Apr 2018 – OIAA Representative Report
Hi, I’m Jenny, an alcoholic and your GROW OIAA Representative, reporting on OIAA activities over the past six months.
- OIAA had a huge server crash and lost some member info. It took about two months for them to rebuild after the crash. Group representatives continue to trickle back into the meeting.
- OIAA has several active service groups:
Public Information Committee – provides info and help regarding online AA, meeting locations (physical and online), and other AA info: they respond to around 25-50 queries a month.
12th step committee – 327 requests for help in January alone. Very active.
Welcome committee – not sure how that works.
Unity Committee – Liasons between GSOs and Online AA. - Treasurer is new as of Jan 2018.
- Currently there are not a lot of OIAA members that participate in the month-long Tradition & Concept online meeting. Most people participate during the monthly “Group Report” where group representatives give some statistics about their group – new members, years of sobriety celebrated in their group recently, participation at conferences or other online services, etc. There are also reports from the OIAA sub groups and requests for people to participate in some service categories where membership is lacking. It is not necessary to be an OIAA member to participate in their service groups or to be a participant in the OIAA meeting; however, voting is limited to official group representatives.
- GROW does not currently contribute financially to OIAA – there is a helpful review of that group conscience in the Business Meeting archives on the GROW webpage.
There are opportunities for GROW to increase our participation in OIAA, perhaps initially through providing info at the monthly Group Report.
Jenny | OIAA Rep for GROW