b will also include this change.

We will vote on two versions of Proposal 3 in the next three days. Proposal 3.2a incorporates the two suggested editing changes. Proposal 3.2b adds deleting the existing “Let It Stay Here” message from the end of the current Meeting Leader Format Letter.

Results of Voting on Proposal 3.2a

In response to comments, the Chair presented two versions of the proposal. The first version (3.2a) reflected suggested edits to the recommended language that met with general approval. The second version (3.2b) contained the suggested edits as well as the deletion of a similar line (the penultimate paragraph) of the current Weekly Meeting Format Letter. Please see the full text of version 3.2a at the end of this message.

Participants were asked to vote on one of the two versions (indicating an automatic “I disagree” vote for the other version).

Four (4) participants voted in favor (25%), and 12 voted against Proposal 3.2a. Therefore, the proposal did not meet the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal.

Please see the results of voting on version 3.2b for next steps (Minority Opinion).

Full Text of Proposal 3.2a
Proposal 3.2a: Add the reminder to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter (between the Preamble and “How It Works”) to emphasize the principle of anonymity in our meetings: “Who you see here, what you read here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”

Recommended Language:
“Who you see here, what you read here, when you leave here, let it stay here.” (Anonymity refers to personal information and personal issues – not the message of recovery.)

Results of Voting on Proposal 3.2b

In response to comments, the Chair presented two versions of the proposal. The first version (3.2a) reflected suggested edits to the recommended language that met with general approval. The second version (3.2b) contained the suggested edits as well as the deletion of a similar line (the penultimate paragraph) of the current Weekly Meeting Format Letter. Participants were asked to vote on one of the two versions (indicating an automatic “I disagree” vote for the other version). See the full text of Proposal 3.2b at the end of this message.

Twelve (12) participants voted in favor (75%), and four (4) voted against Proposal 3.2b. Therefore, Proposal 3.2b met the requirement for a 2/3 majority vote in favor of the proposal.

Our Business Meeting Guidelines allow three days for the minority opinion to be presented and discussed. If, after hearing the minority opinion, any participant wants to change their vote from “I disagree” to “I agree” on Proposal 3.2b, we will conduct a second vote.

At this time, I request each of those who voted “I agree” on Proposal 3.2a to send me a private note letting me know if they plan to post a minority opinion.

After considering the Minority Opinion, if any participant wants to change their vote from “I disagree” to “I agree” on Proposal 3.2b, we will conduct a second vote. If the minority does not want to express their opinion, we will close this discussion, and the vote will stand.

Full Text of Proposal 3.2b:
Proposal 3.2b: Add the reminder to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter (between the Preamble and “How It Works”) to emphasize the principle of anonymity in our meetings: “Who you see here, what you read here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”

Recommended Language:

  1. Insert the following sentences as a separate stand-alone paragraph between the Preamble and “How It Works” in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter:
    “Who you see here, what you read here, when you leave here, let it stay here.” (Anonymity refers to personal information and personal issues – not the message of recovery.)
  2. Delete the penultimate paragraph of the existing Weekly Meeting Format Letter which currently reads: “Anonymity Statement: Please remember that “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” What you hear here and who you “see” here, let it stay here.”

Discussion following Minority Opinion

Participants voted to approve Proposal 3.2b (adding the following between the Preamble and “How it Works” of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter). The proposal as approved also deleted the Anonymity Statement from the bottom of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter. The Minority Opinion argued that the Anonymity Statement should not be deleted, and several women changed their vote as a result. It was pointed out that the Anonymity Statement duplicates Tradition 12 (which is above the topic section). So, deleting only part of the Anonymity Statement is inconsistent. We will take a re-vote, addressing only the deletion of the Anonymity Statement, on Proposal 3.5 during the fifth 3-day period of our meeting.

Results of Re-vote on Proposal 3.5

Two (2) participants voted in favor, and 13 voted against (87%) Proposal 3.5 (which was limited to deleting the Anonymity Statement from the bottom of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter). The vote exceeds the requirement for a 2/3 majority, so this part of Proposal 3 fails.

