0418 – Proposal 3: URL’s in the Weekly Meeting Format Letter

Proposal 3: Add language about not using URLs in messages to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter.

Proposal 3.2: Add language about not using URLs in messages to blank “Topic for the week” section of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter.

Rationale: Rationale: In April 2017, we decided to discourage the use of URLs – other than those to AA, Grapevine, and GROW website – in messages to our membership. A sentence was added to the monthly “GROW Guidelines for Email Participation” and the corresponding GROW webpage. Recently, a weekly meeting topic went out to our group containing a link to YouTube. Adding the approved language to the weekly meeting format letter will help avoid this.

Recommended Language (add to the Weekly Meeting Format Letter as shown): Topic for the week:
[ Introduce the Topic of the Week – Remember that we do not include URLs to sites outside GROW except links to the AA, Grapevine, and GROW websites. ]

Summary of Comments on Proposal 3.2

Four (4) participants commented on this proposal, all of them supporting it because it improves members’ understanding of AA organizations and events, as was raised in responses to the Group Inventory questions. We will vote on Proposal 11.5 during the fifth 3-day period of our meeting.

Results of Voting on Proposal 3.2

Eighteen (18) participants voted “I agree” on the proposal to add a reminder to our Weekly Topic Leader Message form letter that GROW discourages the use of URLs in messages to the list. No one voted “I disagree” on the proposal; therefore, it is approved and adopted.

Group Conscience Decision:

Add language about not using URLs in messages to blank “Topic for the week” section of the Weekly Meeting Format Letter.