Therefore, the existing Anonymity Statement in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter will not be deleted.

Group Conscience Decision:

The existing Anonymity Statement in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter will not be deleted.

1018 – Proposal 2: Change FYI Letter

Proposal 2: Change FYI Letter

Delete item d. (Web Page Information) in the GROW FYI CONTENTS section of the FYI Letter sent out by the Secretary each month.

Rationale: Currently, the bullet is in the contents, but no such information is provided in the body of the text.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 2.1

Five people commented on the proposal, all agreeing with it. We will vote on Proposal 2.1 in the next 3-day period.

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.1

Voting: Fifteen (15) participants in favor, and no one voted against Proposal 2.1. Therefore, Proposal 2 is adopted as a Group Conscience decision.

Group Conscience Decision:

Delete item d. (Web Page Information) in the GROW FYI CONTENTS section of the FYI Letter sent out by the Secretary each month.

0418 – Proposal 13: OIAA-Related Bullet – Listkeepers’ Job Description

Proposal 13: OIAA-related bullet – Listkeepers’ job description

Proposal 13.4: Edit the existing bullet under the Listkeepers’ Job Description to call for Roll Calls of the GROW membership be done only when there are disruptive email issues, as recommended by oso-aa.org technical support. Our Listkeepers will determine when the issues warrant a Roll Call.

Recommended change in job description: (Listkeepers’ Job Description)
Conduct a roll call every year. Determine the need for and conduct a roll call of GROW members when there are disruptive email issues. Our Listkeepers will determine when the issues warrant a Roll Call, and the particulars of when and how shall be left to the discretion of the Listkeepers.

Rationale: GROW started doing Roll Calls when we were having significant problems with our members receiving and sending e-mails through our server. Some e-mail services were not sufficiently up-to-date to be compatible with our servers. The problems that led to the need for a Roll Call have been resolved. Our tech support person at oso-aa.org advises us that Roll Calls may be necessary when disruptive e-mail issues arise. Therefore, the need to conduct a Roll Call is dependent on two factors: unmanageable disruption of delivering/receiving e-mails through GROW or need to cull members who no longer use or want our service.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 13

There are no more discussions or proposals. Since there were no “I disagree” votes, there is no need to wait for a minority opinion or a revote.

Results of Voting on Proposal 13

The vote was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Edit the existing bullet under the Listkeepers’ Job Description to call for Roll Calls of the GROW membership be done only when there are disruptive email issues, as recommended by oso-aa.org technical support. Our Listkeepers will determine when the issues warrant a Roll Call.

Recommended change in job description: (Listkeepers’ Job Description)
Conduct a roll call every year. Determine the need for and conduct a roll call of GROW members when there are disruptive email issues. Our Listkeepers will determine when the issues warrant a Roll Call, and the particulars of when and how shall be left to the discretion of the Listkeepers.

0418 – Proposal 12: OIAA-Related Bullet – Listkeepers’ Job Description

Proposal 12: OIAA-related bullet – Listkeepers’ job description

Proposal 12.4: Add a bullet to the Listkeepers’ job description about providing monthly information about GROW to the OIAA Representative.

Recommended change in job description: (new 7th bullet)
Provide the OIAA Representative with the total number of GROW members and the number of new members each month.

Rationale: A Group Conscience decision approved during this meeting authorizes the OIAA Rep to provide anonymous information about GROW to OIAA each month. The OIAA Rep does not have access to some of the information, so our Listkeepers will have to provide it. This proposal is a follow-up to the Group Conscience decision.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 12

There are no more discussions or proposals. Since there were no “I disagree” votes, there is no need to wait for a minority opinion or a revote.

Results of Voting on Proposal 12

The vote was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add a bullet to the Listkeepers’ job description about providing monthly information about GROW to the OIAA Representative.

Recommended change in job description: (new 7th bullet)
Provide the OIAA Representative with the total number of GROW members and the number of new members each month.

0418 – Proposal 11: Changes to 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s Job Description

Proposal 11: Changes to 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s job description.

Proposal 11.4: Add a bullet to the OIAA Representative’s job description to submit monthly anonymous information about GROW to OIAA.

Recommended change in job description: (new 6th bullet)
Each month, provide OIAA with (1) the number of members in GROW and the number of new members that month and (2) the total amount of sobriety for members who celebrated an anniversary in that month.

Rationale: A Group Conscience decision approved during this meeting authorizes the OIAA Rep to provide this information. This proposal is a follow-up to the Group Conscience decision.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 11

There are no more discussions or proposals. Since there were no “I disagree” votes, there is no need to wait for a minority opinion or a revote.

Results of Voting on Proposal 11

The vote was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add a bullet to the OIAA Representative’s job description to submit monthly anonymous information about GROW to OIAA.

Recommended change in job description: (new 6th bullet)
Each month, provide OIAA with (1) the number of members in GROW and the number of new members that month and (2) the total amount of sobriety for members who celebrated an anniversary in that month.

0418 – Proposal 10: Changes to 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s Job Description

Proposal 10: Changes to 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s job description.

Proposal 10.3:

Edit the bullet referring to a 12th Step Back-up to delete that reference as shown below:

Recommended change in job description:
Notify 12th Step Back-up, Group the Listkeeper and Greeters if unavailable for a period of time. (Backup will then Greeters and/or Listkeepers will either assume the above responsibilities or work with the Steering Committee to assure the duties are performed in her absence).

Rationale: The bullet is out-of-date and inaccurate. There is no 12th Step Back-up, nor has there been for some time. The Listkeepers and Greeters can take the lead on covering her duties while the 12th Step Listkeeper is out of pocket, particularly by contacting the Steering Committee to find people who can cover the job.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 10


Results of Voting on Proposal 10

The vote (of 16) was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend the bullet referring to a 12th Step Back-up to delete that reference as shown below:

Recommended Language (for 12th Step Listkeeper):
Notify 12th Step Back-up, Group the Listkeeper and Greeters Secretary if unavailable for a period of time. (Backup will then Greeters and/or Listkeepers Secretary will either assume the above responsibilities or work with the Steering Committee to assure the duties are performed in the 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s absence). The 12th Step Listkeeper will provide a current list of 12th Step Volunteers to the Secretary/Greeters/Listkeepers when she notifies her of her temporary absence.
Recommended Language (for Greeters and Listkeepers Secretary):
In 12th Step Volunteer Listkeeper’s temporary absence, either alert 12th Step volunteers of a need for support or work with Steering Committee to assure these duties are covered.
For Listkeepers’ job description, delete three existing bullets referring to 12th Step activities.
Greet, correspond with, introduce and subscribe emergency 12th Step calls.
Forward names to 12th Step Listkeeper.
Maintain two-month archive of these names.

0418 – Proposal 9: Changes to Weekly Meeting Listkeeper’s Job Description

Proposal 9: Changes to Weekly Meeting Listkeeper’s job description.

Proposal 9.3: Amend existing duties in the Weekly Leader Listkeeper job description to specify the timing as follows:

Amend existing bullet and add a new bullet to address non-related duties:

Send the one-month schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding Weekly Leaders to the group on a monthly basis (in addition to posting regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics).
At mid-week, re-post the Sunday meeting letter.
Add language specifying timing on two existing bullets:

At mid-week before the new meeting provide weekly topic leader with clean copy of meeting format.
At the beginning of each month, post Step and Tradition discussion topics to correspond with the month.

Rationale: This proposal results from the Trusted Servant’s review of her current job description. The current job description does not make clear when these actions should occur. Specifying the timing will be helpful to people who are new in the position.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 9


Results of Voting on Proposal 9

The vote (of 16) was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend existing duties in the Weekly Leader Listkeeper job description to specify the timing as follows:

Amend existing bullet and add a new bullet to address non-related duties:
Send the one-month schedule of meeting chair dates and corresponding Weekly Leaders to the group on a monthly basis (in addition to posting regular weekly reminders of the meeting topics). At mid-week, re-post the Sunday meeting topic e-mail letter.
Add language specifying timing on two existing bullets:
At mid-week before the new meeting provide weekly topic leader with clean copy of meeting format.
At the beginning of each month, post Step and Tradition discussion topics to correspond with the month.

0418 – Proposal 8: Changes to Grapevine Representative’s Job Description

Proposal 8: Add language about not using URLs in messages to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter.

Proposal 8.3:

Amend the existing bullet in the Grapevine Representative job description that calls on the GVR to lead one meeting a month and add a sentence to the Grapevine Form Letter inviting members to share on the month’s theme.

Recommended change in job description:
The GVR will chair one meeting a month on inform the group of the topic presented in that month’s Grapevine.

Recommended change in Grapevine Form Letter (Add a sentence to the first paragraph as follows)
This month’s topic is: [from aagrapevine.org/]. This month’s feature story in print is: [from aagrapevine.org/] – summary available online. This month’s online feature story is: [from aagrapevine.org/]. Note that in order to read entire article, one has to subscribe; however, there is usually one that is available to read in its entirety. I encourage you to share with the group on this month’s Grapevine theme or feature story.

Rationale: This proposal results from the Trusted Servant’s review of her current job description. Leading the weekly meeting is one of the most popular activities for members of GROW, and we quickly fill weekly slots. To reserve one meeting a month for the GVR would prevent many members from having that opportunity. Instead, the GVR will send a monthly message to the group highlighting the magazine’s theme for the month and inviting others to share on that topic.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 8

Results of Voting on Proposal 8

The vote (of 16) was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend the existing bullet in the Grapevine Representative job description that calls on the GVR to lead one meeting a month and add sentences to the Grapevine Form Letter inviting members to share on the month’s theme.

Recommended change in job description: The GVR will chair one meeting a month on inform the group of the topic presented in that month’s Grapevine.
Recommended change in Grapevine Form Letter, Add the following language to the first paragraph as follows:
This month’s topic is: [from aagrapevine.org/]. This month’s feature story in print is: [from aagrapevine.org/] – summary available online. This month’s online feature story is: [from aagrapevine.org/]. Note that in order to read entire article, one has to subscribe; however, there is usually one that is available to read in its entirety. I encourage you to share on this month’s Grapevine theme or feature story. When you do, please put “Grapevine Topic:” in the subject line of your message.

0418 – Proposal 7: Changes to Greeters’ Job Description

Proposal 7: Changes to Greeters’ job description.

Proposal 7.3: Delete the following three duties from the Greeter job description that are not relevant to the job:

If new member does not have access to the web, forwards group information, as requested.
Sends resubscription requests to the Listkeeper.
Communicates with the GROW 12-Step Volunteer Listkeeper about women who may need extra support.

Rationale: This proposal results from the Trusted Servants’ review of their job description. Three bullets in the job description have historically not been done and should be removed. The first listed above is irrelevant, especially because if someone has access to e-mail, they have access to the web. The second is not needed because requests to resubscribe have not been received by the Greeters. The third is no more relevant to Greeters than to any other GROW member and should not be included as a specific duty for the Greeters.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 7


Results of Voting on Proposal 7

The vote (of 16) was unanimously in favor of the proposal, therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Delete the following three duties from the Greeter job description that are not relevant to the job:

If new member does not have access to the web, forwards group information, as requested.
Sends resubscription requests to the Listkeeper.
Communicates with the GROW 12-Step Volunteer Listkeeper about women who may need extra support.

0418 – Proposal 5: Changes to GSR Job Decription

Proposal 5: Changes to the GSR Job Description.

Proposal 5.2: Delete references in the GSR job description to the OIAA Representative including the position title and two bullets describing the GSR’s involvement with OIAA.

Rationale: This proposal results from the review of position descriptions by the Trusted Servant serving in the position. The current GSR, whose term began two years ago, reports that she has had no interaction with the OIAA Representative or with OIAA. Given that the two organizations are very different, it doesn’t make sense for the GSR to be the OIAA Rep’s backup.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 5.2


Results of Voting on Proposal 5

Seventeen (17) participants voted “I agree” on the proposal to eliminate mention of the OIAA Representative’s job in the General Service Representative’s job description. No one voted “I disagree;” therefore, the proposal is approved and adopted. Based on participant comments one addition was made to the proposal language for purposes of voting: we added a sentence to remove references to the GSR from the OIAA Rep’s job description.

Group Conscience Decision:

Delete references in the GSR job description to the OIAA Representative including the position title and two bullets describing the GSR’s involvement with OIAA. Consistent with this change, also delete references to GSR in OIAA Rep job description.

0418 – Proposal 4: Website Report and Proposal

Proposal 4: New Website Proposal

Proposal 4.1: GROW will create new website using WordPress as its platform to be hosted on the current host (oso-aa.org). The workgroup will present the proposed website in October 2018 that will include revised job descriptions for the Webkeeper and Webkeeper Backup as well as for a new Trusted Servant position of Website Administrator.

Workgroup Report/Proposal:
The workgroup proposes creating new website using WordPress as its platform. This allows for an archival, user-friendly, device-responsive solution that has plagued our current website. We recommend hosting it with our current host (oso-aa.org). The cost of hosting will not change from our current contributions. The cost for building the new website will be $0 as it will be built by members of the workgroup.

The process for building the new website will take 5-6 months to complete, and it is the intent of the workgroup to migrate the content of the old website to the new website without any major changes. However, due to the nature of the new platform (WordPress) there may be some deviation in its structure. It is the intent of the workgroup to note any such deviation and present it as a proposal for approval in the October business meeting.

Proposed detail timeline:

Set up the site and structure – 2 weeks
Copy content over 30 pages a month; current website has 91 pages – 3 months.
Review and test – one month
Discuss and iron out roles and description of trusted servants – admin, web-keeper and backup web-keeper. Prepare proposals to present in October – 2 weeks
Standards and rules (category/tags) for web-keepers, checklist for admin – 1 week
Prepare proposal(s) to be approve for site deviation(s) – 1 week
Projected total time – 4 1/2 months – 6 months (to allow for life events)
The workgroup recommends adding an Admin trusted-servant position with a specific list of functions to manage and oversee the backend of the website. We also recommend modifying the roles of webkeeper and backup webkeeper to the functions of maintaining the content of the website. We recommend that all these positions be rotating and voting members of the steering group. The specifics and detailed responsibilities of these roles will be presented in the October meeting.

It is our intent from this proposal is to get approval from the membership to proceed with building the new website.

It is outside the scope of this proposal to 1) review and modify the role of the Treasurer to be the keeper of the domain and host as they are the ones that transfer payment to those pertinent entities and 2) to review the contributions paid to oso-aa.org.

We will now have three days to discuss this proposal. Discussions will close at the end of the day on Wednesday, April 4.

A follow-up note to Proposal 4.1: We did not acknowledge the members of the Website workgroup. Our thanks to: Tanya C (Workgroup Leader & Webkeeper), Cheryl D (Webkeeper Backup), Laurie C, Gigi D, and Allison M. I am assuming that these women will answer questions about the proposal.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 4.1


Results of Voting on Proposal 4.1

Of the 28 members on the business list, 21 voted in favor of the proposal. No one voted against it. Therefore, we have a unanimous Group Conscience decision, and the workgroup is now authorized to complete the tasks outlined in their Report/Proposal. We want to thank the workgroup for their ongoing efforts to improve GROW’s website: Tanya C (Workgroup Leader & Webkeeper), Cheryl D (Webkeeper Backup), Laurie C, Gigi D, and Allison M.

Group Conscience Decision:

GROW will create new website using WordPress as its platform to be hosted on the current host (oso-aa.org). The workgroup will present the proposed website in October 2018 that will include revised job descriptions for the Webkeeper and Webkeeper Backup as well as for a new Trusted Servant position of Website Administrator.

0418 – Proposal 2: Changes to Treasurer’s Job Description

Proposal 2.2: Changes to Treasurer’s Job Description FYI Letter

Amend Treasurer’s Job Description to reflect actual practices and constraints: (a) Delete line item directing Treasurer to submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. (b) Change period for distributions to GSO from quarterly to semi-annual consistent with our Business Meetings.

Rationale: Rationale for Proposal 2.2 (a): In October 2013, by group conscience decision, a line was added to the Treasurer’s Job Description stating that the Treasurer would submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. This has only happened twice – in the first two months after the decision was made. Since then, Treasurer’s reports have been submitted only for the Business Meetings in April and October. Further, it is not clear that monthly Treasurer’s Reports add anything to the effective operations of GROW, especially since no one has raised the lack of them as an issue. Therefore, we should delete that line item duty from the current Treasurer’s job description.

Rationale for Proposal 2.2 (b): Since we started archiving Treasurer’s Reports on GROW’s website in 2013, distributions to GSO have been made sporadically:
Date Amount
Apr-17 $711.04
Oct-16 $1,014.61
Apr-15 $611.35
Sep-14 $1,661.58
Jan-14 $ 260.29
Apr-13 $357.44
Oct-13 $351.66
During this period, distributions have never been made quarterly as required in the Treasurer’s job description. One reason for this is that, on a quarterly basis, total donations have not always been sufficient to cover both the Prudent Reserve and a donation to GSO. Therefore, GROW should make distributions to GSO every six months just prior to the Business Meeting and be included in the regular Treasurer’s Report. This is consistent with the way it has actually been done.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 2.1

Results of Voting on Proposal 2.1

Eighteen (18) participants voted “I agree” on the proposal to delete one task from the job description and to change the frequency of distributions to GSO from quarterly to biannual consistent with our Business Meetings. There were no “I disagree” votes on the proposal. Therefore, the proposal is unanimously approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Amend Treasurer’s Job Description to reflect actual practices and constraints: (a) Delete line item directing Treasurer to submit monthly reports to the Steering Committee. (b) Change period for distributions to GSO from quarterly to semi-annual consistent with our Business Meetings.

0418 – Proposal 1: Changes to OIAA Representative’s Job Description

Proposal 1: Changes to OIAA Representative’s job description.

Proposal 1.2: GROW will participate in the OIAA monthly meeting by providing the following anonymous data about our group: (1) Total membership number and number of new members and (2) Total amount of sobriety for members celebrating sobriety birthdays.

The OIAA Representative will ask the Listkeeper to provide the number of new members each month and will use the Birthday Listkeepers end-of-month summary to collect the anonymous sobriety birthday information.

Rationale: OIAA asks that each group representative participates in an ongoing monthly meeting. Many group reps do this by mentioning who they represent and providing some statistics about their group such as, but not limited to: total number of members, number of new members last month, number of shares last month, either total sober years celebrated in the previous month OR the number of members celebrating. All information provided to OIAA by GROWs representative would be completely anonymous, containing no identifying information; only raw numbers would be shared at the OIAA level.

Summary of Comments on Proposal 1 (after approval of proposal)

**** The Chair now realizes that the proposal did not include adding anything to the OIAA Representative’s job description to reflect this decision. We will discuss a new proposal that adds a new bullet to the job description during the fourth 3-day session of our meeting.

**** The Chair further realizes that, in order to provide the information, our Listkeepers will have to keep a tally of new members each month to give this information to the OIAA Rep. We will discuss a new proposal that adds a new bullet to the job description during the fourth 3-day session of our meeting.

Results of Voting on Proposal 1

Sixteen (16) participants voted “I agree” (no one voted “I disagree”) on the proposal to provide anonymous data about GROW to OIAA each month. Therefore, the proposal passes.

Group Conscience Decision:

GROW will participate in the OIAA monthly meeting by providing the following anonymous data about our group: (1) Total membership number and number of new members and (2) Total amount of sobriety for members celebrating sobriety birthdays.

The OIAA Representative will ask the Listkeeper to provide the number of new members each month and will use the Birthday Listkeepers end-of-month summary to collect the anonymous sobriety birthday information.